![]() convert_cyr_string
Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » convert_cyr_stringpavel_bashkatov
To: mihailsbo at lycos dot ru Transliteration could be done easier: <? function transliterate($cyrstr) { $ru = array('A', 'a', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?'); $en = array('A', 'a', 'B', 'b', 'V', 'v', 'G', 'g', 'D', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'Zh', 'zh', 'Z', 'z', 'I', 'i', 'J', 'j', 'K', 'k', 'L', 'l', 'M', 'm', 'N', 'n', 'O', 'o', 'P', 'p', 'R', 'r', 'S', 's', 'T', 't', 'U', 'u', 'F', 'f', 'H', 'h', 'C', 'c', 'Ch', 'ch', 'Sh', 'sh', 'Sch', 'sch', '\'', '\'', 'Y', 'y', '\'', '\'', 'E', 'e', 'Ju', 'ju', 'Ja', 'ja'); return str_replace($ru, $en, $cyrstr); } ?> almi
to convert cyrillic string to UTF-8 you can use icovn() function. It does work! <?php echo iconv ('CP1251','UTF-8','some cyr string'); ?> But you should copile your php '--with-iconv=[DIR]' aeon
threed's function works great, but the replacement for the letter small io (ё) needs to be changed from <?php if ($c==184) { $t.=chr(209).chr(209); continue; }; ?> to <?php if ($c==184) { $t.=chr(209).chr(145); continue; }; ?> so, the final working result should look like this: <?php function win3utf($s) { for($i=0, $m=strlen($s); $i<$m; $i++) { $c=ord($s[$i]); if ($c<=127) {$t.=chr($c); continue; } if ($c>=192 && $c<=207) {$t.=chr(208).chr($c-48); continue; } if ($c>=208 && $c<=239) {$t.=chr(208).chr($c-48); continue; } if ($c>=240 && $c<=255) {$t.=chr(209).chr($c-112); continue; } if ($c==184) { $t.=chr(209).chr(209); continue; }; if ($c==168) { $t.=chr(208).chr(129); continue; }; } return $t; } ?> mitya
there is a little script that convert utf to cp1251 <?php function u8($win,$h,$t) { global $w8; $w8[chr($h).chr($t)] = $win; } $c1 = chr(208); $c2 = chr(209); u8("é",208,185); u8("ö",209,134); u8("ó",209,131); u8("ê",208,186); u8("å",208,181); u8("í",208,189); u8("ã",208,179); u8("ø",209,136); u8("ù",209,137); u8("ç",208,183); u8("õ",209,133); u8("ú",209,138); u8("ô",209,132); u8("û",209,139); u8("â",208,178); u8("à",208,176); u8("ï",208,191); u8("ð",209,128); u8("î",208,190); u8("ë",208,187); u8("ä",208,180); u8("æ",208,182); u8("ý",209,141); u8("ÿ",209,143); u8("÷",209,135); u8("ñ",209,129); u8("ì",208,188); u8("è",208,184); u8("ò",209,130); u8("ü",209,140); u8("á",208,177); u8("þ",209,142); u8("É",208,153); u8("Ö",208,166); u8("Ó",208,163); u8("Ê",208,154); u8("Å",208,149); u8("Í",208,157); u8("Ã",208,147); u8("Ø",208,168); u8("Ù",208,169); u8("Ç",208,151); u8("Õ",208,165); u8("Ú",208,170); u8("Ô",208,164); u8("Û",208,171); u8("Â",208,146); u8("À",208,144); u8("Ï",208,159); u8("Ð",208,160); u8("Î",208,158); u8("Ë",208,155); u8("Ä",208,148); u8("Æ",208,150); u8("Ý",208,173); u8("ß",208,175); u8("×",208,167); u8("Ñ",208,161); u8("Ì",208,156); u8("È",208,152); u8("Ò",208,162); u8("Ü",208,172); u8("Á",208,145); u8("Þ",208,174); u8("¸",209,145); u8("¨",208,129); function utf2win ($text) { global $c1,$c2,$w8; $u = false; $temp = ""; for($i=0,$len=strlen($text); $i<$len; $i++) { $c = substr($text,$i,1); if ($u) { $c = $w8[$lc.$c]; $temp .= isset($c)?$c:"?"; $u = false; } else if ($c==$c1 || $c==$c2) { $u = true; $lc = $c; } else $temp .= $c; } return $temp; } $text = file("utf8.txt"); foreach($text as $line) echo " ".utf2win($line); ?> how it works you can see on http://www.alesh.ru/lj But there is another function iconv() (http://php.net/iconv) but not all hosters support iconv zehyaat yandex dotru
Sorry for my previous post. NOT array_reverce, array_flip is actual function. Correct function: function Encode($str,$type=u) { $conv=array(); for($x=192;$x<=239;$x++) $conv[u][chr($x)]=chr(208).chr($x-48); for($x=240;$x<=255;$x++) $conv[u][chr($x)]=chr(209).chr($x-112); $conv[u][chr(168)]=chr(208).chr(129); $conv[u][chr(184)]=chr(209).chr(209); $conv[w]=array_flip($conv[u]); if($type=='w' || $type=='u') return strtr($str,$conv[$type]); else return $str; } Sorry for my English ;) sidor
