![]() mb_ereg_replace
Replace regular expression with multibyte support
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » mb_ereg_replacesqueegee
well, if you just calculated the length of the find and replace strings once instead of on every loop, it would likely speed it up a lot.
mpnicholas @t gmail dot com
Regarding the mb_str_ireplace() function: I benchmarked it against mb_eregi_replace() for single-character substitution, and it was significantly slower. Despite avoiding the ereg call, I think the while loop ends slowing you down too much for this to be practical.
Are you looking for htmlentities() for multibyte strings? This might help you - it just replace <, >, ", ' /** * Multibyte equivalent for htmlentities() [lite version :)] * * @param string $str * @param string $encoding * @return string **/ function mb_htmlentities($str, $encoding = 'utf-8') { mb_regex_encoding($encoding); $pattern = array('<', '>', '"', '\''); $replacement = array('<', '>', '"', '''); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($pattern); $i++) { $str = mb_ereg_replace($pattern[$i], $replacement[$i], $str); } return $str; } faxe
A simple mb_str_ireplace() implementation - a faster (?) replacement for non-regexp multi-byte string replacement: [code] function mb_str_ireplace($co, $naCo, $wCzym) { $wCzymM = mb_strtolower($wCzym); $coM = mb_strtolower($co); $offset = 0; while(($poz = mb_strpos($wCzymM, $coM, $offset)) !== false) { $offset = $poz + mb_strlen($naCo); $wCzym = mb_substr($wCzym, 0, $poz). $naCo .mb_substr($wCzym, $poz+mb_strlen($co)); $wCzymM = mb_strtolower($wCzym); } return $wCzym; }[/code] 04-dec-2006 04:36
'i' option does not work correctly with multibyte characters. The function does not locate/replace the multibyte string if it's different case then specified on multibyte needle which is in different case.
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