![]() date_format
Returns date formatted according to given format
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Code Examples / Notes » date_formatmuthuishere
You can format Date by using the below function This function will be helpful for formatting the date after obtaining the date from MYSQL , or if you need to display the user a formatted date... function Formatdate($rawdate,$format){ /* $rawdate - The Date which should be formatted... $format - The format string.... refer the Date function for format String */ $dateTime = new DateTime($rawdate); $formatted_date=date_format ( $dateTime, $format ); return $formatted_date; } anju
This function only works with php5. I had trouble when I was working with php4. This seems to work: $formatteddate = strftime("%b %d, %Y", strtotime($yourdate)); This will give you result like Sep 06, 2007 matt walsh
The ISO8601 output format doesn't jive with (at least) what eBay expects in its SOAP transactions. eBay wants a UTC time with a 'Z' suffix. That is, eBay (and I'm guessing other web services) will accept "2007-05-04T17:01:17Z" but not "2007-05-04T17:01:17+0000". As it is, the built-in DateTime::ISO8601 format uses the +0000 timezone specifier even when in a UTC timezone. As a workaround, I do this: function get_ebay_UTC_8601(DateTime $time) { $t = clone $time; $t->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC")); return $t->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"); } zardiw
I don't see the point of creating a function that is essentially a copy of the existing date_format function....lol.....z
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