![]() domxml_open_mem
Creates a DOM object of an XML document
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)
Example 577. Opening an XML document in a string<?php Code Examples / Notes » domxml_open_memjon
You can also create a new DomDocument instance by calling its constructor: <?php $doc = new DomDocument($xml); ?> where $xml is any string of well-formed XML. voituk on asg dot kiev dot ua
There is some interesting feature with "magic_quotes_runtime" ini directive and "domxml_open_mem" function. If we have "magic_quotes_runtime=on" in out php.ini file, this code generates many warning $xml_str = file_get_contents($xml_file)); $Document = domxml_open_mem($xml_str)); if "magic_quotes_runtime=off" all is good. ej
The DOM XML parser does not automatically free memory when a DomDocument goes out of scope. If you're using the DOM parser to parse several XML files as part of a long running script, you must free the DomDocument manually or a memory leak will occur. To free a DOM document allocated by domxml_open_mem, do the following: $doc = domxml_open_mem("$contents"); $doc->free(); lian yuen chi
Regarding the 'magic_quotes_runtime = On' issue in XML parsing, I will suggest using the method below, for those who do not want to turn off the setting in the configuration file. <?php $original-magic-quotes-runtime-value = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); your-xml-parsing-codes(); set_magic_quotes_runtime($original-magic-quotes-runtime-value); ?> msh
It's always nice to see just where in the XML the error is so I've enhanced the error message example above to this: // Read and parse dynamic PHP/XML document. ob_start(); require($_REQUEST['page'].'.php'); $xml = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $xmldoc = domxml_open_mem("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>".$xml, DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING, $error); // Show error. if(!$xmldoc) { // Assign each line to array. $arXML = explode("\n", $xml); echo "<pre>"; foreach ($error as $errorline) { echo $errorline['errormessage']. "Node: ".$errorline['nodename']."\n". "Line: ".$errorline['line']."\n". "Column: ".$errorline['col']."\n"; // Locate actual line number. $arErrorMessage = explode(' line ', $errorline['errormessage']); $arErrorMessage = explode(' ', $arErrorMessage[1]); $errorLineNumber = $arErrorMessage[0]; // Show +/- 10 lines around error. $minErrorLineNumber = max(0, $errorLineNumber-10); $maxErrorLineNumber = min(sizeof($arXML), $errorLineNumber+10); echo "XML snip (linies: ".$minErrorLineNumber." to ".$maxErrorLineNumber."):\n"; for($n = $minErrorLineNumber; $n < $maxErrorLineNumber; $n++) if($n == $errorLineNumber) echo "<B>".htmlentities($arXML[$n])."</B>\n"; else echo htmlentities($arXML[$n])."\n"; echo "\n\n"; } echo "</pre>"; } This will actually render +/- 10 lines around the actual error. Hope others will find this usefull aswell. chris
Finally figured out the error handling. The sample below will give a nice error message. Should also work for domxml_open_file. <? # Small sample xml file with 2 errors # 1. root tag not closed # 2. Missing ; in & $xml = "<root>&"; $xmldoc = @domxml_open_mem($xml,DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING,$error); echo "<pre>"; # Just for nice layout foreach ($error as $errorline) { # Loop through all errors echo $errorline['errormessage']; echo " Node : " . $errorline['nodename'] . "\n"; echo " Line : " . $errorline['line'] . "\n"; echo " Column : " . $errorline['col'] . "\n\n"; } ?> heiko dot weber
Careful, this function will not work with XML documents which are in UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoding and include a BOM at the beginning, so your code will need a special handling for these encodings.
Although undocumented, domxml_open_mem does not exist in PHP5. See this site for a quick fix: http://alexandre.alapetite.net/doc-alex/domxml-php4-php5/index.en.html carl wurtz
A recursive function that parses XML into objects: <?php $xmlstg = '<?xml version="1.0"?'; $xmlstg .= '><candy><anatomically_shaped><head_to_bite_off>chocolate bunnies</head_to_bite_off><headless>gummi worms</headless></anatomically_shaped></candy>'; $dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstg); $root = $dom->document_element(); $root->name = '$candy'; function parse_node($node) { global $candy; if ($node->has_child_nodes()) { foreach($node->child_nodes() as $n) { if ($n->node_name() == '#text') { eval("$node->name=\"" . $n->node_value() . "\";"); } else { $n->name = $node->name . '->' . $n->node_name(); parse_node($n); } } } } parse_node($root); echo $candy->anatomically_shaped->head_to_bite_off; // echos "chocolate bunnies" ?> |
Change Language![]() DomAttribute->name DomAttribute->set_value DomAttribute->specified DomAttribute->value DomDocument->add_root DomDocument->create_attribute DomDocument->create_cdata_section DomDocument->create_comment DomDocument->create_element_ns DomDocument->create_element DomDocument->create_entity_reference DomDocument->create_processing_instruction DomDocument->create_text_node DomDocument->doctype DomDocument->document_element DomDocument->dump_file DomDocument->dump_mem DomDocument->get_element_by_id DomDocument->get_elements_by_tagname DomDocument->html_dump_mem DomDocument->xinclude DomDocumentType->entities() DomDocumentType->internal_subset() DomDocumentType->name() DomDocumentType->notations() DomDocumentType->public_id() DomDocumentType->system_id() DomElement->get_attribute_node() DomElement->get_attribute() DomElement->get_elements_by_tagname() DomElement->has_attribute() DomElement->remove_attribute() DomElement->set_attribute_node() DomElement->set_attribute() DomElement->tagname() DomNode->add_namespace DomNode->append_child DomNode->append_sibling DomNode->attributes DomNode->child_nodes DomNode->clone_node DomNode->dump_node DomNode->first_child DomNode->get_content DomNode->has_attributes DomNode->has_child_nodes DomNode->insert_before DomNode->is_blank_node DomNode->last_child DomNode->next_sibling DomNode->node_name DomNode->node_type DomNode->node_value DomNode->owner_document DomNode->parent_node DomNode->prefix DomNode->previous_sibling DomNode->remove_child DomNode->replace_child DomNode->replace_node DomNode->set_content DomNode->set_name DomNode->set_namespace DomNode->unlink_node DomProcessingInstruction->data DomProcessingInstruction->target DomXsltStylesheet->process() DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_file() DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_mem() domxml_new_doc domxml_open_file domxml_open_mem domxml_version domxml_xmltree domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file domxml_xslt_stylesheet domxml_xslt_version xpath_eval_expression xpath_eval xpath_new_context xpath_register_ns_auto xpath_register_ns xptr_eval xptr_new_context |