Fetch a particular section of the body of the message
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » imap_fetchbodyrfinnie
With regard to message/rfc822 parts, it appears that the IMAP c-client that PHP uses does not follow the IMAP RFC (#2060) correctly. The RFC specifies that to grab the headers for a message/rfc822 part, you would request part "2.HEADER" (assuming 2 is your part number), and the full text of the part would be "2.TEXT". Instead, "2.0" will grab the headers, and just "2" will get the text.
jsimlo yahoo com
this may be the way, how to obtain all those part_numbers.... even when a message contains another message attached, and it contains another message attached... <? $parttypes = array ("text", "multipart", "message", "application", "audio", "image", "video", "other"); function buildparts ($struct, $pno = "") { global $parttypes; switch ($struct->type): case 1: $r = array (); $i = 1; foreach ($struct->parts as $part) $r[] = buildparts ($part, $pno.".".$i++); return implode (", ", $r); case 2: return "{".buildparts ($struct->parts[0], $pno)."}"; default: return '<a href="?p='.substr ($pno, 1).'">'.$parttypes[$struct->type]."/".strtolower ($struct->subtype)."</a>"; endswitch; } $struct = imap_fetchstructure ($pop3mbox, $msguid, FT_UID); echo buildparts ($struct); ?> it will print something like: <a href="?p=1">text/plain</a>, {<a href="?p=2.1">text/plain</a>, <a href="?p=2.2">text/html</a>} bubblocity
This is a well overdue addendum to the code submitted on 14-Jan-2002 02:58. This function was called inside the GetParts function: function concat_ws($separator, $str1, $str2){ if(strlen($str1) && strlen($str2)){ return $str1 . $separator . $str2; } else if (strlen($str1)){ return $str1; } else if (strlen($str2)){ return $str2; } else return ''; } ulrich
The function imap_fetchbody() seems uncapable of getting subordinate parts of a message/rfc822-part. I had problems with getting an attachment that was forwarded in such a part, because the object given by imap_fetchstructure() would assume that the part was represented by the string "". So I wrote this set of functions which parses the raw message-body and creates an array with the struture corresponding to the structure given by imap_fetchstructure(). The function mail_fetchpart() (see below) will work on the array and return even those parts that I could not get with imap_fetchbody(). Example usage of this function: mail_fetchpart($mbox, 2, ""); Note: If the message does not contain multiple pars, the body of the message can be accessed by the part-string "1". I have more functions for parsing and decoding messages, just email me. // get the body of a part of a message according to the // string in $part function mail_fetchpart($mbox, $msgNo, $part) { $parts = mail_fetchparts($mbox, $msgNo); $partNos = explode(".", $part); $currentPart = $parts; while(list ($key, $val) = each($partNos)) { $currentPart = $currentPart[$val]; } if ($currentPart != "") return $currentPart; else return false; } // splits a message given in the body if it is // a mulitpart mime message and returns the parts, // if no parts are found, returns false function mail_mimesplit($header, $body) { $parts = array(); $PN_EREG_BOUNDARY = "Content-Type:(.*)boundary=\"([^\"]+)\""; if (eregi ($PN_EREG_BOUNDARY, $header, $regs)) { $boundary = $regs[2]; $delimiterReg = "([^\r\n]*)$boundary([^\r\n]*)"; if (eregi ($delimiterReg, $body, $results)) { $delimiter = $results[0]; $parts = explode($delimiter, $body); $parts = array_slice ($parts, 1, -1); } return $parts; } else { return false; } } // returns an array with all parts that are // subparts of the given part // if no subparts are found, return the body of // the current part function mail_mimesub($part) { $i = 1; $headDelimiter = "\r\n\r\n"; $delLength = strlen($headDelimiter); // get head & body of the current part $endOfHead = strpos( $part, $headDelimiter); $head = substr($part, 0, $endOfHead); $body = substr($part, $endOfHead + $delLength, strlen($part)); // check whether it is a message according to rfc822 if (stristr($head, "Content-Type: message/rfc822")) { $part = substr($part, $endOfHead + $delLength, strlen($part)); $returnParts[1] = mail_mimesub($part); return $returnParts; // if no message, get subparts and call function recursively } elseif ($subParts = mail_mimesplit($head, $body)) { // got