![]() DomDocument->dump_mem
Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string
Example 552. Creating a simple HTML document header<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » domdocument dump mem Examples ( Source code ) » class member variable access Examples ( Source code ) » protected member variable Examples ( Source code ) » var_dump a class Examples ( Source code ) » Using the global Statement to Remember the Value of a Variable Between Function Calls Examples ( Source code ) » Using the static Statement to Remember the Value of a Variable Between Function Calls Code Examples / Notes » domdocument dump membruno dot rodrigues
string dump_mem(int format, string encoding); format=0,1 = <tag>text</tag> format=2 = <tag> text </tag> encoding set's the encoding attribute in line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> jonathan
It seems that if you use $xslt->dump_mem(TRUE) IE: breaks and formats all the HTML Badly. Perhaps its a problem with CR's...
Given the missing description of the encoding parameter, I had hoped it would automatically encode the document if I set the encoding type; this is not the case. At least in PHP v4.3.3, it seems that setting the encoding type does NOTHING other than set the name displayed in the string: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Thus if you want your values to be encoded, you need to manually encode them when you create your DOM object. E.g. assume you have a simple setup like this: <?php $text = '¡Spanish exclamation!' ; $xml = domxml_new_doc( '1.0' ); $node = $xml->create_element( 'example' ); $cdata = $xml->create_cdata_section( $text ); $node->append_child( $cdata ); $xml->append_child( $node ); echo $xml->dump_mem( true, 'UTF-8' ) ; ?> This will output the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <example> <![CDATA[¡Spanish exclamation!]]> </example> However, that is not what was intended, as the exclamation is not UTF-8-encoded. To make $text be encoded correctly, you have to explicitly do so, as in: <?php $cdata = $xml->create_cdata_section( utf8_encode( $text ) ); ?> This results in the output being correctly UTF-8-encoded, as follows: <![CDATA[¡Spanish exclamation!]]> Apparently MSIE's MSXML2.DOMDocument ActiveX control requires UTF-8 encoding for special characters, and it will invalidate the entire document if those chars are not appropriately encoded, so beware. amaslov
<pre> for xml file that goes like this: <item> <name>foo</name> <desc>bar</desc> </item> Format ID's influence output in this manner: case 0 :{ <item><name>foo</name><desc>bar</desc></item> } case 1 :{ <item> <name>foo</name> <desc>bar</desc> </item> } case 2:{ <item> <name> foo </name> <desc> bar </desc> </item> If you use PHP SAX(Expat) XML engine, you should always stick to format "0". It reads any empty spaces as XML data. </pre> |
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