![]() ftp_rmdir
Removes a directory
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 746. ftp_rmdir() example<?php Code Examples / Notes » ftp_rmdirmgyth_at-online_dot-no
Worth beeing aware of: ftp_rmdir scrips that are porly written and require you to supply a $dir to delete, may in some cases, where the $dir is empty, run the script on the your base dir on the server, thus deleting all the files you have ftp acces to. mvh
to: turigeza on yahoo com You have made a mistake in the function. In it parts: <?php foreach($list as $value) ftp_rmdirr($value, $handle); ?> Need: <?php foreach($list as $value) { if ($value != $path . '/.' && $value != $path . '/..') ftp_rmdirr($value, $handle); } ?> tse-webdesign
The problem with the previous posts about recursive deleting of directories is that you might need to set error_reporting(0), but this doesn't work always. When you've got your own error_handler set, you'll notice that an error is thrown even when setting error_reporting(0). The following script generates various errors: <?php function ftp_rmdirr($path, $handle) { if (!(@ftp_rmdir($handle, $path) || @ftp_delete($handle, $path))) { $list = ftp_nlist($handle, $path); if (!empty($list)) foreach($list as $value) ftp_rmdirr($value, $handle); } @ftp_rmdir($handle, $path); } ?> Let me explain: with the @-sign you can suppres the error generated if the command failed, but somehow it still outputs the error. So the easiest solution for this is to check if the path is to a file or a directory, which you can check with ftp_nlist or ftp_rawlist. ftp_nlist(filename) returns the filename, ftp_nlist(dirname) returns a list with the files in that directory, or returns an empty array if the directory is empty. If ftp_nlist is not working, you can use ftp_rawlist() and parse the results. With ftp_rawlist(resource, path) you can get a detailed list of the files in a specific directory. At the end of every element of the array that ftp_rawlist(resource, path) returns, you'll find the filename or the dirname. This file- or dirname you can precede with the path you've provided for ftp_rawlist(), which gives you the ability to check if a path to a file or directory is really a file or a directory. This is what I came up with: <? /** * Delete the provided directory and all its contents from the FTP-server. * * @param string $path Path to the directory on the FTP-server relative to the current working directory */ function DeleteDirRecursive ($resource, $path) { $list = ftp_nlist ($resource, $path); if ( empty($nlist) ){ $list = RawlistToNlist ( ftp_rawlist($resource, $path), $path . ( substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1) == "/" ? "" : "/" ) ); } if ($list[0] != $path){ $path .= ( substr($path, strlen($path)-1, 1) == "/" ? "" : "/" ); foreach ($list as $item){ if ($item != $path.".." && $item != $path."."){ DeleteDirRecursive ($item); } } ftp_rmdir ($resource, $path); } else { ftp_delete ($resource, $path); } } /** * Convert a result from ftp_rawlist() to a result of ftp_nlist() * * @param array $rawlist Result from ftp_rawlist(); * @param string $path Path to the directory on the FTP-server relative to the current working directory * @return array An array with the paths of the files in the directory */ function RawlistToNlist ($rawlist, $path) { $array = array(); foreach ($rawlist as $item){ $filename = trim(substr($item, 55, strlen($item) - 55)); if ($filename != "." || $filename != ".."){ $array[] = $path . $filename; } } return $array; } ?> uma
Removing a directory using FTP(modified Version): ___________________________________________ function ftp_rmAll($conn_id,$dst_dir){ $ar_files = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $dst_dir); //var_dump($ar_files); if (is_array($ar_files)){ // makes sure there are files for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($ar_files);$i++){ // for each file $st_file = $ar_files[$i]; if($st_file == '.' || $st_file == '..') continue; if (ftp_size($conn_id, $dst_dir.'/'.$st_file) == -1){ // check if it is a directory ftp_rmAll($conn_id, $dst_dir.'/'.$st_file); // if so, use recursion } else { ftp_delete($conn_id, $dst_dir.'/'.$st_file); // if not, delete the file } } } $flag = ftp_rmdir($conn_id, $dst_dir); // delete empty directories //return $flag; } turigeza on yahoo com
Recursive directory delete using ftp_nlist() ... <?php function ftp_rmdirr($path, $handle) { if (!(@ftp_rmdir($handle, $path) || @ftp_delete($handle, $path))) { $list = ftp_nlist($handle, $path); if (!empty($list)) foreach($list as $value) ftp_rmdirr($value, $handle); } @ftp_rmdir($handle, $path); } ?> aidan
If you wish to recursively delete a directory and all its contents, see the below function. http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.ftp_rmdirr.php mail
At least in PHP 4.3.11 ftp_nlist lists complete paths, not just filenames. Therefore the function by uma at di4 dot com did not work for me. But it worked with a small change in line 6 like this: function ftp_rmAll($conn_id,$dst_dir){ $ar_files = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $dst_dir); //var_dump($ar_files); if (is_array($ar_files)){ // makes sure there are files for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($ar_files);$i++){ // for each file $st_file = basename($ar_files[$i]); if($st_file == '.' || $st_file == '..') continue; if (ftp_size($conn_id, $dst_dir.'/'.$st_file) == -1){ // check if it is a directory ftp_rmAll($conn_id, $dst_dir.'/'.$st_file); // if so, use recursion } else { ftp_delete($conn_id, $dst_dir.'/'.$st_file); // if not, delete the file } } } $flag = ftp_rmdir($conn_id, $dst_dir); // delete empty directories //return $flag; } |
Change Language![]() ftp_alloc ftp_cdup ftp_chdir ftp_chmod ftp_close ftp_connect ftp_delete ftp_exec ftp_fget ftp_fput ftp_get_option ftp_get ftp_login ftp_mdtm ftp_mkdir ftp_nb_continue ftp_nb_fget ftp_nb_fput ftp_nb_get ftp_nb_put ftp_nlist ftp_pasv ftp_put ftp_pwd ftp_quit ftp_raw ftp_rawlist ftp_rename ftp_rmdir ftp_set_option ftp_site ftp_size ftp_ssl_connect ftp_systype |