![]() dl
Loads a PHP extension at runtime
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 1832. dl() examples<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » dl Examples ( Source code ) » Responding to Checkboxes Examples ( Source code ) » Form select input Examples ( Source code ) » Form value validation Examples ( Source code ) » Form Data Validation With Error Count Examples ( Source code ) » Cookie based login form and get last login time Examples ( Source code ) » Adding a New Node to contact.xml Examples ( Source code ) » SAX parser in action Examples ( Source code ) » A simple XML parser Examples ( Source code ) » Turning an XML Document into an Array Examples ( Source code ) » Walking the Document Tree Examples ( Source code ) » XML Cdata handler Examples ( Source code ) » Using a Default Handler Examples ( Source code ) » Parsing a Processing Instruction Examples ( Source code ) » XML Path in action Examples ( Source code ) » Set predefined value into xml path Code Examples / Notes » dljames
WARNING: enable_dl/dl() ********************* There is an exploit circulating currently which takes advantage of dl() to inject code into Apache which causes all requests to all virtual hosts to be redirected to a page of the attackers choice. All operators of shared web hosting servers with Apache and PHP should disable dl() by setting enable_dl to off otherwise your servers are vulnerable to this exploit. This exploit is generally known as flame.so (the object that is loaded into Apache) and flame.php (the php script that loads it). Google gives more information: http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=flame.so+flame.php docey
just some note to loading modules, they do not have to be executable. some examples below check for this but if an module is not executable is does not mean you cant use it. it just needs to be readable NOT executable. although some modules might need this perhaps for some reason i cannot think of, so here an example, // fails to load mysql although it could be loaded. if(is_executable("mysql.so")){ dl("mysql.so"); } // loads mysql if(is_readable("mysql.so")){ dl("mysql.so"); } watch out with this, as you can see mysql.so would not be loaded and the script would fail. because its checked for executable permissions although these are not needed. endofyourself
If you need to load an extension from the CURRENT local directory because you do not have privelages to place the extension in your servers PHP extensions directory, this function i wrote may be of use to you --------------- /* Function: dl_local() Reference: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.dl.php Author: Brendon Crawford <endofyourself |AT| yahoo> Usage: dl_local( "mylib.so" ); Returns: Extension Name (NOT the extension filename however) NOTE: This function can be used when you need to load a PHP extension (module,shared object,etc..), but you do not have sufficient privelages to place the extension in the proper directory where it can be loaded. This function will load the extension from the CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY only. If you need to see which functions are available within a certain extension, use "get_extension_funcs()". Documentation for this can be found at "http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.get-extension-funcs.php". */ function dl_local( $extensionFile ) { //make sure that we are ABLE to load libraries if( !(bool)ini_get( "enable_dl" ) || (bool)ini_get( "safe_mode" ) ) { die( "dh_local(): Loading extensions is not permitted.\n" ); } //check to make sure the file exists if( !file_exists( $extensionFile ) ) { die( "dl_local(): File '$extensionFile' does not exist.\n" ); } //check the file permissions if( !is_executable( $extensionFile ) ) { die( "dl_local(): File '$extensionFile' is not executable.\n" ); } //we figure out the path $currentDir = getcwd() . "/"; $currentExtPath = ini_get( "extension_dir" ); $subDirs = preg_match_all( "/\//" , $currentExtPath , $matches ); unset( $matches ); //lets make sure we extracted a valid extension path if( !(bool)$subDirs ) { die( "dl_local(): Could not determine a valid extension path [extension_dir].\n" ); } $extPathLastChar = strlen( $currentExtPath ) - 1; if( $extPathLastChar == strrpos( $currentExtPath , "/" ) ) { $subDirs--; } $backDirStr = ""; for( $i = 1; $i <= $subDirs; $i++ ) { $backDirStr .= ".."; if( $i != $subDirs ) { $backDirStr .= "/"; } } //construct the final path to load $finalExtPath = $backDirStr . $currentDir . $extensionFile; //now we execute dl() to actually load the module if( !dl( $finalExtPath ) ) { die(); } //if the module was loaded correctly, we must bow grab the module name $loadedExtensions = get_loaded_extensions(); $thisExtName = $loadedExtensions[ sizeof( $loadedExtensions ) - 1 ]; //lastly, we return the extension name return $thisExtName; }//end dl_local() ------------------------- buildsmart
