![]() strncasecmp
Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » strncasecmpkhootz
i assume you can also use the ! (not) operator <?php if (!strncasecmp($string, 'Trudeau', 4)){ print "true"; } ?> since booleans in PHP translate 0 to FALSE and any other integer to TRUE. !0 = !false = true !1 = !true = false !-1 = !true = false djdykes
Hi all, be aware when comparing strings using the strcmp family. if you write code like this... if (strncasecmp($string, 'Trudeau', 4)) print "true"; The above code returns 1 which evaluates to boolean 'true' that statement will always be true... because these functions return 0 only when equal. so a better test would be if ( (strncasecmp($string, 'Trudeau', 4)) == 0) print "true"; always test these functions equality with 0 regards |
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