![]() gettype
Get the type of a variable
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
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The function returns "unicode" for Unicode strings in PHP6.
NaN and #IND will return double or float on gettype, while some inexistent values, like division by zero, will return as a boolean FALSE. 0 by the 0th potency returns 1, even though it is mathematically indetermined. <?php $number = 5/0; $number2 = sqrt(-3); $number3 = pow(0, 0); $number4 = 0/0; echo $number."<br />"; echo $number2."<br />"; echo $number3."<br />"; echo $number4."<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo gettype($number)."<br />"; echo gettype($number2)."<br />"; echo gettype($number3)."<br />"; echo gettype($number4); ?> This will return: -1.#IND 1 boolean double integer boolean 0 1 1 0 PHP Warning: Division by zero in C\test.php on line 2 PHP Warning: Division by zero in C:\test.php on line 5 sneskid
I wrote my own gettype function by just using the default is_? functions, but it took twice as long as gettype... So I decided to use gettype with a twist. Taking the warnings about gettype to heart, and depending on your custom needs, it's worthwhile to dynamically test the gettype result with a known variable, and link the result to a predefined result. Like so: <?php /* dynamically create an array by using known variable types link with a predefined value */ $R=array(); $R[gettype(.0)]='number'; $R[gettype(0)]='number'; $R[gettype(true)]='boolean'; $R[gettype('')]='string'; $R[gettype(null)]='null'; $R[gettype(array())]='array'; $R[gettype(new stdClass())]='object'; // what is function wis_($v){ global $R; return $R[gettype($v)]; } echo wis_('hello') . '<br/>'; // "string" echo wis_(24) . '<br/>'; // "number" echo wis_(0.24) . '<br/>'; // "number" echo wis_(null) . '<br/>'; // "null" echo wis_($R) . '<br/>'; // "array" ?> You won't need to worry about changes in gettype's return strings in future versions. If the result evaluates to false then you know the variable tested is some "other" type. I also find these useful <?php function is_num($v){return (is_int($v) || is_double($v));} function is_box($v){return (is_array($v)||is_object($v));} echo is_num(null) . '<br/>'; // false echo is_num(false) . '<br/>'; // false echo is_num('123') . '<br/>'; // false echo is_num(123) . '<br/>'; // true echo is_num(123.0) . '<br/>'; // true ?> matt
Here is something that had me stumped with regards to gettype and is_object. Gettype will report an incomplete object as such, whereas is_object will return FALSE. if (!is_object($incomplete_obj)) { echo 'This variable is not an object, it is a/an ' . gettype($incomplete_obj); } Will print: This variable is not an object, it is a/an object jose
Also returns "NULL" for variables assigned the return of a function that returned no value via "return;". <code> function weird(){ return; } $a=weird(); </code> isset($a) <> 1 empty($a) <> 1 gettype($a) == NULL -Jose Batista ojones
After calling OCIResult to retrieve a NULL result from an Oracle result-set, gettype returns the string 'NULL'.
<?php /*This is a javascript like typeof function that takes the place of is_...*/ function typeof($x){$type = is_ binary($x)?'binary':is_ bool($x)?'bool':is_ buffer($x)?'buffer':is_ callable($x)?'callable':is_ double($x)?'double':is_ float($x)?'float':is_ int($x)?'int':is_ integer($x)?'integer':is_ long($x)?'long':is_ null($x)?'null':is_ numeric($x)?'numeric':is_ object($x)?'object':is_ real($x)?'real':is_ resource($x)?'resource':is_ scalar ($x)?'scalar':is_ string ($x)?'string':is_ unicode($x)?'unicode':false; return $type;} //i.e $something = array(); echo typof($something); //returns array ?> |
Change Language![]() debug_zval_dump doubleval empty floatval get_defined_vars get_resource_type gettype import_request_variables intval is_array is_binary is_bool is_buffer is_callable is_double is_float is_int is_integer is_long is_null is_numeric is_object is_real is_resource is_scalar is_string is_unicode isset print_r serialize settype strval unserialize unset var_dump var_export |