![]() imagettfbbox
Give the bounding box of a text using TrueType fonts
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Related Examples ( Source code ) » imagettfbbox Examples ( Source code ) » Using a Bounding Box to Center Text Examples ( Source code ) » Aligning Text Within a Fixed Space Using imageTTFbbox() Examples ( Source code ) » The TrueType Font Bounding Box Examples ( Source code ) » A Dynamic Bar Chart Code Examples / Notes » imagettfbboxnimja
Warning: james.logsdon's function has a few flaws in copying my own function. Though he did a great job in making an overall nicer looking function it does have a few flaws. His function does not allow for long words (longer then the width) linebreaks (harder then it looks) and has a non-pixel perfect location. The problem with the imagettfbbox function is that different letters give a different x/y top-left coordinate. At least it looks that way for the eye. I 'solved' this by putting a space in front of every line and then offset the text by the width of that space. So, although some things of my function seem useless they do serve an important purpose. info
TTF character charmap page Could use some help in reading ttf file so that unused rectangle chars are filtered out of the charmap see http://www.phpenabled.com/ttf_fontlist/ fontlist.php?font=Phones_NormalA.ttf henrik n
Tried Greg's code below, but it didn't quite work for me. This did, however: <?php $size = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $text); $width = $size[2] + $size[0]; $height = abs($size[1]) + abs($size[7]); $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagettftext($image, $fontSize, 0, 0, abs($size[5]), $black, $font, $text); ?> nate sweet
This script shows you side by side the difference between a font rendered at a certain size and the same font rendered at some multiple of that size and then scaled down by the same multiple. It seems to help small sizes and affects large ones less. This script lets you see if it is worth implementing for your situation. Included is the great "imagettfbboxextended" function by mike at mikeleigh dot com below. $size = 30; $factor = 16; $smallSize = imagettfbboxextended($size, 0, "fonts/MPlantin.ttf", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); $smallWidth = $smallSize['width']; $smallHeight = $smallSize['height']; $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($smallWidth + 20, $smallHeight * 2 + 20); imagefill($canvas, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255)); imagettftext($canvas, $size, 0, 10 + $smallSize['x'], 10 + $smallSize['y'], imagecolorallocate($canvas, 0, 0, 0), "fonts/MPlantin.ttf", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); $largeSize = imagettfbboxextended($size * $factor, 0, "fonts/MPlantin.ttf", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); $largeWidth = $largeSize['width']; $largeHeight = $largeSize['height']; $temp = imagecreatetruecolor($largeWidth, $largeHeight); imagefill($temp, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255)); imagettftext($temp, $size * $factor, 0, $largeSize['x'], $largeSize['y'], imagecolorallocate($temp, 0, 0, 0), "fonts/MPlantin.ttf", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); imagecopyresampled($canvas, $temp, 10 + $smallSize['x'], 10 + $smallSize['y'] + 10, 0, 0, $smallWidth, $smallHeight, $largeWidth, $largeHeight); imagepng($temp, "temp.png"); imagepng($canvas, "test.png"); function imagettfbboxextended($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text) { /*this function extends imagettfbbox and includes within the returned array the actual text width and height as well as the x and y coordinates the text should be drawn from to render correctly. This currently only works for an angle of zero and corrects the issue of hanging letters e.g. jpqg*/ $bbox = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text); //calculate x baseline if($bbox[0] >= -1) { $bbox['x'] = abs($bbox[0] + 1) * -1; } else { //$bbox['x'] = 0; $bbox['x'] = abs($bbox[0] + 2); } //calculate actual text width $bbox['width'] = abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]); if($bbox[0] < -1) { $bbox['width'] = abs($bbox[2]) + abs($bbox[0]) - 1; } //calculate y baseline $bbox['y'] = abs($bbox[5] + 1); //calculate actual text height $bbox['height'] = abs($bbox[7]) - abs($bbox[1]); if($bbox[3] > 0) { $bbox['height'] = abs($bbox[7] - $bbox[1]) - 1; } return $bbox; } nimja
This is a completely rewritten function of "printWordWrapped" because it lacked a few important features. First of all, it started too high with it's text, which was easily fixed. And it has the annoying 'feature' of adding a space in front of every line. Not ideal. But secondly, and more importantly, it didn't support long words or linebreaks. This is all fixed. And I rewrote it for cleaner code. Please note that with the current code you could easily make a vertical align as well if you wanted to. I have not done this myself since it did not fit my own needs (and I'm slightly lazy) Enjoy: <?php function imageTextWrapped(&$img, $x, $y, $width, $font, $color, $text, $textSize, $align="l") { $y += $fontSize; //Correct place for the fonts. $text = str_replace ("\\r", '', $text); //Remove windows line-breaks $srcLines = split ("\\n", $text); //Split text into "lines" $dstLines = Array(); // The destination lines array. foreach ($srcLines as $currentL) { $line = ''; $words = split (" ", $currentL); //Split line into words. foreach ($words as $word) { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line.' '.$word); $lineWidth = $dimensions[4] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line, if the word is to be included if ($lineWidth > $width && !empty($line) ) { // check if it is too big if the word was added, if so, then move on. $dstLines[] = trim($line); //Add the line like it was without spaces. $line = ''; } $line .= $word.' '; } $dstLines[] = trim($line); //Add the line when the line ends. } //Calculate lineheight by common characters. $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, "MXQJPmxqjp123"); //use a custom string to get a fixed height. $lineHeight = $dimensions[1] - $dimensions[5]; // get the heightof this line $align = strtolower(substr($align,0,1)); //Takes the first letter and converts to lower string. Support for Left, left and l etc. foreach ($dstLines as $nr => $line) { if ($align != "l") { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line); $lineWidth = $dimensions[4] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line if ($align == "r") { //If the align is Right $locX = $x + $width - $lineWidth; } else { //If the align is Center $locX = $x + ($width/2) - ($lineWidth/2); } } else { //if the align is Left $locX = $x; } $locY = $y + ($nr * $lineHeight); //Print the line. imagettftext($img, $textSize, 0, $locX, $locY, $color, $font, $line); } } ?> ralphbolton
