![]() chr
Return a specific character
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 2397. chr() example<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » chr Examples ( Source code ) » Use variables in mail function Examples ( Source code ) » String char count Examples ( Source code ) » Get WhoIs Information for 270 different tld's Examples ( Source code ) » Calling PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Examples ( Source code ) » Array Binding and PL/SQL Bulk Processing Examples ( Source code ) » Getting Output with DBMS_OUTPUT Examples ( Source code ) » Get the filename from the descriptor BFILE Examples ( Source code ) » Get the filename from the descriptor BFILE PL/SQL procedure Code Examples / Notes » chrwebmaster
\n == Usefull if u want to display multi-line-alt-strings e.g. <img src="/gifs/php_logo.gif" alt="Here u can see the PHPLogo 3rd line"> ddawsonnospam
[Editor's note: %c is defined as: "Print the character belonging to the ascii code given" chr() just gives a string, so you need to use %s, even if the string consists of only one character. This is consistent with other languages. --Jeroen@php.net] Learn from my mistake: Do not expect this to work! <?php $c_question = chr(63); $v_out = sprintf("<%cphp\n", $c_question); //... more stuff being sprintf'd into v_out here ... $v_out = sprintf("%s%c>\n", $v_out, $c_question); $v_fp = fopen("foofile", "w"); if ($v_fp) { fwrite($v_fp, $v_out, strlen($v_out)); fclose($v_fp); } ?> When I did this, foofile contained <NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL>. I spun my wheels quite awhile looking at fputs, fwrite to verify I was calling those functions correctly. My mistake was using $c_question = chr(63) instead of $c_question = 63 (correct). Then everything worked fine. tippy2k
Working on the same thing as jmartin today. 701 is the limit of the script, 'ZZ'. This should work a little faster. Hope it helps. <? function SSkey($xkey+1) { $prefix = chr(floor($xkey+1 / 26)+64); if($prefix == chr(64)) unset($prefix); $suffix = chr($xkey+1 - (floor($xkey+1 / 26)*26) +64); if($suffix == chr(64)) { $prefix = chr( ord($prefix) -1); if($prefix == chr(64)) unset($prefix); $suffix = 'Z'; } $sskey = "$prefix$suffix"; return $sskey; } ?> mcusack
when working with output to a windows system i.e. a textfile the end of line "\n" will not return a valid newline that windows will understand (this is due to a lack of standards accross OS types) this is because windows reads new lines as carriage return and an additional char the linefeed the traditional "\n" so in short use the following to produce a new line under a windows text environment "\r\n" // not tested but this should work in most cases (i think....) <?php function win_nl2br($stringtext) { return str_replace("\r\n", " ", $stringtext); } function win_br2nl($stringtext) { return str_replace(" ", "\r\n", $stringtext); } ?> Hope this is as informative to you as it was to me ...... tenyou
When having to deal with parsing an IIS4 or IIS5 metabase dump I wrote a simple function for converting those MS hexidecimal values into their ascii counter parts. Hopefully someone will find use for it. <?php function hex_decode($string) { for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i) { $decoded .= chr(hexdec(substr($string,$i,2))); $i = (float)($i)+2; } return $decoded; } ?> joeldegan
