PHP : Function Reference : Oracle Functions : ocilogoff
OCILogon ... one thing about is, is that its good practice to use OCILogoff, becase you don't really know what the idle release time is from the Oracle server. In my case, the DBM set the idle time insanely high because we have other projects coming out of Oracle and not just php. Just because php exits, doesn't mean the Oracle connection is dead.
For using persistent connections && being able to sleep, I use:
function close_db_locks_on_abort( ) {
global $conn;
if( connection_aborted() ) {
$fp = fopen( "/tmp/shutdown-func.txt", "a" );
fwrite( $fp, sprintf( "connection aborted on %s\n", date( "d-m-Y H:i:s" ) ) );
if( $conn ) {
OCIRollBack( $conn );
fwrite( $fp, sprintf( "-- DURING CONNECTION! ip=%s, user=%s, page=%s\n", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] ) );
fclose( $fp );
register_shutdown_function ( "close_db_locks_on_abort" );
This makes sure a rollback is done on a connection when a user hits 'stop', so there will be no locks on table rows.