There's a bit of an annoyance with measuring font sizes and drawing boxes around text. When fonts are measured using ImageTTFbbox, the correct vertical height is returned. That is, the measurement of the phrase "Hanging" will be from the top of the "H" to the bottom of the "g". The problem is that functions like imageTTFtext align with the "line" of the text - that is, in the phrase "Hanging", the alignment is below the "H", not the bottom of the "g". That means that if you draw a rectangle behind your text, it'll be incorrectly aligned because the hanging "g" will be outside the box. For example, this doesn't work as you might expect (because the "g" hangs below the box): <?php // Get the size of the font box $textbox = imageTTFBbox($size, 0, $font, 'Hanging'); $textwidth = abs($textbox[4] - $textbox[0]); $textheight = abs($textbox[5] - $textbox[1]); // Now draw a rectangle on the image $colour = ImageColorAllocate($im, 100, 100, 100); imagefilledrectangle($im, $x, $y - $textheight, $x + $textwidth, $y, $colour ); // Now draw the text $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); ImageTTFText($image['resource'], $size, 0, $x, $y, $black, $font, 'Hanging'); ?> It also seems that the rectangle in the above example is located 1 pixel to the left of the text. I haven't found a way to resolve this problem correctly. Instead, I have enlarged the rectangle and then put the text into it. I don't think this will work absolutely correctly for all fonts, so it's not exactly a perfect solution. However, it's better than nothing! Here is a snippet of it: <?php $enlargex = $textwidth * 0.08; $enlargey = $textheight * 0.1; $enlargey2 = $textheight * 0.5; // Now draw a rectangle on the image $colour = ImageColorAllocate($im, 100, 100, 100); imagefilledrectangle($im, $x - $enlargex, $y - $textheight - $enlargey, $x + $textwidth + $enlargex, $y + $enlarge2, $colour ); ?> brian
There seems to be a little confusion regarding the font coordinate system. PHP's TTF functions will make more sense after you understand the principals of font creation. This guy wrote a really good overview... http://pfaedit.sourceforge.net/overview.html oliver dot martin
The original fixbox function by <php at deathz0rz dot homeunix dot net> doesn't work when the text is rotated, as it assumes that the upper left corner of the text is also the upper left corner of the bounding box. Same goes for the lower right corner. Here is my corrected version of it: <? function fixbbox($bbox) { $tmp_bbox["left"] = min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $tmp_bbox["top"] = min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); $tmp_bbox["width"] = max($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]) - min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $tmp_bbox["height"] = max($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]) - min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); return $tmp_bbox; } ?> However, be aware that this might not be very useful, as gd-2.0.8 introduces a bug which renders the results of imagettfbbox() useless when the text is rotated. This is still not fixed in the the php-4.3.4 bundled version (2.0.15 compatible). lb
the oliver dot martin at onemail dot fixbbox function is just lacking a small thing: the coordonates for top and left have to be the opposite, because the imagettftext x and y coordonates are calculated from the top left of the image and set the bottom left of the first character. The correct function is: function fixbbox($bbox) { $tmp_bbox["left"] = min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $tmp_bbox["top"] = min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); $tmp_bbox["width"] = max($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]) - min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]) + 1; $tmp_bbox["height"] = max($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]) - min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); $tmp_bbox["left"] = 0 - $tmp_bbox["left"]; $tmp_bbox["top"] = 0 - $tmp_bbox["top"]; return $tmp_bbox; } And it works for any rotated text. php
The array this function returns is very strange, at least, i think so... So i created this function that 'fixes' the bounding box array into some human-understandable format <?php function fixbbox($bbox) { $xcorr=0-$bbox[6]; //northwest X $ycorr=0-$bbox[7]; //northwest Y $tmp_bbox['left']=$bbox[6]+$xcorr; $tmp_bbox['top']=$bbox[7]+$ycorr; $tmp_bbox['width']=$bbox[2]+$xcorr; $tmp_bbox['height']=$bbox[3]+$ycorr; return $tmp_bbox; } ?> ruquay
Several comments show that the output of this function is often not what is expected, especially when the text is rotated. For those of you who'd like a visual representation of what is happening to the bounding box as the text is rotated, take a look here: http://ruquay.com/sandbox/imagettf/ nashev
see http://php.rinet.ru/manual/ru/function.imagettftext.php#57416 function ByteCount($s) { $has_mbstring = extension_loaded('mbstring') ||@dl(PHP_SHLIB_PREFIX.'mbstring.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX); $has_mb_shadow = (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload'); if ($has_mbstring && ($has_mb_shadow & 2) ) { $size = mb_strlen($s,'latin1'); } else { $size = strlen($s); } return $size; } function foxy_utf8_to_nce($s) { $utf = "$s"; $max_count = 5; // flag-bits in $max_mark ( 1111 1000 == 5 times 1) $max_mark = 248; // marker for a (theoretical ;-)) 5-byte-char and mask for a 4-byte-char; $html = ''; $ByteCount = ByteCount($utf); for($str_pos = 0; $str_pos < $ByteCount; $str_pos++) { $old_chr = $utf{$str_pos}; $old_val = ord($old_chr); $new_val = 0; $utf8_marker = 0; // skip non-utf-8-chars if ($old_val > 127) { $mark = $max_mark; for ($byte_ctr = $max_count; $byte_ctr > 2; $byte_ctr--) { // actual byte is utf-8-marker? if (($old_val & $mark) == (($mark << 1) & 255)) { $utf8_marker = $byte_ctr - 1; break; } $mark = ($mark << 1) & 255; } } // marker found: collect following bytes if ($utf8_marker > 1 and isset($utf{$str_pos + 1})) { $str_off = 0; $new_val = $old_val & (127 >> $utf8_marker); for($byte_ctr = $utf8_marker; $byte_ctr > 1; $byte_ctr--) { // check if following chars are UTF8 additional data blocks // UTF8 and ord() > 127 if( (ord($utf{$str_pos + 1}) & 192) == 128 ) { $new_val = $new_val << 6; $str_off++; // no need for Addition, bitwise OR is sufficient // 63: more UTF8-bytes; 0011 1111 $new_val = $new_val | ( ord( $utf{$str_pos + $str_off} ) & 63 ); } // no UTF8, but ord() > 127 // nevertheless convert first char to NCE else { $new_val = $old_val; } } // build NCE-Code $html .= '&#'.$new_val.';'; // Skip additional UTF-8-Bytes $str_pos = $str_pos + $str_off; } else { $html .= chr($old_val); //$new_val = $old_val; } } return $html; } lassial dot gmail dot com
Ralph Bolton commented about the difference in calculating the bounding box size vs. aligning text base line. The workaround for this issue is to calculate the difference in height between a character going below baseline and one above the baseline. This is likely going to vary from font to font, so I'd suggest something like this: <?php function fontBaselineOffset($font, $fontSize) { //this should be above baseline $test2="H"; //some of these additional letters should go below it $test3="Hjgqp"; //get the dimension for these two: $box2 = imageTTFBbox($fontSize,0,$font,$test2); $box3 = imageTTFBbox($fontSize,0,$font,$test3); //return the offset value return abs((abs($box2[5]) + abs($box2[1])) - (abs($box3[5]) + abs($box3[1]))); } ?> This is not perfect yet. You should define a range of allowed characters that can go below baseline, compare them to the ones actually found in your string and use them instead of the string $test3 used in the example function above. This should avoid problems with letters that go further below baseline than the others (e.g. there could be a difference between 'g' and 'p') php@da dot mcbf dot net
Pretty trivial, but still might save someone some trouble: on my system (Debian Linux), the absolute path to the font file had to be specified. I tried it relative to the current webpage and that did not work.
