![]() rmdir
Removes directory
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Related Examples ( Source code ) » rmdir Examples ( Source code ) » Deleting a Directory by Using rmdir() Examples ( Source code ) » Delete an empty directory called dir1 Examples ( Source code ) » Define recursive function to delete directories Code Examples / Notes » rmdirdao
[bobbfwed at comcast dot net], you posted really bad code. The constant and the global variable are absolutely useless and make the function inflexible and fault-prone. Furthermore your error echo'ing is weird, you should use trigger_error(). Now, since previous rmdirr() implementations lack the ability to simply clear a directory and ClearDirectory() / RemoveDirectory() by [mn dot yarar at gmail dot com] didn't work with nested directories, I've rewritten them: http://en.design-noir.de/webdev/PHP/rmdirr_cleardir/ itsdapead
Warning! On Unix-type systems, most of the "delete directory tree" functions posted here will follow & delete symbolic links (which is not what you'd expect of, say, rm-rf) so you might find more than you bargained for getting wiped. Here's a quick kludge of an earlier submission (by tekangel) that avoids this by default. Make sure it does what you want before you uncomment the unlink and rmdir commands! <? function rmdirRecursive($path,$followLinks=false) { $dir = opendir($path) ; while ( $entry = readdir($dir) ) { if ( is_file( "$path/$entry" ) || ((!$followLinks) && is_link("$path/$entry")) ) { echo ( "unlink $path/$entry;\n" ); // Uncomment when happy! //unlink( "$path/$entry" ); } elseif ( is_dir( "$path/$entry" ) && $entry!='.' && $entry!='..' ) { rmdirRecursive( "$path/$entry" ) ; } } closedir($dir) ; echo "rmdir $path;\n"; // Uncomment when happy! // return rmdir($path); } ?> fkjaekel
Using SPL: <?php function recursiveRemoveDirectory($path) { $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path); //Remove all files foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir) as $file) { unlink($file); } //Remove all subdirectories foreach($dir as $subDir) { //If a subdirectory can't be removed, it's because it has subdirectories, so recursiveRemoveDirectory is called again passing the subdirectory as path if(!@rmdir($subDir)) //@ suppress the warning message { recursiveRemoveDirectory($subDir); } } //Remove main directory rmdir($path); } ?> brianleeholub
this will only work in php5 (scandir). feed this function the path to a directory (INCLUDE TRAILING /) and it'll clean it of all contents (if it contains a directory with more stuff it'll dive down and clean that out). use with care! remove_directory('/path/to/crap/for/deletion/'); function remove_directory($dir) { $dir_contents = scandir($dir); foreach ($dir_contents as $item) { if (is_dir($dir.$item) && $item != '.' && $item != '..') { remove_directory($dir.$item.'/'); } elseif (file_exists($dir.$item) && $item != '.' && $item != '..') { unlink($dir.$item); } } rmdir($dir); } lior
This will delete a directory and its' contents. Set DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR to whatever fits the target OS. function deltree($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $entries = scandir($path); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { deltree($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry); } } rmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } } phpcoder
This is my solution for removing directories: <?php /* Function to remove directories, even if they contain files or subdirectories. Returns array of removed/deleted items, or false if nothing was removed/deleted. by Justin Frim. 2007-01-18 Feel free to use this in your own code. */ function rmdirtree($dirname) { if (is_dir($dirname)) { //Operate on dirs only $result=array(); if (substr($dirname,-1)!='/') {$dirname.='/';} //Append slash if necessary $handle = opendir($dirname); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file!='.' && $file!= '..') { //Ignore . and .. $path = $dirname.$file; if (is_dir($path)) { //Recurse if subdir, Delete if file $result=array_merge($result,rmdirtree($path)); }else{ unlink($path); $result[].=$path; } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dirname); //Remove dir $result[].=$dirname; return $result; //Return array of deleted items }else{ return false; //Return false if attempting to operate on a file } } ?> eli dot hen
