PHP : Function Reference : Oracle Functions [deprecated] : ora_fetch
Try using ora_fetch_into($cursor, &$results) to get the row into an array. Yes, you need the "&" sign before the name of the variable to fetch into so that it is passed by reference and can be modified in the function.
You should also be aware that when calling this function multiple times (like within a loop) that the array is NOT initialized, which could lead to some "ghosting" of data. You need to initialize the array yourself, prefarably with the array() function.
summary: ;-)
If you are using the ora_do() function, you must use do { ... } while(ora_fetch($curs));
because of ora_do() automaticaly fetches the first row.
If you are using
you must use while(ora_fetch($curs)) { ... }
because the ora_exec doesn't fetch any row.
21-feb-2002 08:01
Obviously Daniel has no idea what he is talking about! ora_fetch() is a wonderful tool for extracting a row from the data base. Here is how:
while(ora_fetch($cursor) == 1){ // WHILE THERE IS A ROW
for($i=0;$i<$numCols;$i++){ // PARSE THROUGH THE COLUMNS
echo ora_getcolumn($cursor,$i); // PRINT THE RESULTS
There are many ways to modify the above code to get the desired result, but this is a basic way to parse through all of the result set.
Not only when there is only one row... the described problem occurs for the FIRST row!!! even if there is 1000 rows the first one will not be displayed so described example with 'do' solve this problem for all cases.
Little update to abovementioned. $numCols would not work.
while(ora_fetch($curs1) == 1){ // WHILE THERE IS A ROW
for($i=0;$i<ora_numcols($curs1);$i++){ // PARSE THROUGH THE COLUMNS
printf("%s", ora_getcolumn($curs1,$i)); // PRINT THE RESULTS