Please note that as imageTTFBbox and imageTTFText functions return an array of coordinates which could be negative numbers care must be taken with height and width calculations. The rigth way to do that is to use the abs() function: for an horizontal text: $box = @imageTTFBbox($size,0,$font,$text); $width = abs($box[4] - $box[0]); $height = abs($box[5] - $box[1]); Then to center your text at ($x,$y) position the code should be like that: $x -= $width/2; $y += $heigth/2; imageTTFText($img,$size,0,$x,$y,$color,$font,$text); this because (0,0) page origin is topleft page corner and (0,0) text origin is lower-left readable text corner. Hope this help. magicaltux
One use of this function is to do some WordWrap =p I wrote a little function to make a basic wordwrap : it returns an array with each line in a row. You just have to display each row on a different line (calling many times imagettftext) to get a good result. The character ^ is assumed as a linebreak. <?php function im_wordwrap($txt,$font,$size,$width) { $sep=array(' ','-'); // separators $res=array(); $buf=''; // main function loop for($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++) { $l=$txt{$i}; if ($l=='^') { $res[]=$buf; $buf=''; continue; } $t=$buf.$l; $bbox=imagettfbbox($size,0,$font,$t); $left=($bbox[0]>$bbox[6])?$bbox[6]:$bbox[0]; // determine most far points $right=($bbox[2]>$bbox[4])?$bbox[2]:$bbox[4]; // idem $w=$right-$left; // get total width if ($w>$width) { if ($buf=='') return false; // FATAL: 1 letter is smallest than the pixel width - avoid infinite loop // we can assume that everything present in $buf currently is inside our limits // find a separator in string $fp=false; foreach($sep as $s) { $p=strrpos($buf,$s); if (($p!==false) and ($p>$fp)) $fp=$p; } if ($fp===false) { // let's break here ! $res[]=$buf; $buf=''; $i--; // dececrase $i to retry this letter continue; } // $fp+1 -> we put the separator char at the end of the prev. line =p $res[]=substr($buf,0,$fp+1); $buf=substr($buf,$fp+1); $i--; continue; } $buf.=$l; } if ($buf!='') $res[]=$buf; return $res; } ?> toe dot cutter
Neither Greg's or Henrik N's code worked for me. I figured out that imagettfbbox gives the size (coordinates) of the whole letter (ie. with the hang on 'g' or 'j'). So it was only a matter of finding the correct index of coordinates in the array. Note: This doesn't work on Times New Roman Italic's 'f' for some reason. <?php $size = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $font, $text); $dx = abs($size[2]-$size[0]); $dy = abs($size[5]-$size[3]); ImageTTFText($im, $fontsize, 0, abs($size[6]), abs($size[5]), $txtcolor, $font, $text); ?> nimja
My previous function had 2 bugs which are now fixed: * Align is now pixel perfect, no longer dependant on the first character. Solved by putting a space " " in front of every rendered line, making the basepoint at the exact same place every time. * X Y Coordinates are no longer the base-point, but the perfect top/left coordinates. This made my life designing a LOT easier. Features: * Newline support! (both Windows and Linux) * Paragraph support, no newlines are ignored, not even empty ones. So empty lines are properly supported. * True top/left x/y coordinates instead of TTF basepoint.(at least as close as possible). * Align function for Left, Center and Right * Support for words that are longer then the supported width. <?php //A function for pixel precise text Wrapping function imageTextWrapped(&$img, $x, $y, $width, $font, $color, $text, $textSize, $align="l") { //Recalculate X and Y to have the proper top/left coordinates instead of TTF base-point $y += $textSize; $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, " "); //use a custom string to get a fixed height. $x -= $dimensions[4]-$dimensions[0]; $text = str_replace ("\r", '', $text); //Remove windows line-breaks $srcLines = split ("\n", $text); //Split text into "lines" $dstLines = Array(); // The destination lines array. foreach ($srcLines as $currentL) { $line = ''; $words = split (" ", $currentL); //Split line into words. foreach ($words as $word) { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line.$word); $lineWidth = $dimensions[4] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line, if the word is to be included if ($lineWidth > $width && !empty($line) ) { // check if it is too big if the word was added, if so, then move on. $dstLines[] = ' '.trim($line); //Add the line like it was without spaces. $line = ''; } $line .= $word.' '; } $dstLines[] = ' '.trim($line); //Add the line when the line ends. } //Calculate lineheight by common characters. $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, "MXQJPmxqjp123"); //use a custom string to get a fixed height. $lineHeight = $dimensions[1] - $dimensions[5]; // get the heightof this line $align = strtolower(substr($align,0,1)); //Takes the first letter and converts to lower string. Support for Left, left and l etc. foreach ($dstLines as $nr => $line) { if ($align != "l") { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line); $lineWidth = $dimensions[4] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line if ($align == "r") { //If the align is Right $locX = $x + $width - $lineWidth; } else { //If the align is Center $locX = $x + ($width/2) - ($lineWidth/2); } } else { //if the align is Left $locX = $x; } $locY = $y + ($nr * $lineHeight); //Print the line. imagettftext($img, $textSize, 0, $locX, $locY, $color, $font, $line); } } ?> mickey9801
Most of functions shared here seems only work with western language and is not suitable for multibyte characters (like Chinese). I have written a function using mb_string functions to match the need of multibyte character word wrapping. I also added some machanism so that English word won't be cut off at the end of line. Of couse you must use unicode string on GD. function mb_wordwrap($txt,$font,$size,$width) { $pointer = 0; $this_line_start = 0; $this_line_strlen = 1; $single_byte_stack = ""; $result_lines = array(); while ($pointer <= mb_strlen($txt)) { $this_char = mb_substr($txt,$pointer,1); $tmp_line = mb_substr($txt, $this_line_start, $this_line_strlen); $tmp_line_bbox = imagettfbbox($size,0,$font,$tmp_line); $this_line_width = $tmp_line_bbox[2]-$tmp_line_bbox[0]; if ($this_line_width > $width) { // If last word is alphanumeric, put it to next line rather then cut it off if ($single_byte_stack != "") { $stack_len = mb_strlen($single_byte_stack); $this_line_strlen -= $stack_len; $pointer -= $stack_len; } $result_lines[] = mb_substr($txt, $this_line_start, $this_line_strlen-1); $this_line_start = $pointer; $this_line_strlen = 1; $single_byte_stack = ""; } else { // Prevent to cut off english word at the end of line // if this character is a alphanumeric character or open bracket, put it into stack if ( (ord($this_char)>=48 && ord($this_char)<=57) || (ord($this_char)>=65 && ord($this_char)<=91) || (ord($this_char)>=97 && ord($this_char)<=123) || ord($this_char)==40 || ord($this_char)==60 || ($single_byte_stack=="" && (ord($this_char)==34 || ord($this_char)==39)) ) $single_byte_stack .= $this_char; else $single_byte_stack = ""; // Clear stack if met multibyte character and not line end $this_line_strlen++; $pointer++; } } // Move remained word to result $result_lines[] = mb_substr($txt, $this_line_start); return $result_lines; } thetorpedodog gmail