This functions deletes or empties the directory. Without using recursive functions! <?php /** * Removes the directory and all its contents. * * @param string the directory name to remove * @param boolean whether to just empty the given directory, without deleting the given directory. * @return boolean True/False whether the directory was deleted. */ function deleteDirectory($dirname,$only_empty=false) { if (!is_dir($dirname)) return false; $dscan = array(realpath($dirname)); $darr = array(); while (!empty($dscan)) { $dcur = array_pop($dscan); $darr[] = $dcur; if ($d=opendir($dcur)) { while ($f=readdir($d)) { if ($f=='.' || $f=='..') continue; $f=$dcur.'/'.$f; if (is_dir($f)) $dscan[] = $f; else unlink($f); } closedir($d); } } $i_until = ($only_empty)? 1 : 0; for ($i=count($darr)-1; $i>=$i_until; $i--) { echo "\nDeleting '".$darr[$i]."' ... "; if (rmdir($darr[$i])) echo "ok"; else echo "FAIL"; } return (($only_empty)? (count(scandir)<=2) : (!is_dir($dirname))); } ?> 05-jan-2007 01:10
This code won`t work if you have subdirectories with new subdirecories. Add this: if(!@rmdir($subDir)) //@ suppress the warning message { recursiveRemoveDirectory($subDir); rmdir($subDir); } .. or it wont delete your sub-subdirectories. Took me quite some time to figure out this.. contacts from nexus-soft dot org
The PHP4 version below can not delete subfolders, just files. Here is a complete PHP4/5 recursive folder/subfolder delete function: <?php function deltree($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0') < 0) { $entries = array(); if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) $entries[] = $file; closedir($handle); } } else { $entries = scandir($path); if ($entries === false) $entries = array(); // just in case scandir fail... } foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { deltree($path.'/'.$entry); } } return rmdir($path); } else { return unlink($path); } } ?> Thanks to the two codes below for the jump start on this one. m dot winkel
The example in the previous note will stop and return false, if there is an empty subdirectory. I suggest to modify this snipplet of the previous example: <? $matching = glob($fileglob); if ($matching === false) { trigger_error(sprintf('No files match supplied glob %s', $fileglob), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } ?> Here is my version: <? $matching = glob($fileglob); if ($matching === false) { return true; } ?> If there are no matching files in the directory, there is no need to delete something or to trigger an error. It just returns true and the (empty) directory will be deleted by the rmdir command. almann
some systems coudn´d erase directorys while they are open. So it´s better to set @closedir($dh); before trying to erase with @rmdir($dir);
Save some time, if you want to clean a directory or delete it and you're on windows. Use This: chdir ($file_system_path); exec ("del *.* /s /q"); You can use other DEL syntax, or any other shell util. You may have to allow the service to interact with the desktop, as that's my current setting and I'm not changing it to test this. nuk
One more note to babca's improvement (of function from "brousky - gmail"): just do the readdir() like in the Example 498 http://es.php.net/manual/en/function.readdir.php <?php # ...... while(false!==($file=readdir($dirHandle))) # ...... ?> ljubiccica
Note to babca's improvement (of function from "brousky - gmail"): I think you forgot to call your function with a new name? (if (!rmdir_rf($file)) return false; -> if (!full_rmdir($file)) return false;) <? function full_rmdir($dirname){ if ($dirHandle = opendir($dirname)){ $old_cwd = getcwd(); chdir($dirname); while ($file = readdir($dirHandle)){ if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($file)){ if (!full_rmdir($file)) return false; }else{ if (!unlink($file)) return false; } } closedir($dirHandle); chdir($old_cwd); if (!rmdir($dirname)) return false; return true; }else{ return false; } } ?> Nice function thou... =) cheetah designs
None of the below functions worked for me, so I created this function to delete a folder, deleting anything in it first: function RecursiveFolderDelete ( $folderPath ) { if ( is_dir ( $folderPath ) ) { foreach ( scandir ( $folderPath ) as $value ) { if ( $value != "." && $value != ".." ) { $value = $folderPath . "/" . $value; if ( is_dir ( $value ) ) { FolderDelete ( $value ); } elseif ( is_file ( $value ) ) { @unlink ( $value ); } } } return rmdir ( $folderPath ); } else { return FALSE; } } php
In the previous examples of recursive rmdir, people should take care to use the proper way of calling readdir: <? while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { // do some stuff with $file } ?> If you don't use this syntax, the loop will halt if it ever comes across a file named '0'. http://www.php.net/readdir - provides more info on why this is the case. hth vittal lodemessemaker
In reaction to the function rmdirr() by makarenkoa at ukrpost dot net: If verbose is set to TRUE, it will only work in the first (target) directory, and not in subdirectories. To make the function verbose in subdirectories as well, change the following: <?php ... if(is_dir($object)) rmdirr($object); ... ?> TO <?php ... if(is_dir($object)) rmdirr($object,$verbose); ?> babca plutanium.cz