Want terminal colors in command line php scripts? This should take care of that. <? $_colors = array( 'LIGHT_RED' => "[1;31m", 'LIGHT_GREEN' => "[1;32m", 'YELLOW' => "[1;33m", 'LIGHT_BLUE' => "[1;34m", 'MAGENTA' => "[1;35m", 'LIGHT_CYAN' => "[1;36m", 'WHITE' => "[1;37m", 'NORMAL' => "[0m", 'BLACK' => "[0;30m", 'RED' => "[0;31m", 'GREEN' => "[0;32m", 'BROWN' => "[0;33m", 'BLUE' => "[0;34m", 'CYAN' => "[0;36m", 'BOLD' => "[1m", 'UNDERSCORE' => "[4m", 'REVERSE' => "[7m", ); function termcolored($text, $color="NORMAL", $back=1){ global $_colors; $out = $_colors["$color"]; if($out == ""){ $out = "[0m"; } if($back){ return chr(27)."$out$text".chr(27).chr(27)."[0m".chr(27); }else{ echo chr(27)."$out$text".chr(27).chr(27)."[0m".chr(27); }//fi }// end function echo termcolored("test\n", "BLUE"); ?> mwgamera
Unicode version of chr() using mbstring <?php function unichr($u) { return mb_convert_encoding(pack("N",$u), mb_internal_encoding(), 'UCS-4BE'); } ?> It returns a string in internal encoding (possibly more than one byte). jdavid
To elaborate on JasonLauDotBiz's piece of code and also schafer at robandger dot com: for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $randnum = mt_rand(0,61); if ($randnum < 10) $randstr .= $randnum; else if ($randnum < 36) $randstr .= chr($randnum+55); else $randstr .= chr($randnum+61); } echo $randstr; This will give you a 10 character string consisting of [A-Za-z0-9]. Usefull for passwords or other random strings. miguel perez
This is my implementation of unichr: <?php function unichr($c) { if ($c <= 0x7F) { return chr($c); } else if ($c <= 0x7FF) { return chr(0xC0 | $c >> 6) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } else if ($c <= 0xFFFF) { return chr(0xE0 | $c >> 12) . chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } else if ($c <= 0x10FFFF) { return chr(0xF0 | $c >> 18) . chr(0x80 | $c >> 12 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } else { return false; } } ?> paddy and ger
This is just a small piece that allows you to echo out a set number of characters from a string. We were writing option values (html form element) dynamically from an xml file. Some of the strings were too long and as the select tag has no attributes to control the width or columns it seems a handy way to solve the problem. $string = "this is some text"; $length = strlen($string); // gets the length of the string $newLength = -($length - 5); // makes the length smaller by 5 characters $string = substr("$string", 0, $newLength); // sets the string to be 5 characters in length echo $string; 29-jun-2002 04:05
This bit of code will convert all those lovely tilde,umlaut etc. etc. characters into safe character codes: <?php $trans_array = array(); for ($i=127; $i<255; $i++) { $trans_array[chr($i)] = "&#" . $i . ";"; } $outtext = strtr($intext, $trans_array); ?> sarabas
The following function helped me to generate ascii-only usernames from firstname/lastname containing iso-8859-2 characters. The convertion array was based on contents of 'man iso-8859-2'. Example: iso2ascii("błażej.źdźbło") returns "blazej.zdzblo" function iso2ascii($str) { $arr=array( chr(161)=>'A', chr(163)=>'L', chr(165)=>'L', chr(166)=>'S', chr(169)=>'S', chr(170)=>'S', chr(171)=>'T', chr(172)=>'Z', chr(174)=>'Z', chr(175)=>'Z', chr(177)=>'a', chr(179)=>'l', chr(181)=>'l', chr(182)=>'s', chr(185)=>'s', chr(186)=>'s', chr(187)=>'t', chr(188)=>'z', chr(190)=>'z', chr(191)=>'z', chr(192)=>'R', chr(193)=>'A', chr(194)=>'A', chr(195)=>'A', chr(196)=>'A', chr(197)=>'L', chr(198)=>'C', chr(199)=>'C', chr(200)=>'C', chr(201)=>'E', chr(202)=>'E', chr(203)=>'E', chr(204)=>'E', chr(205)=>'I', chr(206)=>'I', chr(207)=>'D', chr(208)=>'D', chr(209)=>'N', chr(210)=>'N', chr(211)=>'O', chr(212)=>'O', chr(213)=>'O', chr(214)=>'O', chr(216)=>'R', chr(217)=>'U', chr(218)=>'U', chr(219)=>'U', chr(220)=>'U', chr(221)=>'Y', chr(222)=>'T', chr(223)=>'s', chr(224)=>'r', chr(225)=>'a', chr(226)=>'a', chr(227)=>'a', chr(228)=>'a', chr(229)=>'l', chr(230)=>'c', chr(231)=>'c', chr(232)=>'c', chr(233)=>'e', chr(234)=>'e', chr(235)=>'e', chr(236)=>'e', chr(237)=>'i', chr(238)=>'i', chr(239)=>'d', chr(240)=>'d', chr(241)=>'n', chr(242)=>'n', chr(243)=>'o', chr(244)=>'o', chr(245)=>'o', chr(246)=>'o', chr(248)=>'r', chr(249)=>'u', chr(250)=>'u', chr(251)=>'u', chr(252)=>'u', chr(253)=>'y', chr(254)=>'t' ); return strtr($str,$arr); } 15-dec-2004 06:04