Just for the sake of consistency, I turned Miles' function into one that takes a $right value rather than a $maxWidth value. This makes it like all the other image* functions. <?php function imageprintWordWrapped(&$image, $top, $left, $right, $font, $color, $text, $textSize, $halign="left") { $maxWidth = $right - $left ; //the trivial change $words = explode(' ', strip_tags($text)); // split the text into an array of single words $line = ''; while (count($words) > 0) { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line.' '.$words[0]); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line, if the word is to be included if ($lineWidth > $maxWidth) { // if this makes the text wider that anticipated $lines[] = $line; // add the line to the others $line = ''; // empty it (the word will be added outside the loop) } $line .= ' '.$words[0]; // add the word to the current sentence $words = array_slice($words, 1); // remove the word from the array } if ($line != '') { $lines[] = $line; } // add the last line to the others, if it isn't empty $lineHeight = $dimensions[1] - $dimensions[7]; // the height of a single line $height = count($lines) * $lineHeight; // the height of all the lines total // do the actual printing $i = 0; //print_R($widths); foreach ($lines as $line) { if($halign=="center") { //figure out width of line $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; //figure out where the center is. $center=floor($maxWidth/2 + $left); $leftStart=$center-$lineWidth/2; } else if ($halign=="right") { //figure out width of line $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; $leftStart=$left+$maxWidth-$lineWidth; } else { $leftStart=$left; } imagettftext($image, $textSize, 0, $leftStart, $top + $lineHeight * $i, $color, $font, $line); $i++; } return $height; } ?> nate sweet
It took me some time to make full use of imagettfbbox. Hopefully the following function makes it much easier to use for others. <?php function convertBoundingBox ($bbox) { if ($bbox[0] >= -1) $leftOfBasepoint = -abs($bbox[0] + 1); else $leftOfBasepoint = abs($bbox[0] + 2); $rightOfBasepoint = abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]); if ($bbox[0] < -1) $rightOfBasepoint = abs($bbox[2]) + abs($bbox[0]) - 1; $aboveBasepoint = abs($bbox[5] + 1); $height = abs($bbox[7]) - abs($bbox[1]); if ($bbox[3] > 0) $height = abs($bbox[7] - $bbox[1]) - 1; $width = $leftOfBasepoint + $rightOfBasepoint; $belowBasepoint = $height - $aboveBasepoint; return array( 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'leftOfBasepoint' => $leftOfBasepoint, 'rightOfBasepoint' => $rightOfBasepoint, 'aboveBasepoint' => $aboveBasepoint, 'belowBasepoint' => $belowBasepoint ); } ?> Thanks goes to mike at mikeleigh dot com for providing the core of this function. Remember, the basepoint is the x, y coords you use to draw text with imagettftext. A useful thing to do is take a string like... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890 ...and use the "aboveBasepoint" value for the height of your font. Now you can draw lines and use "the height of your font * leading" as the distance between lines of text, where leading is a number like 1.45 (for 45% leading). james.logsdon
I've modified Nimja's function a little. It doesn't support line-breaks (didn't need it in my script), but it's easy enough to add in. <?php function imageWordWrapBBox ( $Text, $Width = 650, $FontSize = 10, $Font = './fonts/arial.ttf' ) { $Words = split ( ' ', $Text ); $Lines = array ( ); $Line = ''; foreach ( $Words as $Word ) { $Box = imagettfbbox ( $FontSize, 0, $Font, $Line . $Word ); $Size = $Box[4] - $Box[0]; if ( $Size > $Width ) { $Lines[] = trim ( $Line ); $Line = ''; } $Line .= $Word . ' '; } $Lines[] = trim ( $Line ); $Dimensions = imagettfbbox ( $FontSize, 0, $Font, 'AJLMYabdfghjklpqry019`@$^&*(,' ); $lineHeight = $Dimensions[1] - $Dimensions[5]; return array ( $lineHeight, $Lines, $lineHeight * count ( $Lines ) ); } function imageWordWrap ( $Text, $Width, $Color, $X = 0, $Y = 0, $FontSize = 10, $Font = './fonts/arial.ttf' ) { $Data = $this->imageWordWrapBBox ( $Text, $Width, $FontSize, $Font ); foreach ( $Data[1] as $Key => $Line ) { $locX = $X; $locY = $Y + ( $Key * $Data[0] ); imagettftext ( $this->Image, $FontSize, 0, $locX, $locY, $Color, $Font, $Line ); } return $Data; } ?> fernandez_marce
I would modify the last function imageprintWordWrapped() posted below. When it says: // do the actual printing $i = 0; $i should be equal to 1, because if $top is greater than 0, the imagettftext() call will not work for the first element in the $lines array ($top + lineHeight*$i) == $top when $i=0! imagettftext($image, $textSize, 0, $leftStart, $top + $lineHeight * $i, $color, $font, $line); $i++; To sum up, replace // do the actual printing $i = 0; with: // do the actual printing $i = 1; Cheers, Marcelo c.scheffers gmail
I would like to post a small modification to the imageprintWordWrapped() posted below also. The following code causes each line to start with a space, which results in the incorrect alignment of text: $line .= ' '.$words[0]; // add the word to the current sentence A (quick) fix for this problem: $line .= ($line != '' ? ' ' : '').$words[0]; // add the word to the current sentence jrisken
