![]() socket_read
Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)
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Code Examples / Notes » socket_readschst
You may download a generic server class at http://www.php-tools.de This class will accept the sockets read data from it and hands it to a callback function. Furthermore there are methods for connection handling included. 24-sep-2002 07:48
Windows telnet sends/recieves one character at a time. Try adding PHP_NORMAL_READ to the end of socket_read, that might help.
niels laukens
This paragraph is confusing: socket_read() returns the data as a string on success, or FALSE on error (including if the remote host has closed the connection). The error code can be retrieved with socket_last_error(). This code may be passed to socket_strerror() to get a textual representation of the error. Note: socket_read() returns a zero length string ("") when there is no more data to read. My tests (on PHP 5.1.4) show that when you socket_read() on a shutdown-socket, it returns FALSE when using PHP_NORMAL_READ, but returns "" when reading in PHP_BINARY_READ. ein
the proper way to detect a closed connection is to check socket_last_error. Connection reset by peer is 104 (either use socket_strerror or don't suppress errors for the time being to find these out), sooo. while($buffer=@socket_read($sock,512,PHP_NORMAL_READ)){ echo $buffer; } if(socket_last_error($sock) == 104) { echo "Connection closed"; } nuitari-php
PHP_NORMAL_READ - reading stops at \n or \r. This seems to be meant literally. If there is a \r, then it will stop reading, even if there is a \n right after it. You have to call the read again just to get rid of the \n. jgbustos
PHP on win32 developers, please look at this bug report before using the PHP_NORMAL_READ option: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21197 In a nutshell, using PHP_NORMAL_READ will make your calls to socket_read() return an empty buffer every time. dotpointer
PHP 5.2.0 / Win32 / Apache 1.3 - It seems like... PHP_BINARY_READ - works, but returns '', not FALSE... - is blocking, until data received or connection closed - does pass-through \r\n etc. - returns data on data, '' on connection closed - you can detect closed connection by checking for '' (not FALSE as stated i manual) PHP_NORMAL_READ - not working so good... - is non-blocking - does not pass-through \r\n etc. - returns false on no-data, false on connection closed :( - (no way here to detect a closed connection...?) - (is this a bug? http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21880 ) - (is this a bug? http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21197 ) - (could not get data from this option at all in fact...) PHP_BINARY_READ seems to be the "right way to go" for now. Both checking for '' and false to detect closed connection is probably smart, as this "bug"(?) may be fixed... bill kuker
Just a note that on my system the length seems to have an undocumented upper bound of 65536. I was being lazy and not read()ing in a while loop until I pointed it at real data ;)
Just a helper for those trying to use sockets to transfer large ammounts of info. I was pulling my hair out forever trying to figure out why different strings sent by different socket_writes were getting concatenated by socket_read. If you have a problem with this, try a sleep(), the delay allows the server to see the difference (it is able to do one before the next arrives) sbasurto
Interesting use of sockets: <?php //Use sockets and xml coool!!! //Check this out /* //============================================================ //First you create a xsl template like the following called test.xsl: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <table> <tr><td><font color='red'><xsl:value-of select="test/one"/></font></td></tr> <tr><td><font color='blue'><xsl:value-of select="test/two"/></font></td></tr> </table> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> //============================================================ */ //============================================================ //Second: You create a php script called getResponse.php with the following content: echo chr(60).chr(63)."xml version".chr(61)."\"1.0\" encoding".chr(61)."\"ISO".chr(45)."8859".chr(45)."1\" standalone".chr(61)."\"yes\" ".chr(63).chr(62)."\n"; ...connect to a database postgres... $sql = "select first, second from my_table;"; ...execute the query and asign to $result array... $xml_string = "<test>\n"; while($result){ $xml_string .= "<one>".$result[0]['first']."</one>\n"; $xml_string .= "<two>".$result[0]['second']."