![]() ssh2_exec
Execute a command on a remote server
(PECL ssh2:0.10-0.9)
Example 2348. Executing a command<?php Code Examples / Notes » ssh2_exectabber dot watts
This is the best way I found to automatically run multiple commands or commands that might take longer then expected. NOTE: this assumes that no where in the output is there the text '[end]' otherwise the function will end prematurely. Hope this helps people. <?php $ip = 'ip_address'; $user = 'username'; $pass = 'password'; $connection = ssh2_connection($ip); ssh2_auth_password($connection,$user,$pass); $shell = ssh2_shell($connection,"bash"); //Trick is in the start and end echos which can be executed in both *nix and windows systems. //Do add 'cmd /C' to the start of $cmd if on a windows system. $cmd = "echo '[start]';your commands here;echo '[end]'"; $output = user_exec($shell,$cmd); fclose($shell); function user_exec($shell,$cmd) { fwrite($shell,$cmd . "\n"); $output = ""; $start = false; $start_time = time(); $max_time = 2; //time in seconds while(((time()-$start_time) < $max_time)) { $line = fgets($shell); if(!strstr($line,$cmd)) { if(preg_match('/\[start\]/',$line)) { $start = true; }elseif(preg_match('/\[end\]/',$line)) { return $output; }elseif($start){ $output[] = $line; } } } } ?> jon-eirik pettersen
The command may not finish before the function return if the stream is not set to blocking mode. You may have to set the stream to blocking mode in order to get any output from the command. <?php // [Open connection] // ... $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, 'ps ax'); stream_set_blocking($stream, true); // The command may not finish properly if the stream is not read to end $output = stream_get_contents($stream); // ... // [Close stream and connection] ?> betsy gamrat
It is also good to use register_shutdown_function to shred the keys after this runs.
If you want to run many exec orders throught ssh2 in the same process using the same variable $stream for exemple and to read the output for each order, you must close the stream after each order else you will not be able to read the next order output. $stream=ssh2_exec($conn_id,"/usr/bin/ls ."); stream_set_blocking( $stream, true ); $cmd=fread($stream,4096); fclose($stream); if(ereg("public_html",$cmd)){ ........................................... } $stream=ssh2_exec($conn_id,"/usr/bin/ls public_html"); stream_set_blocking( $stream, true ); $cmd=fread($stream,4096); fclose($stream); if(ereg("images",$cmd)){ .......................................... } $stream=ssh2_exec($conn_id,"/usr/bin/ls public_html/images"); stream_set_blocking( $stream, true ); $cmd=fread($stream,4096); fclose($stream); if(ereg("blabla",$cmd)){ .......................................... } betsy gamrat
If the ssh2_exec takes awhile to run, and you need a handshake, you can use a file. In this case, $flag names a handshake file that is written when the ssh script finishes. $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $command . " $public_key $private_key;"); $i=0; while (!file_exists ($flag) && ($i < MAX_TIME)) { sleep(1); $i++; } $ret_val=($stream!=FALSE); This is an extract out of the bash script that is running. Be sure to allow the webserver permission to read the file that the script writes. echo 0 > $OUTFILE chmod 666 $OUTFILE One other note: you can put more than one command in by separating them with ';' (semicolons). gakksimian
Executing remote Windows commands... After some hair pulling, I thought I'd suggest a couple things that might help others: 1. Use 'ssh2_fetch_stream' to open a stderr stream according to the manual. 2. Windows shell commands require 'cmd /C [command]' to execute. (I had forgotten this) <?php // code fragment $stdout_stream = ssh2_exec($connection, 'cmd /C dir'); $stderr_stream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stdout_stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR); ?> I didn't realize the need for the 'cmd /C' until I saw the stderr response 'dir: not found'. col
as of 0.9 and above, if not allocating a pty, add FALSE to the call... old way: ssh2_exec($connection, $command); new way: ssh2_exec($connection, $command, FALSE); |
Change Language![]() ssh2_auth_hostbased_file ssh2_auth_none ssh2_auth_password ssh2_auth_pubkey_file ssh2_connect ssh2_exec ssh2_fetch_stream ssh2_fingerprint ssh2_methods_negotiated ssh2_publickey_add ssh2_publickey_init ssh2_publickey_list ssh2_publickey_remove ssh2_scp_recv ssh2_scp_send ssh2_sftp_lstat ssh2_sftp_mkdir ssh2_sftp_readlink ssh2_sftp_realpath ssh2_sftp_rename ssh2_sftp_rmdir ssh2_sftp_stat ssh2_sftp_symlink ssh2_sftp_unlink ssh2_sftp ssh2_shell ssh2_tunnel |