![]() sqlite_fetch_object
Fetches the next row from a result set as an object
(PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » sqlite_fetch_objectbenjamin
This function is not implemented in the PECL extension version 1.0.3 http://pecl.php.net/package/SQLite/1.0.3
Here is the function from "cscm at meuh dot dyndns dot org" rewriten. I think it will work better when really assigning the values ;-) Also I'd replace the empty "bidon" class by stdClass wich is such an empty class and is provided by default. // Fetch resultset as an object function sqlite_fetch_object(&$resource){ $arr = sqlite_fetch_array($resource); $obj = new stdClass(); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { # Check is valid $T_VARIABLE if (ereg(\"[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*\", $key)) { $obj->$key = $value; } } return $obj; } vbwebprofi
Here a light workaround for PHP 4.x which I use in my DBAccess class : <? function sqlite_fetch_object(&$result) { $vO = sqlite_fetch_array($result, SQLITE_ASSOC); if($vO) { $vO = (object) $vO; } return $vO; } ?> HTH Holger cscm
As the sqlite_fetch_object function is not implemented in the PECL extension version 1.0.3. Ive rewrite the sqlite_fetch_object in PHP : // An empty class class bidon { } // Fetch resultset as an object function sqlite_fetch_object(&$resource){ $arr = sqlite_fetch_array($resource); $obj = new bidon(); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { # Check is valid $T_VARIABLE if (ereg(\"[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*\", $key)) { $obj->$key; } } return $obj; } Voila |
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