Same function as suggested by tippy2k/jmartin. tippy2k's code seems to have a syntax error in the function declaration; jmartin's code throws a notice. So here's yet another version, without temporary variables and loops: <? // 1 <= $a <= 702 function col2str($a) { return ($a-->26?chr(($a/26+25)%26+ord('A')):'').chr($a%26+ord('A')); } // Example $colname = col2str(1) // returns "A" $colname = col2str(27) // returns "AA" $colname = col2str(702) // returns "ZZ" ?> loremaster
Re: Kristin: Line feed vs carriage return I may be wrong, it's been a while since I cared about the difference. Line feeds add a new line below the current carriage position and moves the carriage to it. Carriage return brings the carriage (or cursor, if you like) to the beginning of the line. Most mutliline text fields, when you press Enter, you get both a line feed (new line) and a carriage return (return). Typically I use the strtr function and replace "\n\r" rather than searching for ascii 13 and 10. There are many ways, of course, so your mileage may vary. perrodin
Note that if the number is higher than 256, it will return the number mod 256. For example : chr(321)=A because A=65(256) kristin
Note that chr(10) is a 'line feed' and chr(13) is a 'carriage return' and they are not the same thing! I found this out while attempting to parse text from forms and text files for inclusion as HTML by replacing all the carriage returns with 's only to find after many head-scratchings that I should have been looking for line feeds. If anyone can shed some light on what the difference is, please do. If you're planning on saving text from a form into a database for later display, you'll need to apply the following function so that it gets saved with the proper HTML tags. <?php $text = str_replace ( chr(10), " ", $text ); ?> When you want to plug it back into that form for editing you need to convert it back. <?php $text = str_replace ( " ", chr(10), $text) ?> Hope this saves somebody some trouble. :) jgray
Lowercase alphabet: for($a=97;$a<(97+26);$a++){ echo chr($a); } jon
in response to jcokos's function for catching non-Ascii values when converting to entitites for XML. I have found it better to use htmlspecialchars rather than htmlentities because htmlentities does convert some non-Ascii characters to entitities, for example the copyright symbol. To be fully compliant with XML, the numeric entity should be used, rather than the symbolic version used in htmlentities. <?php function strictify ( $string ) { $fixed = htmlspecialchars( $string, ENT_QUOTES ); $trans_array = array(); for ($i=127; $i<255; $i++) { $trans_array[chr($i)] = "&#" . $i . ";"; } $really_fixed = strtr($fixed, $trans_array); return $really_fixed; } ?> jasonwiener.com
In re: to Mike's post on converting int to alpha. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.chr.php#54256 I'm using it to build an A-Z index and wanted to drive it using ints via a for loop. The prob was it only produced a-y when i started @ 1 and incremeneted to 27. Made a couple changes and it works great now. Thanks Mike for doing the heavy lifting. J. ---start code--- function convertIntToAlphabet($int_wert) { if($int_wert%27>=1) { $alpha_string=chr(($int_wert%27)+64).$alpha_string; $alpha_string=convertIntToAlphabet($int_wert/27).$alpha_string; } return $alpha_string; } ---finish code--- mike
