![]() vprintf
Output a formatted string
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » vprintftehjosh
To toolofthesystem at gmail dot com: You don't need to use output buffering with vprintf() because you can use vsprintf(), which has the same functionality as vprintf(), except that it returns the resulting string instead of outputting it. toolofthesystem
This function comes useful sometimes when trying to list information returned from MySQL: function print_sql($query,$printf){ $sql_sql = mysql_query($query); while($sql = mysql_fetch_row($sql_sql)){ vprintf($printf,$sql); } } Unfortunately, this seems to sneak its way past output buffering when I tried creating an argument to allow it to be contained in a returned string... either that or I didn't do it right. soylent
I wanted to achieve (something like) this: <? $format = "A %s %s %s.\n"; $array1 = Array("monkey", "cow", "rooster"); $array2 = Array("eats", "goes", "crows"); $array3 = Array("bananas", "moo", "in the morning"); printf($format, $array1, $array2, $array3); ?> Output: A monkey eats bananas. A cow goes moo. A rooster crows in the morning. but I couldn't find any php function to put in for printf that would work (vprintf comes close). So I created this little function (and used it to create a select box): <? /* printf_arrays( string format, [array args[, array ...]] ) */ function printf_arrays($format) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); // get rid of format for($i=0; $i<count($args[0]); $i++) { $pfargs = Array(); foreach($args as $arr) $pfargs[] = (is_array($arr) && $arr[$i]) ? $arr[$i] : ''; vprintf($format, $pfargs); } } $months = Array( '01'=>'Jan', '02'=>'Feb', /* etc. */ ); ?> <select name="month"> <? printf_arrays('<option value="%s">%s</option>', array_keys($months), array_values($months)) ?> </select> Anyone else have any better ideas? Is there a built-in php function I missed that does this already? caleb
i know that you can use %1$s or %3$s to select the first or third string but how can you or can you use array names to select it something like %'user'$s $'email'$s i tend to add things to my databases over time and this could save loads of recoding webmaestro asiby
<?php $fruits = array(1, 'banana',1, 'apples', 3, 'oranges', 2, 'peaches'); vprintf("I have %d %s, %d %s, %d %s and %d %s.", $fruits); ?> Output: I have 1 banana, 1 apples, 3 oranges and 2 peaches. |
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