more subparts while (list ($key, $val) = each($subParts)) { $returnParts[$i] = mail_mimesub($val); $i++; } return $returnParts; } else { return $body; } } // get an array with the bodies all parts of an email // the structure of the array corresponds to the // structure that is available with imap_fetchstructure function mail_fetchparts($mbox, $msgNo) { $parts = array(); $header = imap_fetchheader($mbox,$msgNo); $body = imap_body($mbox,$msgNo, FT_INTERNAL); $i = 1; if ($newParts = mail_mimesplit($header, $body)) { while (list ($key, $val) = each($newParts)) { $parts[$i] = mail_mimesub($val); $i++; } } else { $parts[$i] = $body; } return $parts; } noose
Sorry for my english.... for read the attachment's: <? foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { $$k = $v; } $login = 'mylogin'; $password = 'mypassword'; $host = '{myhost:110/pop3}'; $mbox = imap_open("$host", "$login", "$password"); $struckture = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $id); $message = imap_fetchbody($mbox,$id,$part); $name = $struckture->parts[$part]->dparameters[0]->value; $type = $struckture->parts[$part]->typee; ############## type if ($type == 0) { $type = "text/"; } elseif ($type == 1) { $type = "multipart/"; } elseif ($type == 2) { $type = "message/"; } elseif ($type == 3) { $type = "application/"; } elseif ($type == 4) { $type = "audio/"; } elseif ($type == 5) { $type = "image/"; } elseif ($type == 6) { $type = "video"; } elseif($type == 7) { $type = "other/"; } $type .= $struckture->parts[$part]->subtypee; ######## Type end header("Content-typee: ".$type); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$name); ######## coding $coding = $struckture->parts[$part]->encoding; if ($coding == 0) { $message = imap_7bit($message); } elseif ($coding == 1) { $wiadomsoc = imap_8bit($message); } elseif ($coding == 2) { $message = imap_binary($message); } elseif ($coding == 3) { $message = imap_base64($message); } elseif ($coding == 4) { $message = quoted_printable($message); } elseif ($coding == 5) { $message = $message; } echo $message; ########## coding end imap_close($mbox); ?> asfd
PLEASE DOCUMENT THIS POST AND SAVE US SOME TIME! :) ac at artcenter dot ac 17-Feb-2002 04:24 Lets say your email has this structure: 1 multipart plain html 2 x-vcard and... you can't seem to figure out how to get either plain or HTML part of the multipart message? have you been going through all the trouble looking for a PHP mime parser? well here is a simple solution which SHOULD BE documented in this manual. From example above, if you want to get the plain part of the "multipart" message do this: $text=imap_fetchbody($mbox,$msg_num,"1.1"); all you do is instead of part number 1, put 1.1 or to get the HTML part put 1.2 EASY! pmzandbergen
Nice function above. However, there are some webmail (normaly plain text) services like you which don't use structure type 'ATTACHMENT' with the attachments, but 'INLINE' (also plain text is called like this). Just replace if (strtoupper ($structure->disposition) == "ATTACHMENT"){ with if (strtoupper ($structure->disposition) == "ATTACHMENT" || strtoupper ($structure->disposition) == "INLINE" && strtoupper ($structure->subtype) != "PLAIN") { But remember, when uou send a message with plaintext & attachment, also the plaintext is an attachment jbr
Musawir Ali comment is not totally correct, ifdisposition= 1 will never tell you 100% if there is an attachment. You must look at (ifdparameters, ifparameters) if (1) of them is greater then (0), then you need to look inside (parameters), looking at each ($obj->parameters) and check the (attribute) for (NAME, FILENAME), also be sure to set them to upper or lower case before doing your testing. That's the only way to know if you have an attachment. inline attachments will have $obj->ifid equal to 1, the $obj->id will contain the (cid). If $obj->ifid equals 0 then it's also an attachment (file type) if you have (NAME, FILENAME) as the current parameters (attribute). <?php $name = ''; if ( $parent->ifdparameters && sizeof ( $parent->dparameters ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $parent->dparameters as $child ) { if ( strtolower ( $child->attribute ) == 'name' || strtolower ( $child->attribute ) == 'filename' ) { $name = strtolower ( $child->value ); } } } if ( empty ( $name ) ) { if ( $parent->ifparameters && sizeof ( $parent->parameters ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $parent->parameters as $child ) { if ( strtolower ( $child->attribute ) == 'name' || strtolower ( $child->attribute ) == 'filename' ) { $name = strtolower ( $child->value ); } } } } ?> $parent is derived from imap_fetchstructure(), as a child object if $obj->parts is set or as the $parent if $obj->parts is not set! markusnospam