In addition to what mcusack wrote about new lines in text files under Windows: <?php $text = "First line\r\n"; $text .= "Second line"; echo $text; ?> Will output: First lineSecond line <?php $text = "First line" . chr(13) . chr(10); $text .= "Second line"; echo $text; ?> Will output: First line Second line 24-may-2005 03:15
If you want to increment your letter, which is stored as a string, you have to convert it back to an integer first. <?php $letter=strtolower($_GET['letter']); //You wanted this originally, but not decided you want the previous letter $letter=ord($letter); //Convert to an integer $letter=chr($letter-1); //Convert back to a string, but the previous letter (naturally won't work with A or a) ?> vdklah
I'm sorry to say that the posted convertIntToAlphabet function does not work correctly. It fails on numbers with a "Z" in it! Aside that it also gives a PHP warning, I really did not like recursion 'cauz huge numbers leads into unneeded memory usage. Here some results showing problems: Dec convertIntToAlphabet ... 24 X 25 Y 26 -> empty! 27 AA 28 AB ... 76 BX 77 BY 78 -> empty! 79 CA 80 CB ... 1350 AYX 1351 AYY 1352 -> empty! 1353 A -> bad! 1354 B -> bad! So I have written another version: function toAlphaNumber( $num ) { $anum = ''; while( $num >= 1 ) { $num = $num - 1; $anum = chr(($num % 26)+65).$anum; $num = $num / 26; } return $anum; } With improved results: Dec toAlphaNumber ... 24 X 25 Y 26 Z 27 AA 28 AB ... 76 BX 77 BY 78 BZ 79 CA 80 CB ... 1350 AYX 1351 AYY 1352 AYZ 1353 AZA 1354 AZB 23-nov-2006 10:08
I was really surprised to see that work: $myurl = preg_replace('~%([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1\\2"))', $myurl); 'M%C3%BCnchen' (which is what a Browser makes of an URL containing verbatim utf-8) gives a nice 2-byte-unicode-char: 'München' avenger
I usally used this code to test a Chinese string: <?php $chinese_str = "³Â²®ÀÖ"; if (preg_match("/^[".chr(0xa1)."-".chr(0xff)."_-]+$/",$chinese_str) { echo 'This is a Chinese word..'; } else { echo 'This is not a Chinese word..'; } ?> grey - greywyvern - com
I spent hours looking for a function which would take a numeric HTML entity value and output the appropriate UTF-8 bytes. I found this at another site and only had to modify it slightly; so I don't take credit for this. <?php function unichr($dec) { if ($dec < 128) { $utf = chr($dec); } else if ($dec < 2048) { $utf = chr(192 + (($dec - ($dec % 64)) / 64)); $utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64)); } else { $utf = chr(224 + (($dec - ($dec % 4096)) / 4096)); $utf .= chr(128 + ((($dec % 4096) - ($dec % 64)) / 64)); $utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64)); } return $utf; } ?> So for example: <?php $str = "Chinese: 中文"; $str = preg_replace("/&#(\d{2,5});/e", "unichr($1);", $str); ?> admin
I made a password generator with this function... <?php $passlength = 8; $pass = ""; $i = 0; while($i <= $passlength) { $pass .= chr(rand(33,126)); $i++; } echo $pass; ?> Ofcourse you can change passlength. Example of an 8-char password: AFJ\)t'u} I realise it isn't compatible for all sites, but most will accept :) sgaston
I found this function useful as a way to detect and to replace Microsoft Smart Quotes when desplaying info on a webpage. The following lines seem to do the trick: <?php $text = "string containing Microsoft Smart Quotes..."; $chrs = array (chr(150), chr(147), chr(148), chr(146)); $repl = array ("-", "\"", "\"", "'"); $text = str_replace($chrs, $repl, $text); ?> jasonlaudotbiz