Sorry for my English 100% worked function for convertion string to utf-8. In this implementation support main cyrilic encodings (cp1251, koi8-r, cp866, mac) For supporting another codepages - just add needed codepage in $recode array (codes in UCS-4. Add just second part of codetable). Second argument for this function for cyrilic codepages - like in convert_cyr_string function ('k','w','a','d','m') Writed in accordance with rfc2279 Created by Andrey A Sidorenko aka sidor http://sidor.nnov.ru/str2utf.txt checat
See also more general http://www.php.net/manual/ref.iconv.php iconv functions (standart in last glibc) and http://www.php.net/manual/ref.recode.php Recode functions german
previous bit of code (grmaxim's win_to_utf8 function) didn't work for me, so I wrote my own func to convert from win1251 to utf8: <?php function win2utf($s) { for($i=0,$m=strlen($s);$i<$m;$i++) { $c=ord($s[$i]); if ($c>127) // convert only special chars if ($c==184) $t.=chr(209).chr(209); // small io elseif ($c==168) $t.=chr(208).chr(129); // capital io else $t.=($c>239?chr(209):chr(208)).chr($c-48); else $t.=$s[$i]; } return $t; } ?> Hope this helps cathody
Praising other people for their efforts to write a convenient UTF8 to Win-1251 functions may I mention that, since str_replace allows arrays as parameters, the function may be rewritten in a slightly efficient way (moreover, the array generated may be stored for performance improvement): <?php function Encode ( $str, $type ) { // $type: // 'w' - encodes from UTF to win // 'u' - encodes from win to UTF static $conv=''; if (!is_array ( $conv )) { $conv=array (); for ( $x=128; $x <=143; $x++ ) { $conv['utf'][]=chr(209).chr($x); $conv['win'][]=chr($x+112); } for ( $x=144; $x <=191; $x++ ) { $conv['utf'][]=chr(208).chr($x); $conv['win'][]=chr($x+48); } $conv['utf'][]=chr(208).chr(129); $conv['win'][]=chr(168); $conv['utf'][]=chr(209).chr(145); $conv['win'][]=chr(184); } if ( $type=='w' ) return str_replace ( $conv['utf'], $conv['win'], $str ); elseif ( $type=='u' ) return str_replace ( $conv['win'], $conv['utf'], $str ); else return $str; } ?> sote korveziroski
Only this code works OK for me, for translating win-1251 to utf-8 for macedonian letters! // Modificated by tapin13 // Corrected by Timuretis // Corrected by Sote for macedonian cyrillic // Convert win-1251 to utf-8 function unicode_mk_cyr($str) { $encode = ""; for ($ii=0;$ii<strlen($str);$ii++) { $xchr=substr($str,$ii,1); echo " ".ord($xchr)."\n"; if (ord($xchr)>191) { $xchr=ord($xchr)+848; $xchr="&#" . $xchr . ";"; } if(ord($xchr) == 129) { $xchr = "Ѓ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 163) { $xchr = "Ј"; } if(ord($xchr) == 138) { $xchr = "Љ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 140) { $xchr = "Њ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 143) { $xchr = "Џ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 141) { $xchr = "Ќ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 189) { $xchr = "Ѕ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 188) { $xchr = "ј"; } if(ord($xchr) == 131) { $xchr = "ѓ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 190) { $xchr = "ѕ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 154) { $xchr = "љ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 156) { $xchr = "њ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 159) { $xchr = "џ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 157) { $xchr = "ќ"; } $encode=$encode . $xchr; } return $encode; } spam
Not all types. there are some sites that support UTF-8. http://www.alesh.ru mokvas
Not all of cyrilic characters are supported by this function. Cyrilic chars from Macedonian Alphabet like Sh, kj, dz' ,nj are not supported.
