![]() ibase_fetch_row
Fetch a row from an InterBase database
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » ibase_fetch_rowrichard
If you have a query "select ... from table1 where ..." and would like to know the cardinality of the result set by issuing a separate query "select count(*) from table1 where ..." then you might end up with an incorrect value since an insert or delete can occur between the running of these queries (unlikely, but possible). The only way i can think of getting the correct value would be something along the lines of <?php $qry = "select ... from table1 where ..."; $result = ibase_query($tr, $qry) // assume $tr is a transaction $count = 0; while ($row[$count] = ibase_fetch_assoc($result)) $count++; ?> then $count is the cardinality, and $row the result set. Then you can work with the result set: <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { // do something with $row[$i] } ?> gurroa
I had some troubles with moving php application from one dbase to another. From SyBase to Interbase. Especially with missing function "ibase_num_rows($result)". These are functions that helped me. <?php ... $dbh = ibase_connect ($host, $username, $password); ... $ar_count_queries = array(); function ibasequery($query) { $cquery = preg_replace("/SELECT(.*?)FROM(.*?)/","SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \\2",$query); if ($cquery != $query) { $crow=get_object_vars( ibase_fetch_object( ibase_query( $GLOBALS["dbh"], $cquery ) ) ); } @$res = ibase_query($GLOBALS["dbh"],$query); if (isset($res)) { if (isset($crow)) { $GLOBALS["ar_count_queries"][$res] = $radcountselect["COUNT"]; } return $res; } return false; } function ibasenumrows($result) { return $GLOBALS["ar_count_queries"][$res]; } function ibasefetchrow($result) { return get_object_vars(ibase_fetch_object($result)); } // example $result = ibasequery("SELECT * FROM TABLE"); $numrows = ibasenumrows($result); echo "Number of rows: $numrows.\nContent: \n"; while ($onerow = ibasefetchrow($res)) { foreach($onerow as $key => $value) { echo $key.": ".$value.", "; } echo "\n"; } ?> Gurroa |
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