Creates a DOM object from an XML file
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)
Example 576. Opening an XML document from a file<?php Code Examples / Notes » domxml_open_fileinfo
You can load your own DTD's within your XML Doc like this: <?php $domxml = domxml_open_file('test.xml',DOMXML_LOAD_VALIDATING,$error); ?> I hope this helps.... The DocumentType Definition (must/have) to be in the Doc root of your Server... andrew
Using PHP 4.2.3 and Win2K. The XML file needs to be referenced using the full filesystem path name, even if its in the same directory. rudolfnospam
Using PHP 4.1.2, Win2K, IIS. I found that if the path to the XML source file is too long then the file isn't picked up. I haven't tested it to see how long the path can be or whether this is still an issue in PHP 4.2 kevin
If you're working on a windows machine and don't want to use full paths , just use... $showfile = file_get_contents($path . "/" . $fileName); if(!$domDoc = domxml_open_mem($showfile)) { echo "Couldn't load xml..."; exit; } Because file_get_contents() can use relative paths on Win, it keeps your code more portable... twist contact
If you want to work on both Windows and Linux, I found appending the following to the front of your file path works: $xmlPath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; $xmlDOM = domxml_open_file($xmlPath . "file.xml"); (rather than the "\\" in a previous post on this page which only works on Windows). This should get around the I/O errors. php
For me, on Windows XP, the solution with file_get_contents works, the one with domxml_open_file does not. It seems the latter caches the loaded file. Quite confusing.
domxml documentation is a moving target, for 4.2.3 a working example is: <? $xmlpath = dirname(__FILE__) . "\\"; $xmldoc = domxml_open_file( $xmlpath . "test.xml"); $xsldoc = domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file ( $xmlpath . "test.xsl"); $result = $xsldoc->process($xmldoc); print $result->dump_mem(); ?> RTFS is a working method in this case (lucky guesses work also from time tor time) :-) connor
But. if thr path is some hipelink like www.somth.com/data.xml
another way to resolve path's problem is to use realpath() function for example: <?php $file=$_REQUEST['file']; $xmlPath = realpath("../xml/"); $fileXML ="$file"; if(!$dom = domxml_open_file($xmlPath."/".$fileXML)) { echo "error opening the file"; exit; } ?> N.B. you have to put the final slash ( / ) beetween path and file name! a-wing info
A very useful undocumented feature if you are opening hundreds of xml docs (my script processes 20,000) is DomDocument->free. This clears the allocated the memory used by the xml file which is not done automatically by just opening a new file on the same variable. Example: <? $dir="/path/to/xml/files/"; if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if(is_file($dir.$file)) { echo $file . "\\n"; $dom=domxml_open_file($dir.$file); #... #You xml processor here #... $dom->free(); } } closedir($dh); } ?> |
Change LanguageDomAttribute->name DomAttribute->set_value DomAttribute->specified DomAttribute->value DomDocument->add_root DomDocument->create_attribute DomDocument->create_cdata_section DomDocument->create_comment DomDocument->create_element_ns DomDocument->create_element DomDocument->create_entity_reference DomDocument->create_processing_instruction DomDocument->create_text_node DomDocument->doctype DomDocument->document_element DomDocument->dump_file DomDocument->dump_mem DomDocument->get_element_by_id DomDocument->get_elements_by_tagname DomDocument->html_dump_mem DomDocument->xinclude DomDocumentType->entities() DomDocumentType->internal_subset() DomDocumentType->name() DomDocumentType->notations() DomDocumentType->public_id() DomDocumentType->system_id() DomElement->get_attribute_node() DomElement->get_attribute() DomElement->get_elements_by_tagname() DomElement->has_attribute() DomElement->remove_attribute() DomElement->set_attribute_node() DomElement->set_attribute() DomElement->tagname() DomNode->add_namespace DomNode->append_child DomNode->append_sibling DomNode->attributes DomNode->child_nodes DomNode->clone_node DomNode->dump_node DomNode->first_child DomNode->get_content DomNode->has_attributes DomNode->has_child_nodes DomNode->insert_before DomNode->is_blank_node DomNode->last_child DomNode->next_sibling DomNode->node_name DomNode->node_type DomNode->node_value DomNode->owner_document DomNode->parent_node DomNode->prefix DomNode->previous_sibling DomNode->remove_child DomNode->replace_child DomNode->replace_node DomNode->set_content DomNode->set_name DomNode->set_namespace DomNode->unlink_node DomProcessingInstruction->data DomProcessingInstruction->target DomXsltStylesheet->process() DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_file() DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_mem() domxml_new_doc domxml_open_file domxml_open_mem domxml_version domxml_xmltree domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file domxml_xslt_stylesheet domxml_xslt_version xpath_eval_expression xpath_eval xpath_new_context xpath_register_ns_auto xpath_register_ns xptr_eval xptr_new_context |