Most useful conversion class is here http://mikolajj.republika.pl/ recommended for all threed
i tried all functions here to convert from cp1251 to unicode, but they don't work. i think that this work : <?php function win3utf($s) { for($i=0, $m=strlen($s); $i<$m; $i++) { $c=ord($s[$i]); if ($c<=127) {$t.=chr($c); continue; } if ($c>=192 && $c<=207) {$t.=chr(208).chr($c-48); continue; } if ($c>=208 && $c<=239) {$t.=chr(208).chr($c-48); continue; } if ($c>=240 && $c<=255) {$t.=chr(209).chr($c-112); continue; } if ($c==184) { $t.=chr(209).chr(209); continue; }; if ($c==168) { $t.=chr(208).chr(129); continue; }; } return $t; } ?> artyomch
I needed a code for taking UTF8 encoded string from DB and printing it in Win1251 encoded HTML. The problem was that I had to print not just english & cyrillic characters, but all characters stored in UTF encoded string (in my case the DB contained english, russian & hebrew characters). After reading carefully the UTF8 manual, I've written the following code, that converts all non-win1251 characters into html entities (&#XXXX;). function utf8_2_win1251 ($str_src) { $str_dst = ""; $i = 0; while ($i<strlen($str_src)) { $code_dst = 0; $code_src1 = ord($str_src[$i]); $i++; if ($code_src1<=127) { $str_dst .= chr($code_src1); continue; } else if (($code_src1 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { $code_src2 = ord($str_src[$i++]); if (($code_src2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) continue; $code_dst = ( ($code_src1 & 0x1F) << 6) + ($code_src2 & 0x3F); } else if (($code_src1 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { $code_src2 = ord($str_src[$i++]); if (($code_src2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) continue; $code_src3 = ord($str_src[$i++]); if (($code_src3 & 0xC0) != 0x80) continue; $code_dst = ( ($code_src1 & 0x1F) << 12) + ( ($code_src2 & 0x3F) << 6) + ($code_src3 & 0x3F); } else if (($code_src1 & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { $code_src2 = ord($str_src[$i++]); if (($code_src2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) continue; $code_src3 = ord($str_src[$i++]); if (($code_src3 & 0xC0) != 0x80) continue; $code_src4 = ord($str_src[$i++]); if (($code_src4 & 0xC0) != 0x80) continue; $code_dst = ( ($code_src1 & 0x1F) << 18) + ( ($code_src2 & 0x3F) << 12) + ( ($code_src3 & 0x3F) << 6) + ($code_src4 & 0x3F); } else { continue; } if ($code_dst) { if ($code_dst==0x401) { $str_dst .= "¨"; } else if ($code_dst==0x451) { $str_dst .= "¸"; } else if ( ($code_dst>=0x410) && ($code_dst<=0x44F) ) { $str_dst .= chr ($code_dst-848); } else $str_dst .= "&#{$code_dst};"; } } return $str_dst; } grmaxim
I hope it to you we shall help <?php function win_to_utf8($str){ $str = convert_cyr_string($str, 'w','i'); // w - windows-1251 to i - iso8859-5 $str = utf8_encode ($str); // iso8859-5 to utf8 return $str; } function utf8_to_win($str){ $str = utf8_decode ($str); // utf8 to iso8859-5 $str = convert_cyr_string($str, 'i','w'); // w - windows-1251 to i - iso8859-5 return $str; } ?> If there are questions - shall help. Good luck friends!!! sote korveziroski