</two>\n"; } $xml_string .= "</test>\n"; header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Type:text/xml"); echo $xml_string; //============================================================ //==================S O C K E T S=============================== //Finally: Create a php script called master.php with the following content. $server = ""; //my server $sk = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); socket_connect($sk, $server, 80); $request = "GET /getResponse.php HTTP/1.0"."\r\n"; $request .= "Host: \r\n\r\n"; socket_write($sk, $request); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $xsl = new XSLTProcessor(); $doc->load("./test.xsl"); $xsl->importStyleSheet($doc); $doc->loadXML(strstr(socket_read($sk,12000),"<?xml")); echo $xsl->transformToXML($doc); //==================S O C K E T S================================ "The output is the result of the query one line red and one blue". //The most interesting thing here, is that you can create all the //pages of your site with one xsl template and xml, but with //the advantage of using the power of PHP. //cool isn't it? Regards bazz. ?> michi
if you'd like to make a "socket_read" on a linux-system connected with a flash-client (v. 6.0 r81) you have to send a string to the connected port: <?php ... //initialising communication $string = "ready to get/send data\0"; socket_write($socket, $string); //now you can read from... $line = trim(socket_read($socket, MAXLINE)); ... // do some stuff, finaly close connection ?> magicking89
if you want to use a non block socket you must to use socket_last_error if(!socket_last_error($sc)){ if($buffer=socket_read($sc,512,PHP_NORMAL_READ)){ echo $buffer; } } if you use it your script wont take all your memory florin
Hello, Here is a working solution for using socket_read in nonblocking mode for PHP_NORMAL_MODE read type, as it has some problems in standard PHP. The function socket_normal_read will read from an unlimited number of sockets in PHP_NORMAL_MODE read type. If you plan to use this function for an application that uses a lot of sockets that are always opening and closing, you might want to improve it to delete the respective records from $sockets and $queues static variables when you close a socket that you will not use anymore. <?php define ("LINE_END", "\n"); function socket_normal_read ($socket, $length) { static $sockets = array (); static $queues = array (); static $sock_num = 0; for ($i = 0; isset ($sockets[$i]) && $socket != $sockets[$i]; $i++); if (!isset ($sockets[$i])) { $sockets [$sock_num] = $socket; $queues [$sock_num++] = ""; } $recv = socket_read ($socket, $length, PHP_BINARY_READ); if ($recv === "") { if (strpos ($queues[$i], LINE_END) === false) return false; } else if ($recv !== false) { $queues[$i] .= $recv; } $pos = strpos ($queues[$i], LINE_END); if ($pos === false) return ""; $ret = substr ($queues[$i], 0, $pos); $queues[$i] = substr ($queues[$i], $pos+2); return $ret; } $sock1 = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); $sock2 = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); $sock3 = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); $sock4 = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); socket_connect ($sock1, "", 4551); socket_connect ($sock2, "", 4552); socket_connect ($sock3, "", 4553); socket_connect ($sock4, "", 4554); socket_set_nonblock ($sock1); socket_set_nonblock ($sock2); socket_set_nonblock ($sock3); socket_set_nonblock ($sock4); while (1) { usleep (1000000); $x = socket_normal_read ($sock1, 4096); if ($x !== false && strlen ($x)) echo "1: $x\n"; $x = socket_normal_read ($sock2, 4096); if ($x !== false && strlen ($x)) echo "2: $x\n"; $x = socket_normal_read ($sock3, 4096); if ($x !== false && strlen ($x)) echo "3: $x\n"; $x = socket_normal_read ($sock4, 4096); if ($x !== false && strlen ($x)) echo "4: $x\n"; } ?> To test this simple application, just use netcat (nc -vv -l 455x) to open 4 listening sockets. After you run this script, write some lines in each of those netcat sessions. I hope this will help people that tried to use test-based socket connections in PHP using the sockets library. I wait for feedback at the address specified. Thank you. |
Change Language![]() socket_accept socket_bind socket_clear_error socket_close socket_connect socket_create_listen socket_create_pair socket_create socket_get_option socket_getpeername socket_getsockname socket_last_error socket_listen socket_read socket_recv socket_recvfrom socket_select socket_send socket_sendto socket_set_block socket_set_nonblock socket_set_option socket_shutdown socket_strerror socket_write |