I didn't see it here, so here's simple random string generation using char. for($i=0; $i<7; $i++){ $random_string .= chr(rand(0,25)+65); } echo $random_string; jgraef
Hi, This little function will replace unreadable chars with a "." in your string function onlyreadables($string) { for ($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) { $chr = $string{$i}; $ord = ord($chr); if ($ord<32 or $ord>126) { $chr = "."; $string{$i} = $chr; } } return $string; } mike
Hi out there! Here are two usefull functions to convert ordinal values to int value and back (unlimited length). For Example: 'A' = 1 'B' = 2 'C' = 3 'AA' = 27 'ABC' = 731 Convert ordinal value to INT: function convertAlphabetToInt($alpha_string) { $int_wert=0; $potenzcounter=0; for ($i=strlen($alpha_string);$i>0;$i--) { $ordinalwert=(ord(substr($alpha_string,$i-1,1))-64); $int_wert+=$ordinalwert*pow(26,$potenzcounter); $potenzcounter++; } return $int_wert; } And back from INT to ordinal: function convertIntToAlphabet($int_wert) { if($int_wert%26>=1) { $alpha_string=chr(($int_wert%26)+64).$alpha_string; $alpha_string=convertIntToAlphabet($int_wert/26).$alpha_string; } return $alpha_string; } This functions will return for example: convertAlphabetToInt("ABCD") => Output: 19010 convertIntToAlphabet(19010) = Output: "ABCD" I hope someone can use it :) Greetings, Mike gschafer
Here's a small function I wrote up to generate random passwords using the chr() function. <?php function randPass($len) { $pw = ''; //intialize to be blank for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { switch(rand(1,3)) { case 1: $pw.=chr(rand(48,57)); break; //0-9 case 2: $pw.=chr(rand(65,90)); break; //A-Z case 3: $pw.=chr(rand(97,122)); break; //a-z } } return $pw; } ?> Example: <?php $password = randPass(10); //assigns 10-character password ?> I found this useful in my early coding days... I'm sure someone else will too :D happyevil
Here is a function that's help me find what chr(number) outputs what character quicker than typing out 256 echo tags. <?php function listChr(){ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { static $genNum; $genNum++; echo "chr($genNum) will output '"; echo (chr($genNum)); echo "'< br>\n"; } } listChr(); ?> Another helpful chr is #9, being a tab. Quite using when making error logs. $tab = (chr(9)); echo "<pre>error{$tab}date{$tab}time</pre>"; -- HappyEvil jmartin
Here is a function that will convert column numbers in to a letters for use in a spreadsheet. It is limited up to 'ZZ' but can easliy by modifed. <?php function col2chr($a){ if($a<27){ return strtoupper(chr($a+96)); }else{ while($a > 26){ $b++; $a = $a-26; } $b = strtoupper(chr($b+96)); $a = strtoupper(chr($a+96)); return $b.$a; } } ?> infoserv
Cutting Korean(2Byte)-String <?php function cutStr($str,$len){ if(strlen($str) > $len){ $str = substr($str,0,$len - 2); if(strlen(substr(strrchr($str," "),1)) % 2) $str = substr($str,0,strlen($str) - 1); $str .= ".."; } return $str; } ?> darkodemon
chr() with unicode support <?php function uchr ($codes) { if (is_scalar($codes)) $codes= func_get_args(); $str= ''; foreach ($codes as $code) $str.= html_entity_decode('&#'.$code.';',ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8'); return $str; } echo uchr(23383); echo '<br/>'; echo uchr(23383,215,23383); echo '<br/>'; echo uchr(array(23383,215,23383,215,23383)); echo '<br/>'; ?> plugwash
bear in mind that php doesn't really care about character sets. php strings are just arbitary byte sequences thier meaning (especailly when you go beyond code 127) depends entirely on whats interpreting the data (in the case of a browser the charset specified in the http headers).