I took Magicaltux's word wrap procedure and modified it in two ways. I changed the order of processing so that the string plotting function is called only once for each word instead of for every character. And I wrote the results to a string scalar instead of a string array, with embedded breaks at line ends. It should run pretty fast. Mine breaks only on spaces, but hyphens could easily be added. I'm new to PHP so I apologize for my idiosyncratic formatting conventions. <? function myWordWrap($txt,$font,$size,$width) { /* word-wrapper. gets bounding box sizes for each word in a string, then strings words together up to desired width. calls strpos and imagettfbbox only once per word - so very fast. this version reconcatenates the words with a character where the line break should be. */ $txt.=" "; // guaranteed to find end of line $spaces=array(); $wids=array(); $i=0; while(true) { $j=strpos(substr($txt,$i)," "); if(!($j===false)) { $spaces[]=$j+$i; $bbox=imagettfbbox($size,0,$font,substr($txt,$i,$j+1)); $left=($bbox[0]>$bbox[6])?$bbox[6]:$bbox[0]; $right=($bbox[2]>$bbox[4])?$bbox[2]:$bbox[4]; $wids[]=$right-$left; $i=$j+$i+1; } else break; } $lastspace=-1; $cum=0; $t2=""; for($i=0;$i<count($spaces);$i++) { if((($cum>0)&&($cum+$wids[$i])>$width)) // time for a line break { $t2.=" "; $cum=0; $i--; } else { // we'll always get at least one word (even if too wide) thanks to // ($cum>0) test above $t2.=substr($txt,$lastspace+1,$spaces[$i]-$lastspace); $cum+=$wids[$i]; $lastspace=$spaces[$i]; } } return $t2; } ?> intuz et gmx dt de
I still got problems trying to rotate imagettftext using imagettfbbox. It's position calculation is mostly wrong. So i tried to rotate ttftext with IMAGEROTATE. As a special the result is in black fontcolor and transparent background. Hope it helps sombody (thanks for function convertBoundingBox, reading below) <? function ImgText($text,$fontsize,$font,$angle){ $im = ''; if($text){ if(!$fontsize || $fontsize < 1) $fontsize = 12; if(!$font) $font = "fonts/arial.ttf"; $bbox = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $font, $text); $size=convertBoundingBox($bbox); $im = ImageCreatetruecolor($size['width'],$size['height']); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0,0,0); imagefill ($im, 0, 0, $white ); imagettftext($im, $fontsize, 0, $size['xOffset'], $size['yOffset'], $black, $font, $text); $im = imagerotate( $im,$angle, $white); imagecolortransparent ($im,$white); }else{ // No text } } ?> soukhinov
I have tryed all of fixes The David Eder's fix is the only working fix. The "jtopland at hive dot no"s fix is good enough, but it not working with angle = 180 degrees. mickey9801
I have revised my mb_wordwrap function to fix 2 major bugs: cannot handle line break and infinite loop while handling very very long long long single byte word. <?php function mb_wordwrap($txt,$font,$size,$width) { $pointer = 0; // Current character position pointer $this_line_start = 0; // Starting character position of current line $this_line_strlen = 1; // How long is the current line $single_byte_stack = ""; // Variable for storing single byte word $sbs_line_width = 0; // Pixel width of the Single byte word $this_is_cr = FALSE; // Check if the character is new line code (ASCII=10) $result_lines = array(); // Array for storing the return result while ($pointer < mb_strlen($txt)) { $this_char = mb_substr($txt,$pointer,1); if (ord($this_char[0])==10) $this_is_cr = TRUE; // Check if it is a new line // Check current line width $tmp_line = mb_substr($txt, $this_line_start, $this_line_strlen); $tmp_line_bbox = imagettfbbox($size,0,$font,$tmp_line); $this_line_width = $tmp_line_bbox[2]-$tmp_line_bbox[0]; // Prevent to cut off english word at the end of line // if this character is a alphanumeric character or open bracket, put it into stack if (is_alphanumeric($this_char, $single_byte_stack)) $single_byte_stack .= $this_char; // Check the width of single byte words if ($single_byte_stack != "") { $tmp_line_bbox = imagettfbbox($size,0,$font,$single_byte_stack); $sbs_line_width = $tmp_line_bbox[2]-$tmp_line_bbox[0]; } if ($this_is_cr || $this_line_width > $width || $sbs_line_width >= $width) { // If last word is alphanumeric, put it to next line rather then cut it off if ($single_byte_stack != "" && is_alphanumeric($this_char, $single_byte_stack) && $sbs_line_width < $width) { $stack_len = mb_strlen($single_byte_stack); $this_line_strlen = $this_line_strlen - $stack_len + 1; $pointer = $pointer - $stack_len + 1; } // Move the current line to result array and reset all counter $result_lines[] = mb_substr($txt, $this_line_start, $this_line_strlen-1); if ($this_is_cr) { $pointer++; $this_is_cr=FALSE; } if ($sbs_line_width >= $width) $sbs_line_width = 0; $this_line_start = $pointer; $this_line_strlen = 1; $single_byte_stack = ""; } else { if (!is_alphanumeric($this_char, $single_byte_stack)) { $single_byte_stack = ""; // Clear stack if met multibyte character and not line end } $this_line_strlen++; $pointer++; } } // Move remained word to result $result_lines[] = mb_substr($txt, $this_line_start); return $result_lines; } function is_alphanumeric($character, $stack) { if ( (ord($character)>=48 && ord($character)<=57) || (ord($character)>=65 && ord($character)<=91) || (ord($character)>=97 && ord($character)<=123) || ord($character)==40 || ord($character)==60 || ($stack=="" && (ord($character)==34 || ord($character)==39)) ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } ?> mike
I have been testing this function for a while now and have come up with many of the same issues that other people have touched upon. Not being able to calculate the width of the text correctly. Or if a solution is found then it won't work with a hanging letter or a negative start letter like 'j'. Like Ralph I also wanted to draw a box around some text and this would require me being pixel perfect with the font. The trouble is I did not know which font would be used or which size. This led me to come up with a solution which I am sharing below. <?php function imagettfbboxextended($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text) { /*this function extends imagettfbbox and includes within the returned array the actual text width and height as well as the x and y coordinates the text should be drawn from to render correctly. This currently only works for an angle of zero and corrects the issue of hanging letters e.g. jpqg*/ $bbox = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text); //calculate x baseline if($bbox[0] >= -1) { $bbox['x'] = abs($bbox[0] + 1) * -1; } else { //$bbox['x'] = 0; $bbox['x'] = abs($bbox[0] + 2); } //calculate actual text width $bbox['width'] = abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]); if($bbox[0] < -1) { $bbox['width'] = abs($bbox[2]) + abs($bbox[0]) - 1; } //calculate y baseline $bbox['y'] = abs($bbox[5] + 1); //calculate actual text height $bbox['height'] = abs($bbox[7]) - abs($bbox[1]); if($bbox[3] > 0) { $bbox['height'] = abs($bbox[7] - $bbox[1]) - 1; } return $bbox; } ?> The function above gives the correct x and y coordinates that the text should be drawn from and also gives the actual image width and height. This has been tested with various fonts and sizes ranging from 6 up to 144 points. Some of the output will appear to be incorrect and have an extra pixel on the right, using verdana at size 144 and outputting the character 'Q' for example. This is not an error as this is part of the anti-aliasing of the font output. Example Usage: <?php $font = 'c:\windows\fonts\verdana.ttf'; $font_size = 144; $text = 'jÃyZgQ'; $bbox = imagettfbboxextended($font_size, 0, $font, $text); ?> Return Values: Array ( [0] => -8 [1] => 40 [2] => 715 [3] => 40 [4] => 715 [5] => -177 [6] => -8 [7] => -177 [x] => 6 [width] => 722 [y] => 176 [height] => 216 ) Further notes can be found here along with images of the output of the function http://mikeleigh.com/links/imagettfbbox miles