I have made mistake remove this test line: echo " ".ord($xchr)."\n"; code should be like this: // Modificated by tapin13 // Corrected by Timuretis // Corrected by Sote for macedonian cyrillic // Convert win-1251 to utf-8 function unicode_mk_cyr($str) { $encode = ""; for ($ii=0;$ii<strlen($str);$ii++) { $xchr=substr($str,$ii,1); if (ord($xchr)>191) { $xchr=ord($xchr)+848; $xchr="&#" . $xchr . ";"; } if(ord($xchr) == 129) { $xchr = "Ѓ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 163) { $xchr = "Ј"; } if(ord($xchr) == 138) { $xchr = "Љ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 140) { $xchr = "Њ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 143) { $xchr = "Џ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 141) { $xchr = "Ќ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 189) { $xchr = "Ѕ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 188) { $xchr = "ј"; } if(ord($xchr) == 131) { $xchr = "ѓ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 190) { $xchr = "ѕ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 154) { $xchr = "љ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 156) { $xchr = "њ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 159) { $xchr = "џ"; } if(ord($xchr) == 157) { $xchr = "ќ"; } $encode=$encode . $xchr; } return $encode; } webmaster
Here's a WORKING function to convert from UTF-8 to Windows-1251, if your hosting provider does not support iconv <?php for ($c=0;$c<strlen($s);$c++){ $i=ord($s[$c]); if ($i<=127) $out.=$s[$c]; if ($byte2){ $new_c2=($c1&3)*64+($i&63); $new_c1=($c1>>2)&5; $new_i=$new_c1*256+$new_c2; if ($new_i==1025){ $out_i=168; } else { if ($new_i==1105){ $out_i=184; } else { $out_i=$new_i-848; } } $out.=chr($out_i); $byte2=false; } if (($i>>5)==6) { $c1=$i; $byte2=true; } } return $out; } ?> standov
He is improved function to decode win1251->UTF8 <?php function win2utf($s){ $c209 = chr(209); $c208 = chr(208); $c129 = chr(129); for($i=0; $i<strlen($s); $i++) { $c=ord($s[$i]); if ($c>=192 and $c<=239) $t.=$c208.chr($c-48); elseif ($c>239) $t.=$c209.chr($c-112); elseif ($c==184) $t.=$c209.$c209; elseif ($c==168) $t.=$c208.$c129; else $t.=$s[$i]; } return $t; } ?> felix
Check this code -- exelent to convert win-1251 to UTF-8 just one fix!!! if ($c==184) { $t.=chr(209).chr(145); continue; }; Anything more it is not necessary. It is grateful to threed [at] koralsoft.com 28-Jul-2003 03:37 i tried all functions here to convert from cp1251 to unicode, but they don't work. i think that this work : <?php function win3utf($s) { for($i=0, $m=strlen($s); $i<$m; $i++) { $c=ord($s[$i]); if ($c<=127) {$t.=chr($c); continue; } if ($c>=192 && $c<=207) {$t.=chr(208).chr($c-48); continue; } if ($c>=208 && $c<=239) {$t.=chr(208).chr($c-48); continue; } if ($c>=240 && $c<=255) {$t.=chr(209).chr($c-112); continue; } if ($c==184) { $t.=chr(209).chr(209); continue; }; if ($c==168) { $t.=chr(208).chr(129); continue; }; } return $t; } ?> zehya
cathody at mail dot ru(27-Jul-2005 06:41) You function doesn't work on my PC.. It's work: function Encode2($str,$type) { $conv=array(); for($x=192;$x<=239;$x++) $conv[u][chr($x)]=chr(208).chr($x-48); for($x=240;$x<=255;$x++) $conv[u][chr($x)]=chr(209).chr($x-112); $conv[u][chr(168)]=chr(208).chr(129); $conv[u][chr(184)]=chr(209).chr(209); $conv[w]=array_reverse($conv[u]); if($type=='w' || $type=='u') return strtr($str,$conv[$type]); else return $str; } vasyl skotona