Improvement of function from "brousky - gmail": -Removes a directory and everything in it -After calling this function the current working directory (cwd) of the script won't be changed -Function returns true/false <?php function full_rmdir($dirname) { if ($dirHandle = opendir($dirname)) { $old_cwd = getcwd(); chdir($dirname); while ($file = readdir($dirHandle)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($file)) { if (!rmdir_rf($file)) return false; } else { if (!unlink($file)) return false; } } closedir($dirHandle); chdir($old_cwd); if (!rmdir($dirname)) return false; return true; } else { return false; } } ?> Enjoy :) daniellehr -at- gmx -dot- de
If you want to delete a folder with its all content and sub-content you can use this recursive-working function (WARNING: after using the function the folder is completely deleted!): <?php function delDir($dirName) { if(empty($dirName)) { return; } if(file_exists($dirName)) { $dir = dir($dirName); while($file = $dir->read()) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_dir($dirName.'/'.$file)) { delDir($dirName.'/'.$file); } else { @unlink($dirName.'/'.$file) or die('File '.$dirName.'/'.$file.' couldn\'t be deleted!'); } } } @rmdir($dirName.'/'.$file) or die('Folder '.$dirName.'/'.$file.' couldn\'t be deleted!'); } else { echo 'Folder "<b>'.$dirName.'</b>" doesn\'t exist.'; } } ?> aidan
If you want to delete a file, or an entire folder (including the contents), use the below function. http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.rmdirr.php sarangan dot thuraisingham
I installed Joomla CMS and the files where under apache user. So I couldn't delete from my SSH login. Your little function helped. But, you forgot about hidden files in Unix. Filenames beginning with a . are not returned in the glob list. So the modified code looks like this: <?php function removeDir($path) { // Add trailing slash to $path if one is not there if (substr($path, -1, 1) != "/") { $path .= "/"; } $normal_files = glob($path . "*"); $hidden_files = glob($path . "\.?*"); $all_files = array_merge($normal_files, $hidden_files); foreach ($all_files as $file) { # Skip pseudo links to current and parent dirs (./ and ../). if (preg_match("/(\.|\.\.)$/", $file)) { continue; } if (is_file($file) === TRUE) { // Remove each file in this Directory unlink($file); echo "Removed File: " . $file . " "; } else if (is_dir($file) === TRUE) { // If this Directory contains a Subdirectory, run this Function on it removeDir($file); } } // Remove Directory once Files have been removed (If Exists) if (is_dir($path) === TRUE) { rmdir($path); echo " Removed Directory: " . $path . " "; } } #To remove a dir: removeDir('/home/fhlinux206/t/thuraisingham.net/tmp/'); ?> bobbfwed
I have programmed a really nice program that remotely lets you manage files as if you have direct access to them (http://sourceforge.net/projects/filemanage/). I have a bunch of really handy functions to do just about anything to files or directories. In it I use this directory delete function. Here is the function I made; it will likely need tweaking to work as a standalone script, since it relies of variables set by my program (eg: loc1 -- which dynamically changes in my program): <?PHP // loc1 is the path on the computer to the base directory that may be moved define('loc1', 'C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs', true); // use this format: $dir = '[reletive path]'; if(remdir($dir)) rmdir($dir); else echo 'There was an error.'; // this function deletes all files and sub directories directories in a directory // bool remdir( str 'directory path' ) function remdir($dir){ if(!isset($GLOBALS['remerror'])) $GLOBALS['remerror'] = false; if($handle = opendir(loc1 . $dir)){ // if the folder exploration is sucsessful, continue while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){ // as long as storing the next file to $file is successful, continue $path = $dir . '/' . $file; if(is_file(loc1 . $path)){ if(!unlink(loc1 . $path)){ echo '<u><font color="red">"' . $path . '" could not be deleted. This may be due to a permissions problem.</u> Directory cannot be deleted until all files are deleted.</font> '; $GLOBALS['remerror'] = true; return false; } } else if(is_dir(loc1 . $path) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.'){ remdir($path); @rmdir(loc1 . $path); } } closedir($handle); // close the folder exploration } if(!$GLOBALS['remerror']) // if no errors occured, delete the now empty directory. if(!rmdir(loc1 . $dir)){ echo '<b><font color="red">Could not remove directory "' . $dir . '". This may be due to a permissions problem.</font></b> '; return false; } else return true; return false; } // end of remdir() ?> This new function will be in 0.9.7 (the current release of File Manage) which was just released. Hope this helps some people. bluej100@gmail