Based on Mike's code, here are some handy functions to convert integer numbers into an alphanumeric form based on a custom character set. Meaning, the array $chrs can include anything, and as long as the same $chrs is used in the decoding, it will always work. I am using it a condense a generated ID that gets displayed. e.g., g5 = 997, 10000093 = FXtP -- Much shorter! Elijah ----------------------------------------------------------- $chrs = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S' ,'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); function int_to_alph($int, $chrs) { $base = sizeof($chrs); do { $alph = $chrs[($int % $base)] . $alph; } while($int = intval($int / $base)); return $alph; } function alph_to_int($alph, $chrs) { $base = sizeof($chrs); for($i = 0, $int = 0; $i < strlen($alph); $i++) { $int += intval(array_search(substr($alph, strlen($alph) - $i - 1, 1), $chrs)) * pow($base, $i); } return $int; } goffrie
ASCII 7 makes a beep. so print chr(7); is useful in long scripts (like ones that download big files) when you want to get the user's attention after a long time of waiting. --------------------- Me:) --------------------- jcokos
A quick function that I use to make strings "XML" compliant, changing every special character into their #$... equivalent. htmlentities doesn't get all of the chars above 127, so the second part of this (which I stole from one of the comments above) finishes the process, returning a nice, xml happy string. <?php function strictify ( $string ) { $fixed = htmlentities( $string, ENT_QUOTES ); $trans_array = array(); for ($i=127; $i<255; $i++) { $trans_array[chr($i)] = "&#" . $i . ";"; } $really_fixed = strtr($fixed, $trans_array); return $really_fixed; } ?> HTH lawright
A little modification of the really useful onlyreadables function posted by jgraef below that saves some of the common characters.. function onlyreadables($string) { for ($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) { $chr = $string{$i}; $ord = ord($chr); if ($ord>32 and $ord<126) continue; elseif ($ord>191 and $ord<198) $string{$i} = 'A'; elseif ($ord>199 and $ord<204) $string{$i} = 'E'; elseif ($ord>203 and $ord<208) $string{$i} = 'I'; elseif ($ord>209 and $ord<215) $string{$i} = 'O'; elseif ($ord>216 and $ord<221) $string{$i} = 'U'; elseif ($ord>223 and $ord<230) $string{$i} = 'a'; elseif ($ord>231 and $ord<236) $string{$i} = 'e'; elseif ($ord>235 and $ord<240) $string{$i} = 'i'; elseif ($ord>241 and $ord<247) $string{$i} = 'o'; elseif ($ord>249 and $ord<253) $string{$i} = 'u'; elseif ($ord>252 and $ord<256) $string{$i} = 'y'; elseif ($ord==241) $string{$i} = 'n'; elseif ($ord==209) $string{$i} = 'N'; else $string{$i} = '.'; } return $string; } bg
"If anyone can shed some light on what the difference is, please do." This is what happens when you give bright young people new power but without old understanding. A line feed ...........does this. A carriage return does this. The "carriage" is the typewriter (or teletypewriter's) strikehead mechanism. The "return" means return to leftmost margin; whereas, linefeed means just go down one line but remain at unaltered horizontal position. |
Change Language![]() addcslashes addslashes bin2hex chop chr chunk_split convert_cyr_string convert_uudecode convert_uuencode count_chars crc32 crypt echo explode fprintf get_html_translation_table hebrev hebrevc html_entity_decode htmlentities htmlspecialchars_decode htmlspecialchars implode join levenshtein localeconv ltrim md5_file md5 metaphone money_format nl_langinfo nl2br number_format ord parse_str printf quoted_printable_decode quotemeta rtrim setlocale sha1_file sha1 similar_text soundex sprintf sscanf str_getcsv str_ireplace str_pad str_repeat str_replace str_rot13 str_shuffle str_split str_word_count strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strip_tags stripcslashes stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp strpbrk strpos strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtoupper strtr substr_compare substr_count substr_replace substr trim ucfirst ucwords vfprintf vprintf vsprintf wordwrap |