A better function to convert cp1251 string to utf8. Works with russian and ukrainian text. function unicod($str) { $conv=array(); for($x=128;$x<=143;$x++) $conv[$x+112]=chr(209).chr($x); for($x=144;$x<=191;$x++) $conv[$x+48]=chr(208).chr($x); $conv[184]=chr(209).chr(145); #Ñ $conv[168]=chr(208).chr(129); #Ð $conv[179]=chr(209).chr(150); #Ñ $conv[178]=chr(208).chr(134); #Ð $conv[191]=chr(209).chr(151); #Ñ $conv[175]=chr(208).chr(135); #Ñ $conv[186]=chr(209).chr(148); #Ñ $conv[170]=chr(208).chr(132); #Ð $conv[180]=chr(210).chr(145); #Ò $conv[165]=chr(210).chr(144); #Ò $conv[184]=chr(209).chr(145); #Ò $ar=str_split($str); foreach($ar as $b) if(isset($conv[ord($b)])) $nstr.=$conv[ord($b)]; else $nstr.=$b; return $nstr; } apoc
:) what about NUMBER!!!??? function Utf8Win($str,$type="w") { static $conv=''; if (!is_array($conv)) { $conv = array(); for($x=128;$x<=143;$x++) { $conv['u'][]=chr(209).chr($x); $conv['w'][]=chr($x+112); } for($x=144;$x<=191;$x++) { $conv['u'][]=chr(208).chr($x); $conv['w'][]=chr($x+48); } $conv['u'][]=chr(208).chr(129); // Ð $conv['w'][]=chr(168); $conv['u'][]=chr(209).chr(145); // Ñ $conv['w'][]=chr(184); $conv['u'][]=chr(208).chr(135); // Ð $conv['w'][]=chr(175); $conv['u'][]=chr(209).chr(151); // Ñ $conv['w'][]=chr(191); $conv['u'][]=chr(208).chr(134); // Ð $conv['w'][]=chr(178); $conv['u'][]=chr(209).chr(150); // Ñ $conv['w'][]=chr(179); $conv['u'][]=chr(210).chr(144); // Ò $conv['w'][]=chr(165); $conv['u'][]=chr(210).chr(145); // Ò $conv['w'][]=chr(180); $conv['u'][]=chr(208).chr(132); // Ð $conv['w'][]=chr(170); $conv['u'][]=chr(209).chr(148); // Ñ $conv['w'][]=chr(186); $conv['u'][]=chr(226).chr(132).chr(150); // â $conv['w'][]=chr(185); } if ($type == 'w') { return str_replace($conv['u'],$conv['w'],$str); } elseif ($type == 'u') { return str_replace($conv['w'], $conv['u'],$str); } else { return $str; } } webmaster
//I've also built the same way for hebrew to utf converting function heb2utf($s) { for($i=0, $m=strlen($s); $i<$m; $i++) { $c=ord($s[$i]); if ($c<=127) {$t.=chr($c); continue; } if ($c>=224 ) {$t.=chr(215).chr($c-80); continue; } } return $t; } //Simple unicoder and decoder for hebrew and russian: function unicode_hebrew($str) { for ($ii=0;$ii<strlen($str);$ii++) { $xchr=substr($str,$ii,1); if (ord($xchr)>223) { $xchr=ord($xchr)+1264; $xchr="&#" . $xchr . ";"; } $encode=$encode . $xchr; } return $encode; } function unicode_russian($str) { for ($ii=0;$ii<strlen($str);$ii++) { $xchr=substr($str,$ii,1); if (ord($xchr)>191) { $xchr=ord($xchr)+848; $xchr="&#" . $xchr . ";"; } $encode=$encode . $xchr; } return $encode; } function decode_unicoded_hebrew($str) { $decode=""; $ar=split("&#",$str); foreach ($ar as $value ) { $in1=strpos($value,";"); //end of code if ($in1>0) {// unicode $code=substr($value,0,$in1); if ($code>=1456 and $code<=1514) { //hebrew $code=$code-1264; $xchr=chr($code); } else { //other unicode $xchr="&#" . $code . ";"; } $xchr=$xchr . substr($value,$in1+1); } else //not unicode $xchr = $value; $decode=$decode . $xchr; } return $decode; } function decode_unicoded_russian($str) { $decode=""; $ar=split("&#",$str); foreach ($ar as $value ) { $in1=strpos($value,";"); //end of code if ($in1>0) {// unicode $code=substr($value,0,$in1); if ($code>=1040 and $code<=1103) { $code=$code-848; $xchr=chr($code); } else { $xchr="&#" . $code . ";"; } $xchr=$xchr . substr($value,$in1+1); } else $xchr = $value; $decode=$decode . $xchr; } return $decode; } timuretis
