![]() odbc_result_all
Print result as HTML table
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Examples ( Source code ) » odbc_result_all
Code Examples / Notes » odbc_result_allrabbott
odbc_result_all($result) cycles through $result. So a subsequent call to odbc_fetch_row($result) will fail. You must use odbc_fetch_row($result, 1) to reset $result. (But when I do that, I get a crash!) php dot net
It is a bit easier and more powerful if you instead use CSS styles within the form argument" odbc_result_all($res1, 'name="datatable" id="datatable"'); marius
I've written this little function that functions simirarly to odbc_result_all, but works with MySQL: /** * This function emulates the odbc_result_all function, which will return a HTML table cosisting of * the results of an SQL query. * Usage: pass a mysql result set to this function, and it will return (not output) a string containing * an HTML table * Parameters: * - $result is your mysql result set (result of a mysql_query() function call) * - $tableFeatures is a string containing any HTML TABLE features you would like in the table * (eg. BORDER="0" etc.) */ function _mysql_result_all($result, $tableFeatures="") { $table .= "<!--Debugging output for SQL query-->\n\n"; $table .= "<table $tableFeatures>\n\n"; $noFields = mysql_num_fields($result); $table .= "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $noFields; $i++) { $field = mysql_field_name($result, $i); $table .= "\t<th>$field</th>\n"; } while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $table .= "<tr>\n"; foreach ($r as $kolonne) { $table .= "\t<td>$kolonne</td>\n"; } $table .= "</tr>\n"; } $table .= "</table>\n\n"; $table .= "<!--End debug from SQL query-->\n\n"; return $table; } Enjoy... sanjay dot ghimire
I wrote a small function slightly similiar to odbc_record_all, but there you can use format for both table and rows separately, which is not by odbc_record_all. hope it will be useful some how. --- Sanjay, Germany Here is code: odbc_result_all_ex($result, 'Border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5', "style='FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma; FONT-SIZE:8pt; BORDER-BOTTOM:solid 1pt gree'"); function odbc_result_all_ex($res, $sTable, $sRow) { $cFields = odbc_num_fields($res); $strTable = "<table $sTable>"; $strTable .= "<tr>"; for ($n=1; $n<=$cFields; $n++) { $strTable .= "<td $sRow><b>". str_replace("_", " ", odbc_field_name($res, $n)) . "</b></td>"; } $strTable .= "</tr>"; while(odbc_fetch_row($res)) { $strTable .= "<tr>"; for ($n=1; $n<=$cFields; $n++) { if (odbc_result($res, $n)=='') { $strTable .= "<td $sRow> </td>"; } else { $strTable .= "<td $sRow>". odbc_result($res, $n) . "</td>"; } } $strTable .= "</tr>"; } $strTable .= "</table>"; Print $strTable; } cwhite1000
Here is an example of how to use the form argument" odbc_result_all($res1, "BGCOLOR='#AAFFAA' border='3' width=30% bordercolordark='#FF0000'"); result of odbc_result_all into an array
global $tableau; function callback($buffer) { global $tableau; $tableau=array(); $tab=explode("</tr>",$buffer); array_pop($tab); $entete=explode("</th>",substr($tab[0],11)); array_pop($entete); foreach($entete as $numcol => $nomcol) { $entete[$numcol]=substr($nomcol,4); } array_shift($tab); foreach($tab as $numligne => $ligne) { $ligne=explode("</td>",substr($ligne,5)); array_pop($ligne); foreach($ligne as $numcol => $cellule) { $tableau[$numligne][$entete[$numcol]]= htmlentities(substr($cellule,4)); } } } $req = "select * from table"; $res = odbc_do($id_conn, $req); ob_start("callback"); odbc_result_all($res); ob_end_flush(); ob_implicit_flush(0); hwaarl
Being a bit more helpful, I did get to see all rows by using the function rather than just the method call. Doesn't work: odbc_result_all($res) Does work: $nr = odbc_result_all($res) martin dot vgagern
As some people stated in the ODBC overview, some buggy drivers always return the number of rows to be -1. AFAIK the only way to help this situation is to count the rows by calls to odbc_fetch_into or odbc_fetch_row and then build the table yourself.
About the $result reseting array instead of using: 1) odbc_fetch_row($result, 1); use: 2) odbc_fetch_row($result, 0); 1) will fail because it will not show first record, arrays start with subscript 0. zapthezaps dot schulze dot zap
a revised version marius' code that works with Memo fields. (also returns rather than prints strings) function ODBCResourceToHTML($res, $sTable, $sRow) {$cFields = odbc_num_fields($res); $strTable = "<table $sTable ><tr>"; for ($n=1; $n<=$cFields; $n++) {$strTable .= "<td $sRow><b>". str_replace("_", " ", odbc_field_name($res, $n)) . "</b></td>";} $strTable .= "</tr>"; while(odbc_fetch_row($res)) { $strTable .= "<tr>"; for ($n=1; $n<=$cFields; $n++) {$cell = odbc_result($res, $n); if ($cell=='') {$strTable .= "<td $sRow> </td>";} else {$strTable .= "<td $sRow>". $cell . "</td>";}} $strTable .= "</tr>";} $strTable .= "</table>"; Return $strTable;} DEAR MODERATORS: you would save yourselve much much time by making this entire manual into a wiki (ie like http://en.wikipedia.org ) and within a year this would be the best manual on anything!! best wishes, Erich |
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