Maybe you prefer a short and recursive way to parse a message and get the part numbers built: ------------------------------------------------------------- function parse_message($obj, $prefix="") { /* Here you can process the data of the main "part" of the message, e.g.: */ do_anything_with_message_struct($obj); if (sizeof($obj->parts) > 0) foreach ($obj->parts as $count=>$p) parse_part($p, $prefix.($count+1)); } function parse_part($obj, $partno) { /* Here you can process the part number and the data of the parts of the message, e.g.: */ do_anything_with_part_struct($obj,$partno); if ($obj->type == TYPEMESSAGE) parse_message($obj->parts[0], $partno."."); else if (sizeof($obj->parts) > 0) foreach ($obj->parts as $count=>$p) parse_part($p, $partno.".".($count+1)); } /* Let's say, you have an already opened mailbox stream $mbox and you like to parse through the first message: */ $msgno = 1; parse_message(imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$msgno)); ac
Lets say your email has this structure: 1 multipart plain html 2 x-vcard and... you can't seem to figure out how to get either plain or HTML part of the multipart message? have you been going through all the trouble looking for a PHP mime parser? well here is a simple solution which SHOULD BE documented in this manual. From example above, if you want to get the plain part of the "multipart" message do this: $text=imap_fetchbody($mbox,$msg_num,"1.1"); all you do is instead of part number 1, put 1.1 or to get the HTML part put 1.2 EASY! adam
It took me a while to figure out how part id's(numbers) are assigned to different parts of a message. After getting a few AOL e-mails that had a semi-complex structure I was finally able to break it down. 0 multipart/mixed 1 multipart/alternative 1.1 text/plain 1.2 text/html 2 message/rfc822 2 multipart/mixed 2.1 multipart/alternative 2.1.1 text/plain 2.1.2 text/html 2.2 message/rfc822 2.2 multipart/alternative 2.2.1 text/plain 2.2.2 text/html Hopefully this will help others get the different body parts of a message. se
If you insist on using imap_fetchbody() to retrieve a mail body that doesn't contain 'parts' [normally you'd use imap_body() ], then note that the header text is in part '0' and the body text in part '1'. So, imap_fetchbody($mbox,$msg,'0') will return the header and imap_fetchbody($mbox,$msg,'1') will return the body text. bubblocity
If you are trying to fetch the body part and don't know what to fetch, here is a function that will return all the body parts as a single string with each part separated by '|' character. Followed by a fuction which will retrieve the structure of that part. You can then parse the return string by explode() and call imap_fetchbody() on each of the parts. Chunks of this code was stolen from the following site: http://www.bitsense.net/PHPNotes/IMAP/imap_fetchstructure.asp <pre> #Function Gets all the subparts , but does not get part: '' function GetParts($this_part, $part_no) { //If it is type message(2)=msg envelope, //Not sure about this assumption : the if statement //double check with RFC822 on this one. if($this_part->type==2){ //and there is only 1 subpart of the envelope //and that subpart is multipart //otherwise will generate excessive '.1' and //send wrong part_no to imap_fetchbody if($this_part->parts[0]->type==1){ $this_part=$this_part->parts[0]; } } if (count($this_part->parts)>0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this_part->parts); $i++) { if ($part_no != "") { $newpartno = $part_no . '.' . ($i +1); } else $newpartno = $i+1; $partstringary[$i] = GetParts($this_part->parts[$i], $newpartno); }//for $partstring = implode('|', $partstringary); }//if $partstring = concat_ws('|', $part_no , $partstring); //echo $partstring ; return $partstring; } ######################################### #Companion function go to GetParts(); #Given the partno - returns the structure ######################################### function