<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var timer function setupDrag() { if (event.srcElement.tagName != "TD") { // don't allow dragging for any other elements event.returnValue = false } else { // setup array of data to be passed to drop target var passedData = [event.srcElement.innerText, event.srcElement.className] // store it as a string event.dataTransfer.setData("Text", passedData.join(":")) event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copy" timer = new Date() } } function timeIt() { if (event.srcElement.tagName == "TD" && timer) { if ((new Date()) - timer > 2000) { alert("Sorry, time is up. Try again.") timer = 0 } } } function handleDrop() { var elem = event.srcElement var passedData = event.dataTransfer.getData("Text") var errMsg = "" if (passedData) { // reconvert passed string to an array passedData = passedData.split(":") if (elem.id == "blank1") { if (passedData[1] == "noun") { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy" event.srcElement.innerText = passedData[0] } else { errMsg = "You can't put an adjective into the noun placeholder." } } else if (elem.id == "blank2") { if (passedData[1] == "adjective") { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy" event.srcElement.innerText = passedData[0] } else { errMsg = "You can't put a noun into the adjective placeholder." } } if (errMsg) { alert(errMsg) } } } function cancelDefault() { if (event.srcElement.id.indexOf("blank") == 0) { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy" event.returnValue = false } } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onDragStart="setupDrag()" onDrag="timeIt()"> <H1>Dragging Event Handlers</H1> <HR> <P>Your goal is to drag one noun and one adjective from the following table into the blanks of the sentence. Select a word from the table and drag it to the desired blank. When you release the mouse, the word will appear in the blank. You have two seconds to complete each blank.</P> <TABLE CELLPADDING=5> <TR><TH>Nouns</TH><TH>Adjectives</TH></TR> <TR><TD class="noun">truck</TD><TD class="adjective">round</TD></TR> <TR><TD class="noun">doll</TD><TD class="adjective">red</TD></TR> <TR><TD class="noun">ball</TD><TD class="adjective">pretty</TD></TR> </TABLE> <P ID="myP" onDragEnter="cancelDefault()" onDragOver="cancelDefault()" onDrop="handleDrop()"> Pat said, "Oh my, the <SPAN ID="blank1" CLASS="blanks"> </SPAN> is so <SPAN ID="blank2" CLASS="blanks"> </SPAN>!"</P> <BUTTON onClick="location.reload()">Reset</BUTTON> </BODY> </HTML>
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