![]() array_unshift
Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 288. array_unshift() example<?php The above example will output: Array Related Examples ( Source code ) » array_unshift Examples ( Source code ) » array_unshift Code Examples / Notes » array_unshiftsergei
You can preserve keys and unshift an array with numerical indexes in a really simple way if you'll do the following: $someArray=array(224=>'someword1', 228=>'someword2', 102=>'someword3', 544=>'someword3',95=>'someword4'); $someArray=array(100=>'Test Element 1 ',255=>'Test Element 2')+$someArray; now the array looks as follows: array( 100=>'Test Element 1 ', 255=>'Test Element 2' 224=>'someword1', 228=>'someword2', 102=>'someword3', 544=>'someword3', 95=>'someword4' ); amschroeder
This becomes a nice little problem if you index your arrays out of order (while manually sorting). For example: $recordMonths[3] = '8/%/2006'; $recordMonths[4] = '7/%/2004'; $recordMonths[0] = '3/%/2007'; $recordMonths[1] = '2/%/2007'; $recordMonths[5] = '12/%/2000'; $recordMonths[6] = '11/%/2000'; $recordMonths[7] = '10/%/2000'; $recordMonths[2] = '1/%/2007'; for($i = 0; $i < count($recordMonths); $i++) { $singleMonth = $recordMonths[$i]; echo "singleMonth: $singleMonth <br />"; } array_unshift($recordMonths,'%'); for($i = 0; $i < count($recordMonths); $i++) { $singleMonth = $recordMonths[$i]; echo "singleMonth: $singleMonth <br />"; } Produces: singleMonth: 3/%/2007 singleMonth: 2/%/2007 singleMonth: 1/%/2007 singleMonth: 8/%/2006 singleMonth: 7/%/2004 singleMonth: 12/%/2000 singleMonth: 11/%/2000 singleMonth: 10/%/2000 singleMonth: % singleMonth: 8/%/2006 singleMonth: 7/%/2004 singleMonth: 3/%/2007 singleMonth: 2/%/2007 singleMonth: 12/%/2000 singleMonth: 11/%/2000 singleMonth: 10/%/2000 singleMonth: 1/%/2007 It reindexes them based on the order they were created. It seems like if an array has all numeric indexes, then it should reindex them based on the order of their index. Just my opinion... matt
The behaviour of unshift nearly caught me out. Not only is the item added at the start of the list but the list is re-indexed too. <?php $a = array(5=>"five", 6 =>"six", 20 => "twenty"); while(list($key, $value) = each($a)) echo "k: $key v: $value \n"; echo " \n"; array_unshift($a, "zero"); while(list($key, $value) = each($a)) echo "k: $key v: $value \n"; ?> k: 5 v: five k: 6 v: six k: 20 v: twenty k: 0 v: zero k: 1 v: five k: 2 v: six k: 3 v: twenty lagroue
Last version of PHP deprecated unshifting of a reference. You can use this function instead : <?php function array_unshift1 (& $ioArray, $iValueWrappedInAnArray) { $lNewArray = false; foreach (array_keys ($ioArray) as $lKey) $lNewArray[$lKey+1] = & $ioArray[$lKey]; $ioArray = array (& $iValueWrappedInAnArray[0]); if ($lNewArray) foreach (array_keys ($lNewArray) as $lKey) $ioArray[] = & $lNewArray[$lKey]; return count($ioArray); } // before last PHP (now generates a deprecation warning) array_unshift ($a, &$v); // since last PHP (caution, there is a wrapping array !!) array_unshift1 ($a, array (&$v)); ?> sahn
If you need to prepend something to the array without the keys being reindexed and/or need to prepend a key value pair, you can use this short function: <?php function array_unshift_assoc(&$arr, $key, $val) { $arr = array_reverse($arr, true); $arr[$key] = $val; $arr = array_reverse($arr, true); return count($arr); } ?> chris dot nothxspam dot given
If you need to change the name of a key without changing its position in the array this function may be useful. <?php function array_key_change($Old, $New, $In, $NewVal=NULL) { $Temp = array(); while(isset($Temp[$Old]) == false) { list($k, $v) = each($In); $Temp[$k] = $v; unset($In[$k]); } if($NewVal == NULL) { $NewVal = $Temp[$Old]; } unset($Temp[$Old]); $Temp = array_reverse($Temp); $In = array_merge(array($New=>$NewVal), $In); while(list($k,$v) = each($Temp)) { $In = array_merge(array($k=>$v), $In); } return($In); } ?> jrh_at_geodata.soton.ac.uk
I have found array_unshift is a function that should be avoided when unshifting lots of data in large arrays. In a recent script I wrote, it took approx. 24 seconds to unshift 3500 timestamps to an array, a work around could be to use array_reverse and array_push. Array_push is much faster due to the indexing. john brooking
I had a need tonight to convert a numeric array from 1-based to 0-based, and found that the following worked just fine due to the "side effect" of renumbering: array_unshift( $myArray, array_shift( $myArray )); 07-nov-2005 07:38
function multi_array_search($search_value, $the_array) { if (is_array($the_array)) { foreach ($the_array as $key => $value) { $result = multi_array_search($search_value, $value); if (is_array($result)) { $return = $result; array_unshift($return, $key); return $return; } elseif ($result == true) { $return[] = $key; return $return; } } return false; } else { if ($search_value == $the_array) { return true; } else return false; } } php
even simpler unshifting of a reference ! <?php /** * @return int * @param $array array * @param $value mixed * @desc Prepend a reference to an element to the beginning of an array. Renumbers numeric keys, so $value is always inserted to $array[0] */ function array_unshift_ref(&$array, &$value) { $return = array_unshift($array,''); $array[0] =& $value; return $return; } ?> rsmith_nospam_
array_merge() will also reindex (see array_merge() manual entry), but the '+' operator won't, so... <?php $arrayone=array("newkey"=>"newvalue") + $arrayone; ?> does the job. robert dot wills
Actually this problem with the keys getting reindexed only happens when the keys are numerical: <?php $a = array("f"=>"five", "s" =>"six", "t" => "twenty"); print_r($a); echo "\n"; foreach($a as $key=>$val) { echo "k: $key v: $val \n"; } array_unshift($a, "zero"); print_r($a); echo "\n"; foreach($a as $key=>$val) { echo "k: $key v: $val \n"; } ?> Array ( [f] => five [s] => six [t] => twenty ) k: f v: five k: s v: six k: t v: twenty Array ( [0] => zero [f] => five [s] => six [t] => twenty ) k: 0 v: zero k: f v: five k: s v: six k: t v: twenty timhyde
A simpler way to implement an array_unshift with key=>value pairs (i.e. similar to the example using array_reverse above) is to use array_merge. i.e. <?php $arrayone=array_merge(array("newkey"=>"newvalue"),$arrayone); ?> Obviously you need to take care when adding numeric or duplicate keys. mightye
@John Brooking: Better performing would most likely be array_values($input) |
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