// Modificated by tapin13 // Corrected by Timuretis // Convert win-1251 to utf-8 function unicode_russian($str) { $encode = ""; // 1025 = "Ё"; // 1105 = "ё"; for ($ii=0;$ii<strlen($str);$ii++) { $xchr=substr($str,$ii,1); if (ord($xchr)>191) { $xchr=ord($xchr)+848; $xchr="&#" . $xchr . ";"; } if(ord($xchr) == 168) { // $xchr = "Ё"; $xchr = "Ё"; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } if(ord($xchr) == 184) { // $xchr = "ё"; $xchr = "ё"; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } $encode=$encode . $xchr; } return $encode; } tapin13
// Modificated by tapin13 // Convert win-1251 to utf-8 function unicode_russian($str) { $encode = ""; // 1025 = "Ё"; // 1105 = "ё"; for ($ii=0;$ii<strlen($str);$ii++) { $xchr=substr($str,$ii,1); if (ord($xchr)>191) { $xchr=ord($xchr)+848; $xchr="&#" . $xchr . ";"; } if(ord($xchr) == 168) { $xchr = "Ё"; } if(ord($xchr) == 184) { $xchr = "ё"; } $encode=$encode . $xchr; } return $encode; } mihailsbo
<?php // Here is a function that may be useful if you wish // to convert cyrillic text (windows-1251) to english // letters (e.g. for sending to a cell phone) function transliterate( $text ) { $cyrlet = 'ÀÁÂÃÄŨÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞß'. 'àáâãäå¸æçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ'; $englet = 'ABVGD ZIJKLMNOPRSTUFHC `Y`E '. 'abvgd zijklmnoprstufhc `y`e '; $result = ''; for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($text); $i++ ) { $c1 = $text[ $i ]; $p1 = strpos( $cyrlet, $c1 ); if ( $p1 === FALSE ) { $result .= $c1; continue; } $ct = $englet[ $p1 ]; if ( $ct != ' ' ) { $result .= $ct; continue; } switch ( $c1 ) { case 'Å': $ct = 'Je'; break; case 'å': $ct = 'e'; break; case '¨': $ct = 'Jo'; break; case '¸': $ct = 'jo'; break; case 'Æ': $ct = 'Zh'; break; case 'æ': $ct = 'zh'; break; case '×': $ct = 'Ch'; break; case '÷': $ct = 'ch'; break; case 'Ø': $ct = 'Sh'; break; case 'ø': $ct = 'sh'; break; case 'Ù': $ct = 'Sch'; break; case 'ù': $ct = 'sch'; break; case 'Þ': $ct = 'Ju'; break; case 'þ': $ct = 'ju'; break; case 'ß': $ct = 'Ja'; break; case 'ÿ': $ct = 'ja'; break; default: $ct = '?'; } $result .= $ct; } return $result; } ?> // P.S. Thanks to PHP developers for rich and convenient // programming language! |
Change Language![]() addcslashes addslashes bin2hex chop chr chunk_split convert_cyr_string convert_uudecode convert_uuencode count_chars crc32 crypt echo explode fprintf get_html_translation_table hebrev hebrevc html_entity_decode htmlentities htmlspecialchars_decode htmlspecialchars implode join levenshtein localeconv ltrim md5_file md5 metaphone money_format nl_langinfo nl2br number_format ord parse_str printf quoted_printable_decode quotemeta rtrim setlocale sha1_file sha1 similar_text soundex sprintf sscanf str_getcsv str_ireplace str_pad str_repeat str_replace str_rot13 str_shuffle str_split str_word_count strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strip_tags stripcslashes stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp strpbrk strpos strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtoupper strtr substr_compare substr_count substr_replace substr trim ucfirst ucwords vfprintf vprintf vsprintf wordwrap |