Here's my stack-based pseudo-recursive rmdir. It borrows heavily from andy at mentalist's. <?php function rmdir_r($path) { if (!is_dir($path)) {return false;} $stack = Array($path); while ($dir = array_pop($stack)) { if (@rmdir($dir)) {continue;} $stack[] = $dir; $dh = opendir($dir); while (($child = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($child[0] == '.') {continue;} $child = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $child; if (is_dir($child)) {$stack[] = $child;} else {unlink($child);} } } return true; } ?> dexn
Here's a short function I wrote to remove a directory and all it's contents using the glob() function: function rmdirr($dir) { if($objs = glob($dir."/*")){ foreach($objs as $obj) { is_dir($obj)? rmdirr($obj) : unlink($obj); } } rmdir($dir); } jeremiah
Here is a very clean, readable (hopefully) recursive way to delete everything in a directory. This also handles deleteing links to ensure a non-recursive follow through a symlink and just deletes the link instead. It is in the form of a class so that you can plug it right into your existing classes or libraries. Here is how to use the recursive delete (unlink) function: <?php $path = '/absolute/path/to/some/file/filename.ext'; if(!FileFunctions::unlink($path)) echo "One or more files could not be deleted"; ?> Here is the class: <?php /** * Provides file functionality that extends the built-in PHP functions * * @author jjones * */ class FileFunctions { /** * Recursive unlink function * * This will delete the provided path. If the path is a * directory, it will delete the directory. It will * recursively delete any subdirectories/files. * * @param String $path Path to file/directory to recursively unlink */ public function unlink($path) { /* make sure the path exists */ if(!file_exists($path)) return false; /* If it is a file or link, just delete it */ if(is_file($path) || is_link($path)) return @unlink($path); /* Scan the dir and recursively unlink */ $files = scandir($path); foreach($files as $filename) { if($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') continue; $file = str_replace('//','/',$path.'/'.$filename); self::unlink($file); }//end foreach /* Remove the parent dir */ if(!@rmdir($path)) return false; return true; }//end function unlink }//end class FileFunctions ?> swizec
Here is a better recursive rmdir function, that relies on php's built-in dir class and doesn't use messy directory changing. <?php function full_rmdir( $dir ) { if ( !is_writable( $dir ) ) { if ( !@chmod( $dir, 0777 ) ) { return FALSE; } } $d = dir( $dir ); while ( FALSE !== ( $entry = $d->read() ) ) { if ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' ) { continue; } $entry = $dir . '/' . $entry; if ( is_dir( $entry ) ) { if ( !$this->full_rmdir( $entry ) ) { return FALSE; } continue; } if ( !@unlink( $entry ) ) { $d->close(); return FALSE; } } $d->close(); rmdir( $dir ); return TRUE; } ?> development
Here a small and useful function for removing files by deleting also subdirectories recursive. this function takes: $target .. a absolute target path, f.e: /var/www/html/remove_this $exceptions .. a array of directorynames which don't have to be removed .. usually unused as you want to delete whole directory :-) $output=true .. outputs a status message of which file or directory the script just has accessed to; <?php function delete_files($target, $exceptions, $output=true) { $sourcedir = opendir($target); while(false !== ($filename = readdir($sourcedir))) { if(!in_array($filename, $exceptions)) { if($output) { echo "Processing: ".$target."/".$filename." "; } if(is_dir($target."/".$filename)) { // recurse subdirectory; call of function recursive delete_files($target."/".$filename, $exceptions); } else if(is_file($target."/".$filename)) { // unlink file unlink($target."/".$filename); } } } closedir($sourcedir); if(rmdir($target)) { return true; } else { return false; } } ?> here a example of function call: <?php $exceptions = array(".", ".."); if(delete_files("/var/www/html/this_dir", $exceptions, true)) { echo "deletion successed"; } else { echo "deletion failed"; } ?> KNOWN ISSUE: if you call the function with an exception folder and that folder is a childfolder, this function won't be able to remove the parent directory and returns false .. :-/ .. if someone knows a workaround please email me :-) webmaster