I recently came across this under PHP 4.4.4, it seems that the dl(); function generates an error/warning about registering the function if a test is done on an extension that is pre-loaded in the php.ini file (extension=gd.so). <?php $gd_is_shared = "shared-library"; if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromPNG') && !@dl('gd.so')) { $gd_is_shared = "embedded"; } print $gd_is_shared; ?> The only purpose of this test is to determine if it is an embedded extension or a loaded extension. I don't see this error occur under PHP 5.1.6 or PHP 5.2.0. The test platform is Mac OS X 10.3.9 and Mac OS X 10.4.8 nutbar
For those who are tearing their hair out due to the extension_dir being set to "./", here's a somewhat graceful fix that will be portable: dl(preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)/', '../', dirname(__FILE__)) . __FILE__ . '/../some/path/dll.so'); You could alternatively make that preg_replace part into a separate function and call it something like dirname_rel() or whatever. It basically replaces all the path components with ".." and spits out a relative path, so that when mixed with the "./" part of the extension_dir setting, it puts you at the root folder "/" so that you know where you are :) tychay
Alan isn't 100% correct (though he's close). The exception is Mac OS X. This operating system makes a distinction between dynamically loadable shared libraries and and loadable modules of code (bundles). The former has an extension .dylib and the latter has an extension .so. The former is in Mac-O and the latter is in ELF. Thus PHP's extensions are built as .so whereas the symbol PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX is bound (currently) to .dylib. I don't think this is the correct behavior, but nonetheless, it is the behavior as of PHP-5.0.0b2-dev. Right now, the config binds to SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME (which is correctly bound to .dylib on Mac OS X). I imagine this is related to why there is so much trouble getting dl() to work on Mac OS X. (For instance, I have no trouble phpizing in a new shared library, but when compiling in stuff as shared... much evilness!) BTW, to get dl() to work in Mac OS X you need to install the dlcompat library (via Fink, DarwinPorts, or Gentoo ports). Remember in the case of Fink, you better make sure your environment variables are adjusted to point to where dlcompat (and your other fink libraries) are. terry prozente
a note for mag_2000 at front dot ru the line $currentExtPath = ini_get('extension_dir'); would be better to be $currentExtPath = realpath(ini_get('extension_dir')); I came across some hosts that had ./ set at the extension_dir mag_2000
<?php function dl_local( $extensionFile ) { //make sure that we are ABLE to load libraries if( !(bool)ini_get( "enable_dl" ) || (bool)ini_get( "safe_mode" ) ) { die( "dh_local(): Loading extensions is not permitted.\n" ); } //check to make sure the file exists if( !file_exists( $extensionFile ) ) { die( "dl_local(): File '$extensionFile' does not exist.\n" ); } //check the file permissions if( !is_executable( $extensionFile ) ) { die( "dl_local(): File '$extensionFile' is not executable.\n" ); } //we figure out the path $currentDir = getcwd() . "/"; $currentExtPath = ini_get( "extension_dir" ); $subDirs = preg_match_all( "/\//" , $currentExtPath , $matches ); unset( $matches ); //lets make sure we extracted a valid extension path if( !(bool)$subDirs ) { die( "dl_local(): Could not determine a valid extension path [extension_dir].\n" ); } $extPathLastChar = strlen( $currentExtPath ) - 1; if( $extPathLastChar == strrpos( $currentExtPath , "/" ) ) { $subDirs--; } $backDirStr = ""; for( $i = 1; $i <= $subDirs; $i++ ) { $backDirStr .= ".."; if( $i != $subDirs ) { $backDirStr .= "/"; } } //construct the final path to load $finalExtPath = $backDirStr . $currentDir . $extensionFile; //now we execute dl() to actually load the module if( !dl( $finalExtPath ) ) { die(); } //if the module was loaded correctly, we must bow grab the module name $loadedExtensions = get_loaded_extensions(); $thisExtName = $loadedExtensions[ sizeof( $loadedExtensions ) - 1 ]; //lastly, we return the extension name return $thisExtName; }//end dl_local() ?> |
Change Language![]() assert_options assert dl extension_loaded get_cfg_var get_current_user get_defined_constants get_extension_funcs get_include_path get_included_files get_loaded_extensions get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime get_required_files getenv getlastmod getmygid getmyinode getmypid getmyuid getopt getrusage ini_alter ini_get_all ini_get ini_restore ini_set main memory_get_peak_usage memory_get_usage php_ini_scanned_files php_logo_guid php_sapi_name php_uname phpcredits phpinfo phpversion putenv restore_include_path set_include_path set_magic_quotes_runtime set_time_limit sys_get_temp_dir version_compare zend_logo_guid zend_thread_id zend_version |