PHP : Function Reference : Oracle Functions [deprecated] : ora_columntype
And the mapping between SQL types (see $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ocidfn.h) and return strings is as follows:
SQLT_CHR (character string) becomes VARCHAR2
SQLT_VCS (variable character string) becomes VARCHAR
SQLT_AVC (Ansi var char) becomes VARCHAR
SQLT_STR (zero terminated string) becomes CHAR
SQLT_AFC (Ansi fixed char) becomes CHAR
SQLT_NUM (oracle numeric) becomes NUMBER
SQLT_INT (integer) becomes NUMBER
SQLT_FLT (floating point number) becomes NUMBER
SQLT_LNG (long) becomes LONG
SQLT_LBI (long binary) becomes LONG RAW
SQLT_RID (rowid) becomes ROWID
SQLT_DAT (date in oracle format) becomes DATE
SQLT_CUR (cursor) becomes CURSOR
All other types (and there are many of them) become UNKNOWN