For those still using PHP 4, here is an alternative to the last post: <?php function deltree($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { unlink($path."/".$file); } } closedir($handle); rmdir($path); return 1; } } return; } ?> les_diadoques
For PHP 3-4-5. No trailing "/" at the end of the path. <?php function remove_directory($dir) { if ($handle = opendir("$dir")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("$dir/$item")) { remove_directory("$dir/$item"); } else { unlink("$dir/$item"); echo " removing $dir/$item \n"; } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); echo "removing $dir \n"; } } remove_directory("/path/to/dir"); ?> anonymous
FolderDelete ( $value ); should be RecursiveFolderDelete ( $value ); then it's ok brousky - gmail
equivalent of : rmdir -rf ie. remove a directory and everything that's in it. Note that after calling this function the current working directory of the script will be the parent of the directory you deleted. <?php function rmdir_rf($dirname) { if ($dirHandle = opendir($dirname)) { chdir($dirname); while ($file = readdir($dirHandle)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($file)) rmdir_rf($file); else unlink($file); } chdir('..'); rmdir($dirname); closedir($dirHandle); } } ?> bhuvidya
dear bluej100: i think there's a bug in the line: if ($child[0] == '.') {continue;} it is possible to have a directory that starts with '.', eg '.tmpfiles' - i think the above line is just trying to catch '.' and '..', so you will have to do the following: if ($child == '.' || $child == '..') { continue; } stefano
becouse all the examples fails if there are hiddenfiles (.filename) somewhere, I write this short and power function to erase a tree independtly from his content /** * rm() -- Very Vigorously erase files and directories. Also hidden files !!!! * * @param $dir string * be carefull to: * if($obj=='.' || $obj=='..') continue; * if not it will erase all the server...it happened to me ;) * the function is permission dependent. */ function rm($dir) { if(!$dh = @opendir($dir)) return; while (($obj = readdir($dh))) { if($obj=='.' || $obj=='..') continue; if (!@unlink($dir.'/'.$obj)) rm($dir.'/'.$obj); } @rmdir($dir); } czambran
A quick note on the function posted by Daniellehr[-at-]gmx[-dot-]de, the function as it is will delete everything inside the directory but the directory. The problem is that the function does not close the directory before executing the rmdir line. Here is the corrected function: function delDir($dirName) { if(empty($dirName)) { return true; } if(file_exists($dirName)) { $dir = dir($dirName); while($file = $dir->read()) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_dir($dirName.'/'.$file)) { delDir($dirName.'/'.$file); } else { @unlink($dirName.'/'.$file) or die('File '.$dirName.'/'.$file.' couldn\'t be deleted!'); } } } $dir->close(); @rmdir($dirName) or die('Folder '.$dirName.' couldn\'t be deleted!'); } else { return false; } return true; } andreas kalsch akidee.de
a function that deletes a directory - beginning with the deepest directory and its files. - it really works if you have enough rights. - it returns a boolean value if everything is properly done. function deleteDir($dir) { if (substr($dir, strlen($dir)-1, 1) != '/') $dir .= '/'; echo $dir; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while ($obj = readdir($handle)) { if ($obj != '.' && $obj != '..') { if (is_dir($dir.$obj)) { if (!deleteDir($dir.$obj)) return false; } elseif (is_file($dir.$obj)) { if (!unlink($dir.$obj)) return false; } } } closedir($handle); if (!@rmdir($dir)) return false; return true; } return false; } formatthis
@ null at php5 dot pl & stijnleenknegt< at >gmail< dot >com & mediengestalter at gleichjetzt dot de: [EDITORS NOTE: Mentioned Notes have all been Removed (Previous Examples)] I believe the following is what you were trying to make happen. notes and echo commands have been added so you can see what is being done as it happens and also threw in the actual rmdir function so that the directories as well will be removed and not just the files. <?php function removeDir($path) { // Add trailing slash to $path if one is not there if (substr($path, -1, 1) != "/") { $path .= "/"; } foreach (glob($path . "*") as $file) { if (is_file($file) === TRUE) { // Remove each file in this Directory unlink($file); echo "Removed File: " . $file . " "; } else if (is_dir($file) === TRUE) { // If this Directory contains a Subdirectory, run this Function on it removeDir($file); } } // Remove Directory once Files have been removed (If Exists) if (is_dir($path) === TRUE) { rmdir($path); echo " Removed Directory: " . $path . " "; } } ?> mn dot yarar