Here is a slight modification to the function posted below that vegard posted that allows for left, right or center alignment within the text boxes. $halign has a default of left. center, and right can also be put in. <?php function printWordWrapped(&$image, $top, $left, $maxWidth, $font, $color, $text, $textSize, $halign="left") { $words = explode(' ', strip_tags($text)); // split the text into an array of single words $line = ''; while (count($words) > 0) { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line.' '.$words[0]); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line, if the word is to be included if ($lineWidth > $maxWidth) { // if this makes the text wider that anticipated $lines[] = $line; // add the line to the others $line = ''; // empty it (the word will be added outside the loop) } $line .= ' '.$words[0]; // add the word to the current sentence $words = array_slice($words, 1); // remove the word from the array } if ($line != '') { $lines[] = $line; } // add the last line to the others, if it isn't empty $lineHeight = $dimensions[1] - $dimensions[7]; // the height of a single line $height = count($lines) * $lineHeight; // the height of all the lines total // do the actual printing $i = 0; //print_R($widths); foreach ($lines as $line) { if($halign=="center") { //figure out width of line $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; //figure out where the center is. $center=floor($maxWidth/2 + $left); $leftStart=$center-$lineWidth/2; } else if ($halign=="right") { //figure out width of line $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; $leftStart=$left+$maxWidth-$lineWidth; } else { $leftStart=$left; } imagettftext($image, $textSize, 0, $leftStart, $top + $lineHeight * $i, $color, $font, $line); $i++; } return $height; } ?> helloktk
Here is a function which moves the center of text's bounding box to a given pivot point (px,py) and rotates text about that point. <?php $width=500; $height=400; $fontpath = 'c:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf'; $text = 'Finally, I have a roated text box'; $fontsize = 20; $angle = 30.0; // create an image and fill the background with lightgray $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); imagefill($image, 0, 0, 0xDDDDDD); // bounding box $bbox = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $fontpath, $text); // baseline point for drawing non-rotated text. $x0= $bbox[6]; $y0=-$bbox[7]; // fixes bounding box w.r.t. image coordinate. $bbox[5]=-$bbox[5]+$bbox[1]; $bbox[7]=-$bbox[7]+$bbox[3]; $bbox[1]=0; $bbox[3]=0; // get the size of image. $sx=imagesx($image); $sy=imagesy($image); // center of bounding box (xc,yc); $xc=($bbox[0]+$bbox[2])/2.0; $yc=($bbox[1]+$bbox[7])/2.0; // rotation angle in radian $rad=$angle*pi()/180.0; $sa=sin($rad); $ca=cos($rad); $x1=$x0-$xc; $y1=$y0-$yc; //pivot point(here, we take the center of image) $px=$sx/2.0; $py=$sy/2.0; // new baseline point for rotated text. $x2= intval( $x1*$ca+$y1*$sa+$px+0.5); $y2= intval(-$x1*$sa+$y1*$ca+$py+0.5); imagettftext($image,$fontsize,$angle,$x2,$y2,0xFF,$fontpath,$text); // draw rotated bounding box; rotbbox($bbox,$angle,$px,$py); for($i=0;$i<4;$i++){ $x0=$bbox[2*$i+0]; $y0=$bbox[2*$i+1]; $j=$i+1; if($j==4) $j=0; $x1=$bbox[2*$j+0]; $y1=$bbox[2*$j+1]; imageline($image,$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1,0xFF0000); } // Show the image imagepng($image); function rotbbox(&$bbox,$angle,$px,$py){ $xc=($bbox[0]+$bbox[2])/2.0; $yc=($bbox[1]+$bbox[7])/2.0; $rad=$angle*pi()/180.0; $sa=sin($rad); $ca=cos($rad); for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++){ $x=$bbox[$i*2+0]-$xc; $y=$bbox[$i*2+1]-$yc; $bbox[$i*2+0]= intval( $ca*$x+$sa*$y+$px+0.5); $bbox[$i*2+1]= intval(-$sa*$x+$ca*$y+$py+0.5); } } ?> vegard
Here is a function that wordwraps text you want to print, allows to specify where the text should be printed, what the maximum width should be, and returns the height used. <?php function printWordWrapped(&$image, $top, $left, $maxWidth, $font, $color, $text, $textSize) { $words = explode(' ', strip_tags($text)); // split the text into an array of single words $line = ''; while (count($words) > 0) { $dimensions = imagettfbbox($textSize, 0, $font, $line.' '.$words[0]); $lineWidth = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0]; // get the length of this line, if the word is to be included if ($lineWidth > $maxWidth) { // if this makes the text wider that anticipated $lines[] = $line; // add the line to the others $line = ''; // empty it (the word will be added outside the loop) } $line .= ' '.$words[0]; // add the word to the current sentence $words = array_slice($words, 1); // remove the word from the array } if ($line != '') { $lines[] = $line; } // add the last line to the others, if it isn't empty $lineHeight = $dimensions[1] - $dimensions[7]; // the height of a single line $height = count($lines) * $lineHeight; // the height of all the lines total // do the actual printing $i = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { imagettftext($image, $textSize, 0, $left, $top + $lineHeight * $i, $color, $font, $line); $i++; } return $height; } ?> ryan
Here is a function that lets you write a string with your own "font tracking" level (the amount of pixels separating each character). It uses imagettfbbox to determine the width of each character, so it doesn't discriminate against the skinnier of characters. For this example, let $t = the amount of distance in pixels you want to separate each character from its neighbors. <?php function ImageTTFTextWithTracking($im, $size, $angle, $t, $x, $y, $color, $font, $text) { $numchar = strlen($text); for($i = 0; $i < $numchar; $i++) { # Assign character $char[$i] = substr($text, $i, 1); # Write character imagettftext($im, $size, $angle, ($x + $w + ($i * $t)), $y, $color, $font, $char[$i]); # Get width of character $width = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $font, $char[$i]); $w = $w + $width[2]; } } ?> Be aware that it currently does not work for angles other than the 0 default (I have no need for that). webmaster