GetSubPartStructure($mbox, $msgno, $partno){ $msg_struct = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $msgno); $partsary = explode ('.', $partno); $subpartstruct = $msg_struct; for ($i=0; $i< count($partsary); $i++){ //Not sure about this, if assumption // you should probably double check with RFC822 on this one. if($subpartstruct->type==2){ if($subpartstruct->parts[0]->type==1){ $subpartstruct=$subpartstruct->parts[0]; } } $subpartstruct = $subpartstruct->parts[$partsary[$i]-1]; } return $subpartstruct; } function decodemsg($msgstring, $encoding){ //Write your own function to decode, //or lots of examples within PHP already. return $decodemsg; } #Usage: $msg_struct = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $msgno); $msgparts= GetParts($msg_struct, $part_no); $partsary = explode($msgparts, '|'); for($i=0; $i<count($parsary);$i++){ $substruct = GetSubPartStructure($mbox, $msgno, $partsary[$i]); if($substruct->type==''){ //then this is type TEXT $msg = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $msgno, $msgpartsary[$i]); //Do the decoding $msg = decodemsg($msg, $struct->encoding); echo $msg; //or do whatever you want with it. } else{ //Not TEXT //Do whatever you want //i.e. write the attachment...etc } } </pre> sales
I'm adding this for those of you like me who are scouring the web looking for code to break down a message. These two functions will break down a multi-part and non multi-part message and return the contents of the message in the array $message. It doesn't do attachments. This assumes you've already opened the mailbox and pass it VIA the $mbox. function retrieve_message($mbox, $messageid) { $message = array(); $header = imap_header($mbox, $messageid); $structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $messageid); $message['subject'] = $header->subject; $message['fromaddress'] = $header->fromaddress; $message['toaddress'] = $header->toaddress; $message['ccaddress'] = $header->ccaddress; $message['date'] = $header->date; if (check_type($structure)) { $message['body'] = imap_fetchbody($mbox,$messageid,"1"); ## GET THE BODY OF MULTI-PART MESSAGE if(!$message['body']) {$message['body'] = '[NO TEXT ENTERED INTO THE MESSAGE]\n\n';} } else { $message['body'] = imap_body($mbox, $messageid); if(!$message['body']) {$message['body'] = '[NO TEXT ENTERED INTO THE MESSAGE]\n\n';} } return $message; } function check_type($structure) ## CHECK THE TYPE { if($structure->type == 1) { return(true); ## YES THIS IS A MULTI-PART MESSAGE } else { return(false); ## NO THIS IS NOT A MULTI-PART MESSAGE } } web
I had an issue with the content that was returned by imap_fetchbody - either the function itself, or the mail-server, was inserting "=\r\n" at points into the text body returned. This may depend upon the content type (i.e. plain text / csv, as opposed to something like a Word document), but you may need to do something like: $body = preg_replace("/=(\r?)\n/", '', imap_fetchbody($mailbox, $message, $part)); phpnetlover
Hi everyone I have been inspecting the RFC's and the answer to what to display is not like Musawir Ali in 2 areas 1- You can not rely on disposition being present, not all mail software composes mail to standard, and if you would just take a quick look at the RFC's you will find out that someone can send you email where your solution will fail even though the mail is "within standards" 2- When you are presented with Alternative-multipart, assuming you will find one text-plain and one text-html, you should NOT be looking for HTML then TEXT, the last mentioned subtype is the most loyal to the original composition, you check if you can support the last, if not you simply go one step back and see the one before it, if your client supports it, you take that, and so on, this is how Alternative works, Just because HTML is best colored does not mean we should chose that, we are looking for the closest representation of the original and not for any in specific ted
