![]() ssh2_auth_pubkey_file
Authenticate using a public key
(PECL ssh2:0.10-0.9)
Example 2346. Authentication using a public key<?php Code Examples / Notes » ssh2_auth_pubkey_filetekiedude
This is probably incredibly insecure but if you are in a closed environment, you can run it at your own risk. I was trying to get ssh access from server A to server B but server A was running apache as 'apache' and I needed files on server B that were owned by root. So I needed some way for the apache user to connect to server B as root. Here's what I did (both servers running linux - specifically CentOS4): 1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_rsa generate with no passphrase 2. append the id_rsa.pub file to server B /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 3. copy the id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files to a directory like /var/www/.ssh/ (happens to be apache's home dir on CentOS) 4. chown -R apache.apache /var/www/.ssh Then you can connect like this: $connection = ssh2_connect($server,22,array('hostkey'=>'ssh-rsa')); if (ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection,'root', '/var/www/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '/var/www/.ssh/id_rsa')) { echo "success!"; } else { echo "no success :-("; } d23d23
The public key must be on one line starting with the key type, 1 space and followed by the keydata (no newlines) and not followed by comments. This is a limitation of libssh2, so remove any excess data from the file after creating it with your key generation tools. So it would look something like this: ssh-rsa <keydata> andyc
The key files need to be in OpenSSH's format. For example the pubkey file should look like this: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAo6uBphcbl 5iS7U0fjE1ZJ8ZPqYwezFbxyN13YYucrFDCbln9Q6S33lN JMYKUY4711qzDOxQD0bratDQfHUl4waT35qI+NRQa2 B+UWHYaOhbt5FI0Ks7JXPxj3iJ/+joiKQW3Bj8eH8Nzg sTx4tEVPD6QOHs682OhUNX6sqSnHA8= rsa-key-20060606 |
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