Here a little code snippet to align the text to horizontally center: <?php $insert = imagecreatefromgif("test.gif"); $text="TEST"; $font="arial.ttf"; //choose textcolor (black) $col=ImageColorAllocate ($insert, 0, 0, 0); //check width of the text $bbox=imagettfbbox (12, 0, $font, $text); $xcorr=0-$bbox[6]; $mase=$bbox[2]+$xcorr; //check width of the image $width=imagesx($insert); //calculate x coordinates for text $new=($width-$mase)/2; //write text imagettftext ($insert, 12, 0, $new, 50, $col, $font, $text); //output picture imagegif($insert,"",100); ?> greg
Have a problem with imagettfbbox cutting off the hang of letters such as 'g' or 'j'?? After days trying to figure this thing out, I finally cracked it: $size = imagettfbbox($s,0,$font,$text); $dx=abs($size[0])+abs($size[2]); $dy=abs($size[1])+abs($size[7]); ImageTTFText($im, $s, 0, $dx-abs($size[0]), $dy-abs($size[1]), $black, $font, $text); The key is the abs commands - you must account for the negative numbers in the original imagettfbbox, and if you have any, take them away from the location at the end when the text is displayed: you need to start the x and y at a (possibly) negative number, not 0,0 as I had thought. Hope that helps someone.. jtopland
Finally managed to make a fixed version of imagettfbbox(). All angles returns correct values. Except that imagettftext() returns different trackings (space between each character) when rotating. <?php // Set some test variables $font = "d://www//tahoma.ttf"; $text = "Finally, I can center rotated text!"; $size = 20; $angle = 20; // Create an image and fill the background with lightgray $image = imagecreatetruecolor(500, 400); imagefill($image, 0, 0, hexdec("dddddd")); // Make a cross to make it easier to analyze imageline($image, 0, 0, imagesx($image), imagesy($image), hexdec("000000")); imageline($image, imagesx($image), 0, 0, imagesy($image), hexdec("000000")); // Run a fixed version of imagettfbbox() $bbox = imagettfbbox_fixed($size, $angle, $font, $text); // Make some text and center the text on the image. // imagettftext() pivot is on lower left imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, imagesx($image) / 2 - $bbox['width'] / 2, imagesy($image) / 2 + $bbox['height'] / 2, hexdec("0000ff"), $font, $text); // Show the image imagepng($image); function imagettfbbox_fixed($size, $angle, $font, $text) { // Get the boundingbox from imagettfbbox(), which is correct when angle is 0 $bbox = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $font, $text); // Rotate the boundingbox $angle = pi() * 2 - $angle * pi() * 2 / 360; for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { $x = $bbox[$i * 2]; $y = $bbox[$i * 2 + 1]; $bbox[$i * 2] = cos($angle) * $x - sin($angle) * $y; $bbox[$i * 2 + 1] = sin($angle) * $x + cos($angle) * $y; } // Variables which tells the correct width and height $bbox['width'] = $bbox[0] + $bbox[4]; $bbox['height'] = $bbox[1] - $bbox[5]; return $bbox; } ?> david eder
As "oliver dot martin at onemail dot at" noted above, imagettfbbox() does not work correctly in php 4.3.4. To remedy this, I've written a short function that uses trig to calculate the bounding box from rotating a non-rotated piece of text. Hopefully, this comment will be obsolete soon, but for now, ... function imagettfbbox_t($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text) { // compute size with a zero angle $coords = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $fontfile, $text); // convert angle to radians $a = $angle * M_PI / 180; // compute some usefull values $ca = cos($a); $sa = sin($a); $ret = array(); // perform transformations for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i += 2) { $ret[$i] = round($coords[$i] * $ca + $coords[$i+1] * $sa); $ret[$i+1] = round($coords[$i+1] * $ca - $coords[$i] * $sa); } return $ret; } bushj
Apparently the bounding box returned by imagettftext and imagettfbbox is not the same, and it appears as though imagettftext does a better job at calculating the actual bounding box (maybe because it has to render every character and it then finds out really everywhere it rendered). So, you can create a dummy image render the text to it and get a better box. Here is an example function: <?php function better_imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $font, $text) { $dummy = imagecreate(1, 1); $black = imagecolorallocate($dummy, 0, 0, 0); $bbox = imagettftext($dummy, $size, $angle, 0, 0, $black, $font, $text); imagedestroy($dummy); return $bbox; } ?> If you use this a lot, it would be better to keep one dummy image instead of continually creating and destroying images. peisenmann
Another function for centered text string. What it does: Generate a truecolor .png image of a text string. The image will be just large enough encompass the text and a 2 px border and the text will be centered in it. It is called from any other page like so... <img src="linkImg.php?text=php.net is great&border=out" /> // Text with #&+"'\<> will need to be escaped, but I've found spaces don't cause errors. I haven't tested this with any other languages. The following code is the file named linkImg.php The file was not designed to have anything else here with it, and the open and close php tags should the the very first and very last characters of the page respectively, as outside whitespace can be a little evil sometimes. <?php //Obtain text and border via GET //Border can be out, in, or flat $text = $_GET['text']; $border = $_GET['border']; $font = "fontpath"; //(str) "fonts/sasquatchlives.ttf" $fontsize = font size; //(int) pixels in GD 1, or points in GD 2 //Register box $box = imagettfbbox ($fontsize, 0, $font, $text); //Find out the width and height of the text box $textW = $box[2] - $box[0]; $textH= $box[3]-$box[5]; //Add padding $paddingx = 10; $paddingy = 10; //Set image dimentions $width = $textW+$paddingx; $height= $textH+$paddingy; //Bottom left corner of text $textx = $paddingx/2; $texty = $height - $paddingy/2; //Shadow offset (pixels) $shadoffx = 1; $shadoffy = 1; //Create the image $img = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); //Define