![]() mysqli_stmt_store_result
Transfers a result set from a prepared statement
(PHP 5)
Example 1581. Object oriented style<?php Example 1582. Procedural style<?php Code Examples / Notes » mysqli_stmt_store_resulttyper85
In response to the note below me for the claim that mysqli_fetch_fields is not compatible with prepared statements. This is untrue, it is but you have to do a little extra work. I would recommend you use a wrapper function of some sort to take care of the dirty business for you but the basic idea is the same. Let's assume you have a prepared statement like so. I am going to use the procedural way for simplicity but the same idea can be done using the object oriented way: <?php // Connect Blah Blah Blah. $connectionLink = mysqli_connect( .... ); // Query Blab Blah Blah. $query = "Select `Id` From `Table` Where `Id` = ?"; // Prepare Query. $prepareObject = mysqli_prepare( $connectionLink , $query ); // Bind Query. mysqli_stmt_bind_param( $prepareObject , 'i' , 1 ); // Execute Query. mysqli_stmt_execute( $prepareObject ); ?> Now all the above is fine and dandy to anyone familiar with using prepared statements, but if I want to use mysqli_fetch_fields or any other function that fetches meta information about a result set but does not work on prepared statements? Enter the special function mysqli_stmt_result_metadata. It can be used as follows, assume the following code segment immediatley follows that of the above code segment. <?php $metaData = mysqli_stmt_result_metadata( $prepareObject ); // I Can Now Call mysqli_fetch_fields using the variable // $metaData as an argument. $fieldInfo = mysqli_fetch_fields( $metaData ); // Or Even This. $fieldInfo = mysqli_num_fields( $metaData ); ?> Take a look at the Manual entry for mysqli_stmt_result_metatdata function for full details on how to expose it with prepared statements. Good Luck, ucfirefly
fetch_fields() does not seem to be compatible with prepared statements like those used here. Makes things difficult if you're using a wildcard. I guess that's better for security in some obscure way. -Alex Boese |
Change Language![]() mysqli_affected_rows mysqli_autocommit mysqli_bind_param mysqli_bind_result mysqli_change_user mysqli_character_set_name mysqli_client_encoding mysqli_close mysqli_commit mysqli_connect_errno mysqli_connect_error mysqli_connect mysqli_data_seek mysqli_debug mysqli_disable_reads_from_master mysqli_disable_rpl_parse mysqli_dump_debug_info mysqli_embedded_server_end mysqli_embedded_server_start mysqli_enable_reads_from_master mysqli_enable_rpl_parse mysqli_errno mysqli_error mysqli_escape_string mysqli_execute mysqli_fetch_array mysqli_fetch_assoc mysqli_fetch_field_direct mysqli_fetch_field mysqli_fetch_fields mysqli_fetch_lengths mysqli_fetch_object mysqli_fetch_row mysqli_fetch mysqli_field_count mysqli_field_seek mysqli_field_tell mysqli_free_result mysqli_get_charset mysqli_get_client_info mysqli_get_client_version mysqli_get_host_info mysqli_get_metadata mysqli_get_proto_info mysqli_get_server_info mysqli_get_server_version mysqli_get_warnings mysqli_info mysqli_init mysqli_insert_id mysqli_kill mysqli_master_query mysqli_more_results mysqli_multi_query mysqli_next_result mysqli_num_fields mysqli_num_rows mysqli_options mysqli_param_count mysqli_ping mysqli_prepare mysqli_query mysqli_real_connect mysqli_real_escape_string mysqli_real_query mysqli_report mysqli_rollback mysqli_rpl_parse_enabled mysqli_rpl_probe mysqli_rpl_query_type mysqli_select_db mysqli_send_long_data mysqli_send_query mysqli_server_end mysqli_server_init mysqli_set_charset mysqli_set_local_infile_default mysqli_set_local_infile_handler mysqli_set_opt mysqli_slave_query mysqli_sqlstate mysqli_ssl_set mysqli_stat mysqli_stmt_affected_rows mysqli_stmt_attr_get mysqli_stmt_attr_set mysqli_stmt_bind_param mysqli_stmt_bind_result mysqli_stmt_close mysqli_stmt_data_seek mysqli_stmt_errno mysqli_stmt_error mysqli_stmt_execute mysqli_stmt_fetch mysqli_stmt_field_count mysqli_stmt_free_result mysqli_stmt_get_warnings mysqli_stmt_init mysqli_stmt_insert_id mysqli_stmt_num_rows mysqli_stmt_param_count mysqli_stmt_prepare mysqli_stmt_reset mysqli_stmt_result_metadata mysqli_stmt_send_long_data mysqli_stmt_sqlstate mysqli_stmt_store_result mysqli_store_result mysqli_thread_id mysqli_thread_safe mysqli_use_result mysqli_warning_count |