/*********************************** Author : M. Niyazi Yarar Created : February, 2006 Description : Simply clean files and removes the directory If any error occurs or for your suggestions, please send me e-mail ***********************************/ function ClearDirectory($path){ if($dir_handle = opendir($path)){ while($file = readdir($dir_handle)){ if($file == "." || $file == ".."){ if(!@unlink($path."/".$file)){ continue; } }else{ @unlink($path."/".$file); } } closedir($dir_handle); return true; // all files deleted }else{ return false; // directory doesnt exist } } function RemoveDirectory($path){ if(ClearDirectory($path)){ if(rmdir($path)){ return true; // directory removed }else{ return false; // directory couldnt removed } }else{ return false; // no empty directory } } /*************************************** Example Usage if(RemoveDirectory("/mysite/images")){ echo 'Uughh! All images gone!'; }else{ echo 'Ohh, well done. I am so lucky'; } ***************************************/ makarenkoa
<?php // rmdirr.inc.php /* 25.07.2005 Author: Anton Makarenko makarenkoa at ukrpost dot net webmaster at eufimb dot edu dot ua Original idea: http://ua2.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php 28-Apr-2005 07:35 development at lab-9 dot com */ function rmdirr($target,$verbose=false) // removes a directory and everything within it { $exceptions=array('.','..'); if (!$sourcedir=@opendir($target)) { if ($verbose) echo '<strong>Couldn’t open '.$target."</strong><br />\n"; return false; } while(false!==($sibling=readdir($sourcedir))) { if(!in_array($sibling,$exceptions)) { $object=str_replace('//','/',$target.'/'.$sibling); if($verbose) echo 'Processing: <strong>'.$object."</strong><br />\n"; if(is_dir($object)) rmdirr($object); if(is_file($object)) { $result=@unlink($object); if ($verbose&&$result) echo "File has been removed<br />\n"; if ($verbose&&(!$result)) echo "<strong>Couldn’t remove file</strong>"; } } } closedir($sourcedir); if($result=@rmdir($target)) { if ($verbose) echo "Target directory has been removed<br />\n"; return true; } if ($verbose) echo "<strong>Couldn’t remove target directory</strong>"; return false; } /* // sample usage <?php require('./lib/rmdirr.inc.php'); rmdirr('D:/srv/Apache2/htdocs/testRm',true); ?> //*/ ?> bishop
<?php /** * rm() -- Vigorously erase files and directories. * * @param $fileglob mixed If string, must be a file name (foo.txt), glob pattern (*.txt), or directory name. * If array, must be an array of file names, glob patterns, or directories. */ function rm($fileglob) { if (is_string($fileglob)) { if (is_file($fileglob)) { return unlink($fileglob); } else if (is_dir($fileglob)) { $ok = rm("$fileglob/*"); if (! $ok) { return false; } return rmdir($fileglob); } else { $matching = glob($fileglob); if ($matching === false) { trigger_error(sprintf('No files match supplied glob %s', $fileglob), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $rcs = array_map('rm', $matching); if (in_array(false, $rcs)) { return false; } } } else if (is_array($fileglob)) { $rcs = array_map('rm', $fileglob); if (in_array(false, $rcs)) { return false; } } else { trigger_error('Param #1 must be filename or glob pattern, or array of filenames or glob patterns', E_USER_ERROR); return false; } return true; } ?> andy
# Clears temporary directory and any files or sub directories # using a stack, without evil recursion. # # Andy Gale - 17/11/2005 function clear_tmp_dir($dir) { $stack = array($dir); while (count($stack)) { # Get last directory on stack $dir = end($stack); $dh = opendir($dir); if (!$dh) { trigger_error('clear_tmp_dir: unable to opendir ' . $dir, E_USER_ERROR); } while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file == '.' or $file == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { $stack[] = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else if (is_file($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { unlink($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } else { trigger_error('clear_tmp_dir: ignoring ' . $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, E_USER_ERROR); } } if (end($stack) == $dir) { rmdir($dir); array_pop($stack); } } } |
Change Language![]() basename chgrp chmod chown clearstatcache copy delete dirname disk_free_space disk_total_space diskfreespace fclose feof fflush fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss file_exists file_get_contents file_put_contents file fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype flock fnmatch fopen fpassthru fputcsv fputs fread fscanf fseek fstat ftell ftruncate fwrite glob is_dir is_executable is_file is_link is_readable is_uploaded_file is_writable is_writeable lchgrp lchown link linkinfo lstat mkdir move_uploaded_file parse_ini_file pathinfo pclose popen readfile readlink realpath rename rewind rmdir set_file_buffer stat symlink tempnam tmpfile touch umask unlink |