Here's simple way of extending Makusnospam's little routine to flatten the entire message into an array which can be useful to quickly find the body and attachments just by walking through the array elements. function create_part_array($structure, $prefix="") { $part_array = array(); if (sizeof($structure->parts) > 0) { foreach ($structure->parts as $count => $part) { add_part_to_array($part, $prefix.($count+1), $part_array); } } return $part_array; } function add_part_to_array($obj, $partno, & $part_array) { if ($obj->type == TYPEMESSAGE) { parse_message($obj->parts[0], $partno."."); } else { if (sizeof($obj->parts) > 0) { foreach ($obj->parts as $count => $p) { add_part_to_array($p, $partno.".".($count+1), $part_array); } } } $part_array[] = array('part_number' => $partno, 'part_object' => $obj); } cleong
Here's a routine that yields the part of a message with a particular MIME type: <PRE> function get_mime_type(&$structure) { $primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART", "MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO", "IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER"); if($structure->subtype) { return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' . $structure->subtype; } return "TEXT/PLAIN"; } function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false, $part_number = false) { if(!$structure) { $structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number); } if($structure) { if($mime_type == get_mime_type($structure)) { if(!$part_number) { $part_number = "1"; } $text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number); if($structure->encoding == 3) { return imap_base64($text); } else if($structure->encoding == 4) { return imap_qprint($text); } else { return $text; } } if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ { while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) { if($part_number) { $prefix = $part_number . '.'; } $data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure, $prefix . ($index + 1)); if($data) { return $data; } } } } return false; } // get plain text $data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, "TEXT/PLAIN"); // get HTML text $data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, "TEXT/HTML"); </PRE> Right now only the first part with the matching MIME type is returned. A more useful version would create an array and return all matching parts (for GIFs, for instance). musawir ali
For those of you trying to create a "flexible" email reader, I suggest doing the following. Firstly, instead of going through each part of the email and decoding it, I suggest you go in a specific order. 1) First go through all the parts and search for the part that has subtype=='HTML'. If found, use that as your message body, else go to Step 2. 2) If HTML component not found, search all parts for subtype=='PLAIN'. If found, use that as your message body else print out an error message (this should never occur). 3) At this point, you already have the main body of the email that you should display. The next thing to do is to find all the attachments. You do this by going through all parts, searching for the parts with ifdisposition==1 (there can be multiple). This is the way I did my email reader program and it works perfectly. I started off by using the methods recommended in a lot of webpages (i.e. going through the parts tree like 1.2.1, 1, 2, etc) but the problem is the message body is never in some fixed part! Sometimes its in 1, somtimes 1.1.2, sometimes 2, and sometimes in some totally unexpected place! So my approach was to "search" for the parts that I'm interested. Hope this helps. I also managed to crack the problem with emails containing embedded images. I will probably write a tutorial on that soon. sarachaga
For those guys trying to extract a message/rfc822 parts correctly here is a hint: As you may note, if you recurse over the structure object returned by imap_fetchstructure, when you reach the message/rfc822 you find that the message itself counts as a part too, so an attachment in that message should be 2.1.2 (the .1. is the whole rfc822 msg), but if you use that part number in imap_fetchbody you get nothing. What i did is: my recursing function checks if the part/subtype of a particular part is message/rfc822, and only in that case i do not concatenate the .1 to the part number, because as far as i know, this only happens with this kind of message. And for all the other parts (non rfc822) it concats the dot-partnumber. sito