some colors $white = imagecolorallocate($img,255,255,255); $black = imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,0); $lightgrey = imagecolorallocate($img,200,200,200); $grey = imagecolorallocate($img,100,100,100); //Define Text (fg) and background (bg) colors $bgcol = imagecolorallocate($img,192,213,196); //Celadon (light pastel green) $fgcol = imagecolorallocate($img,243,104,88); //Peach // Fill image with background color imagefill($img,0,0,$bgcol); //Write Shadow imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $textx+$shadoffx, $texty+$shadoffy, $grey, $font, $text); //Write Text imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $textx, $texty, $fgcol, $font, $text); //Bordering //Embossed border (button-looking) if ($border == "out") { imageline ($img,0,0,$width,0,$white);imageline ($img,0,0,0,$height,$white); imageline ($img,1,1,$width,1,$lightgrey);imageline ($img,1,1,1,$height-1,$lightgrey); imageline ($img,0,$height-1,$width-1,$height-1,$black);imageline ($img,$width-1,$height-1,$width-1,0,$black); imageline ($img,2,$height-2,$width-2,$height-2,$grey);imageline ($img,$width-2,$height-2,$width-2,2,$grey); } //Flat border if ($border == "flat") { imageline ($img,0,0,$width,0,$white);imageline ($img,0,0,0,$height,$white); imageline ($img,1,1,$width,1,$grey);imageline ($img,1,1,1,$height-1,$grey); imageline ($img,0,$height-1,$width-1,$height-1,$white);imageline ($img,$width-1,$height-1,$width-1,0,$white); imageline ($img,2,$height-2,$width-2,$height-2,$grey);imageline ($img,$width-2,$height-2,$width-2,2,$grey); } //Engraved border (pushed button) if ($border == "in") { imageline ($img,0,0,$width,0,$black);imageline ($img,0,0,0,$height,$black); imageline ($img,1,1,$width,1,$grey);imageline ($img,1,1,1,$height-1,$grey); imageline ($img,0,$height-1,$width-1,$height-1,$white);imageline ($img,$width-1,$height-1,$width-1,0,$white); imageline ($img,2,$height-2,$width-2,$height-2,$lightgrey);imageline ($img,$width-2,$height-2,$width-2,2,$lightgrey); } // Header info header("Content-type: image/png"); //Sends the image imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); ?> Hope this helps someone! -Patrick- nate sweet
An improvement to the convertBoundingBox function. The previous function was completely wrong. My confusion came from characters like "1" and "_" that are rendered to the right or below the basepoint (in the font I'm using). I ended up using mike at mikeleigh dot com's function with a fix for these characters, and a "belowBasepoint" value. <?php function convertBoundingBox ($bbox) { if ($bbox[0] >= -1) $xOffset = -abs($bbox[0] + 1); else $xOffset = abs($bbox[0] + 2); $width = abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]); if ($bbox[0] < -1) $width = abs($bbox[2]) + abs($bbox[0]) - 1; $yOffset = abs($bbox[5] + 1); if ($bbox[5] >= -1) $yOffset = -$yOffset; // Fixed characters below the baseline. $height = abs($bbox[7]) - abs($bbox[1]); if ($bbox[3] > 0) $height = abs($bbox[7] - $bbox[1]) - 1; return array( 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'xOffset' => $xOffset, // Using xCoord + xOffset with imagettftext puts the left most pixel of the text at xCoord. 'yOffset' => $yOffset, // Using yCoord + yOffset with imagettftext puts the top most pixel of the text at yCoord. 'belowBasepoint' => max(0, $bbox[1]) ); } ?> info
according function by jtopland at hive dot no 08-Feb-2004 03:26 soukhinov at mail dot ru was right, the function doesn't work with 180°. By the way it was a intresting way to trasform the angle to radian. Change the calculation of the angle to the following: $angle = $angle/ 180 * pi(); The function to calc. the points is correct. Sorry to say this, but the cal. of the height and width is incorrect. I used the version from LB (11-Feb-2004 08:55) /** * return width and height, offset [left, top] of a ttf character * @param string $font : the font file * @param string $text : the character * @param int $size : the font size * @param int $angle : the angle * @access private * @return array of the width and height, left and top. **/ function _getCharacterSize($font, $text, $size, $angle) { // Get the boundingbox from imagettfbbox(), which is correct when angle is 0 $bbox = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $font, $text); // Rotate the boundingbox $angle = $angle/ 180 * pi(); for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { $x = $bbox[$i * 2]; $y = $bbox[$i * 2 + 1]; $bbox[$i * 2] = cos($angle) * $x - sin($angle) * $y; // X $bbox[$i * 2 + 1] = sin($angle) * $x + cos($angle) * $y; // Y } // Variables which tells the correct width and height $bbox["left"] = 0- min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $bbox["top"] = 0- min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); $bbox["width"] = max($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]) - min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $bbox["height"] = max($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]) - min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); return $bbox; } |
Change Language![]() gd_info getimagesize image_type_to_extension image_type_to_mime_type image2wbmp imagealphablending imageantialias imagearc imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorclosestalpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolorexact imagecolorexactalpha imagecolormatch imagecolorresolve imagecolorresolvealpha imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal imagecolortransparent imageconvolution imagecopy imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray imagecopyresampled imagecopyresized imagecreate imagecreatefromgd2 imagecreatefromgd2part imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm imagecreatetruecolor imagedashedline imagedestroy imageellipse imagefill imagefilledarc imagefilledellipse imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagefilter imagefontheight imagefontwidth imageftbbox imagefttext imagegammacorrect imagegd2 imagegd imagegif imagegrabscreen imagegrabwindow imageinterlace imageistruecolor imagejpeg imagelayereffect imageline imageloadfont imagepalettecopy imagepng imagepolygon imagepsbbox imagepsencodefont imagepsextendfont imagepsfreefont imagepsloadfont imagepsslantfont imagepstext imagerectangle imagerotate imagesavealpha imagesetbrush imagesetpixel imagesetstyle imagesetthickness imagesettile imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy imagetruecolortopalette imagettfbbox imagettftext imagetypes imagewbmp imagexbm iptcembed iptcparse jpeg2wbmp png2wbmp |