![]() get_browser
Tells what the user's browser is capable of
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 1357. Listing all information about the users browser<?php The above example will output something similar to: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040803 Firefox/0.9.3 Code Examples / Notes » get_browsermike
You should not rely on just this for cross-browser compatibility issues. Good practice would be to include HTML if-statements for IE stylesheets as well as dynamically checking the browser type.
ansar dot ahmed
We are using get_browser() function for useragent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) the get_browser function is returning as Default Browser and Platform = unknown. So i added this to my browscap.ini manually: [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=WinNT pal
This might be useful for some until the Gary Keith updates his library. I added this to my browscap.ini to detect the latest Safari update for Panther, and the new Safari in Tiger: ;;; Added manually 05.04.19 for Safari 1.3 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/31?] parent=Safari version=1.3 majorver=1 minorver=3 ;;; Added manually 05.04.26 for Safari 2.0 (Shipped with Tiger) [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/41?] parent=Safari version=2.0 majorver=2 minorver=0 Note: Full $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] for Safari 2 (Tiger) is Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/412 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/412 (Disclaimer: I do not know if the entries above conform to whatever syntax standard Gary uses in his file, but it works fine for me). Pål Degerstrøm triad
The only way browscap examines the target browser is through the HTTP_USER_AGENT so there is no way you can determine installed plug-ins. The only way to do that is through client-side JavaScripts.
the example is great if you just want to spit out all that stuff, but i highly doubt anybody really wants to do that. To use the get_browser object in a conditional statement, do something like this: $ua = get_browser (); if ( ( $ua->browser == "Netscape" ) && ( $ua->version < 5 ) ) { // code to fix the page for netscape :) } verx
Please keep in mind that you should somehow (for example in session) cache the required results of get_browser() because it really slows thinks down. We have experienced that without querying for browser data our scripts would run 120-130% faster. the explanation is that over 200kb long file (browscap.ini) has to be loaded and parsed everytime someone access any page (we need browser results on all pages). So keep results in session and expect a performance boost. les
phpSniff (noted in a few places above) is absolutely fantastic. I just installed it, and it is a godsend! It now handles all of my session information needed to go in my database. Thanks for you folks who posted that great Sourceforge resource! http://phpsniff.sourceforge.net/
PHP is sensitive to characters outside the range [ A-Za-z0-9_] as values in .ini files. For example browser=Opera (Bork Version) causes PHP to complain, as it doesn't like the parentheses. If you place quotation marks around the values for all keys in the browscap.ini file, you'll save yourself parsing problems. Do this in eg vi with %s/=\(.*\)/="\1"/g You could of course use PHP itself to fixup the file. Exercise left to the reader. steffen
Keep in mind that get_browser(); really slows down your application. It takes about 22 ms to execute on an idle server with Ubuntu Linux, Apache 2, PHP 5.1.3.
If the "browscap" directive isn't set in your server's php.ini, then an error warning is shown. Just in case, you could make a call to ini_get() to check if the browscap directive is set before using browser_get(). <?php if(ini_get("browscap")) { $browser = get_browse(null, true); } ?> sam
I thought this function might be useful to those without access to the php.ini file (such as those on a shared hosting system): function php_get_browser($agent = NULL){ $agent=$agent?$agent:$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $yu=array(); $q_s=array("#\.#","#\*#","#\?#"); $q_r=array("\.",".*",".?"); $brows=parse_ini_file("php_browscap.ini",true); foreach($brows as $k=>$t){ if(fnmatch($k,$agent)){ $yu['browser_name_pattern']=$k; $pat=preg_replace($q_s,$q_r,$k); $yu['browser_name_regex']=strtolower("^$pat$"); foreach($brows as $g=>$r){ if($t['Parent']==$g){ foreach($brows as $a=>$b){ if($r['Parent']==$a){ $yu=array_merge($yu,$b,$r,$t); foreach($yu as $d=>$z){ $l=strtolower($d); $hu[$l]=$z; } } } } } break; } } return $hu; } define the location of php_browscap.ini wherever you want always returns an array, same functionality as get_browser(NULL,true) Hope someone finds it useful! nick
Here's a quick way to test for a Netscape browser. IE and Konqueror and several others call themselves "Mozilla", but they always qualify it with the word "compatible." $isns = stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Mozilla") && (!(stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "compatible"))); adspeed.com
Here is what we do to fix the parsing error messages for php_browscap.ini downloaded from Gary's website. <?php // fix the browsecap.ini for php $v= file_get_contents('php_browscap.ini'); $v= preg_replace("/\r/","",$v); $v= preg_replace('/="(.*)"/i','=\\1',$v); $v= preg_replace("/platform=(.*)/i","platform=\"\\1\"",$v); $v= preg_replace("/parent=(.*)/i","parent=\"\\1\"",$v); $v= preg_replace("/minorver=(.*)/i","minorver=\"\\1\"",$v); $v= preg_replace("/majorver=(.*)/i","majorver=\"\\1\"",$v); $v= preg_replace("/version=(.*)/i","version=\"\\1\"",$v); $v= preg_replace("/browser=(.*)/i","browser=\"\\1\"",$v); $v= str_replace("[*]","*",$v); file_put_contents('browscap.ini',$v); ?> st dot jonathan
Here is a class I've created that supports an external browscap.ini file (configuration independent) and works faster than get_browser on multiple queries. http://garetjax.info/projects/browscap/ max
Be aware of the fact that this function shows what a specific browser might be able to show, but NOT what the user has turned on/off. So maybe this function tells you that the browser is abel to to javascript even when javascript is turned off by the user. hh
Another PHP browser detection script that might be of use to you is here: http://tech.ratmachines.com/downloads/php_browser_detection.php This script uses a fairly different logic than get_browser, and doesn't worry about things like table/frame ability. This script was being used by mozdev to id Mozilla versions, since it specializes in that kind of specialized id. It also has unix/linux version os iding. tectoniknospam
Another (short) sequential php script to determine browsers family and version. <? // _______ // ----- | CONF. | // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ // add new browsers in lower case here, separated // by spaces - order is important: from left to // right browser family becomes more precise $browsers = "mozilla msie gecko firefox "; $browsers.= "konqueror safari netscape navigator "; $browsers.= "opera mosaic lynx amaya omniweb"; // _______ // ----- |PROCESS| // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $browsers = split(" ", $browsers); $nua = strToLower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $l = strlen($nua); for ($i=0; $i<count($browsers); $i++){ $browser = $browsers[$i]; $n = stristr($nua, $browser); if(strlen($n)>0){ $GLOBALS["ver"] = ""; $GLOBALS["nav"] = $browser; $j=strpos($nua, $GLOBALS["nav"])+$n+strlen($GLOBALS["nav"])+1; for (; $j<=$l; $j++){ $s = substr ($nua, $j, 1); if(is_numeric($GLOBALS["ver"].$s) ) $GLOBALS["ver"] .= $s; else break; } } } // _______ // ----- | USE | // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ echo("<pre>Your browser is: "); echo($GLOBALS["nav"] . " " . $GLOBALS["ver"] . "</pre>"); ?> source: http://tectonik.free.fr/technos/php/ another%20PHP%20browser%20sniffer.php philip
A couple places that may interest you : * http://phpbuilder.com/columns/tim20000821.php3 * http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpsniff/ |