Better, a fix on a fix... ;) function read_all_parts($uid){ global $mime,$ret_info,$enc; $mime = array("text","multipart","message","application","audio", "image","video","other","unknow"); $enc = array("7BIT","8BIT","BINARY","BASE64", "QUOTED-PRINTABLE","OTHER"); $struct = imap_fetchstructure( $this -> Link, $uid ); $ret_info = array(); function scan($struct,$subkey){ global $mime,$enc,$ret_info; foreach($struct as $key => $value){ if($subkey!=0){ $pid = $subkey.".".($key+1); } else { $pid = ($key+1); } $ret_info[]['pid'] = $pid; $ret_info[key($ret_info)]['type'] = $mime["$value->type"]; $ret_info[key($ret_info)]['encoding'] = $enc["$value->encoding"]; next($ret_info); if(($value->parts)!= null) {scan($value->parts,$pid); } } } if(!is_null($struct->parts)) { scan($struct->parts,0); } else { print_r($struct); echo("<hr>"); $ret_info[]['pid']=1; $ret_info[key($ret_info)]['type']=$mime["$struct->type"]; $ret_info[key($ret_info)]['encoding']=$enc["$struct->encoding"]; } return $ret_info; } guru
After many battles with the imap extension I took it upon myself to write my own implementation using sockets. Below is what I came up with, and hopefully it will be usefull to others as well. I know that there are some parts of this that can be tweaked, however I will leave that for you to do. Use/abuse/mutilate this as you wish (no license). (Note: I am not placing the source here since it is well over 1900 lines ~48KB) http://www.nutextonline.com/cimap.phps If enough people find this usefull I will continue to improve it and eventually commit it (or have it committed) to pear. Also worth noting is the fact that you can use the imap extensions on mbox format mailboxes. A combination of this class with the imap extension would certainly make a great combination of done correctly. anonymous
A very easy way to handle attachments is just using munpack, with a subdirectory called attachments chmod it to 777 and then use the following bit of code (with mpack installed) on the MIME encoded body: <?php //email MIME body in $input file_put_contents("attachments/body.eml",$input); $command = "munpack -C attachments -fq body.eml"; exec($command,$output); if($output[0]!='Did not find anything to unpack from body.eml') { foreach ($output as $attach) { $pieces = explode(" ", $attach); $part = $pieces[0]; echo "<a href=\"attachments/$part\">$part</a> "; } } ?> robc
// This prints all important part numbers: function mime_scan_multipart(&$parts, $part_number) { $n = 1; foreach ($parts as $obj) { if ($obj->type == 1) mime_scan_multipart($obj->parts, "$part_number$n."); else echo "$part_number$n\n"; $n++; } } function mime_scan(&$obj) { if ($obj->type == 1) mime_scan_multipart($obj->parts, ""); else echo "1"; } ... $obj = imap_fetchstructure($fd, $id); mime_scan($obj); php
// $uid - msg number function read_all_parts($uid){ global $mime,$ret_info,$enc; $mime = array("text","multipart","message","application","audio", "image","video","other","unknow"); $enc = array("7BIT","8BIT","BINARY","BASE64", "QUOTED-PRINTABLE","OTHER"); $struct = imap_fetchstructure( $this -> Link, $uid ); $ret_info = array(); function scan($struct,$subkey){ global $mime,$enc,$ret_info; foreach($struct as $key => $value){ if($subkey!=0){ $pid = $subkey.".".($key+1); } else { $pid = ($key+1); } $ret_info[]['pid'] = $pid; $ret_info[key($ret_info)]['type'] = $mime["$value->type"]; $ret_info[key($ret_info)]['encoding'] = $enc["$value->encoding"]; next($ret_info); if(($value->parts)!= null) {scan($value->parts,$pid); } } } scan($struct->parts,0); return $ret_info; } |
Change Languageimap_8bit imap_alerts imap_append imap_base64 imap_binary imap_body imap_bodystruct imap_check imap_clearflag_full imap_close imap_createmailbox imap_delete imap_deletemailbox imap_errors imap_expunge imap_fetch_overview imap_fetchbody imap_fetchheader imap_fetchstructure imap_get_quota imap_get_quotaroot imap_getacl imap_getmailboxes imap_getsubscribed imap_header imap_headerinfo imap_headers imap_last_error imap_list imap_listmailbox imap_listscan imap_listsubscribed imap_lsub imap_mail_compose imap_mail_copy imap_mail_move imap_mail imap_mailboxmsginfo imap_mime_header_decode imap_msgno imap_num_msg imap_num_recent imap_open imap_ping imap_qprint imap_renamemailbox imap_reopen imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist imap_rfc822_parse_headers imap_rfc822_write_address imap_savebody imap_scanmailbox imap_search imap_set_quota imap_setacl imap_setflag_full imap_sort imap_status imap_subscribe imap_thread imap_timeout imap_uid imap_undelete imap_unsubscribe imap_utf7_decode imap_utf7_encode imap_utf8 |