![]() func_get_args
Returns an array comprising a function's argument list
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 759. func_get_args() example<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » func_get_args Examples ( Source code ) » A Function to Format Debugging Messages Code Examples / Notes » func_get_args04-jun-2001 03:44
You can pass a variable number of arguments to a function whilst keeping references intact by using an array. The disadvantage of course, is that the called function needs to be aware that it's arguments are in an array. <? // Prints "hello mutated world" function mutator($args=null) { $n=count($args); while($i<$n) $args[$i++] = "mutated"; } $a = "hello"; $b = "strange"; $c = "world"; mutator(array($a, &$b, $c)); echo "$a $b $c"; ?> mark
You can also fake named arguments using eval: function test() { foreach (func_get_args() as $k=>$arg) eval ("\$$arg;"); echo "$a plus $b gives ".($a+$b); } test("a=3","b=4"); kidekat
To pass named arguments in a Perl fashion through class constructors, I use this: <?php class Test{ // set class defaults for values not assigned by constructor public $a = 0; public $b = 'string'; public $c = array(); public function __construct( $args = array() ) { // parse tagged arguments in Perl fashion foreach( $args as $k => $v ){ switch($k){ case 'a': $this->a= $v; break; case 'b': $this->b= $v; break; case 'c': $this->c= $v; break; } } } } $t = new Test( array( 'b'=>'new value', 'c'=>array(1,'test') ) ); ?> This allows $a to keep its default of 0, while $b gets reassigned to 'new value' and $c becomes the array(1,'test'). The catch is that you add O(n^2) "big-O notation" to the begging of every class constructor which becomes expensive on "larger" classes. While arguments defaults like the following have only O(n) "constant" amount of work. <?php public funciton __construct( $a=0, $b='string', $c=array()){ ... } ?> rafagd
Sometimes, you may need to dynamic set and get of args... This function merge array args, so you can dynamic set some args by sending an array arg. <? function dynamicArgs(/*$arg1, $arg2...$argN*/) { $args = func_get_args(); $num = func_num_args(); for ($i = 1; $i < $num; $i++) { $args[0] = array_merge((array) $args[0], (array) $args[$i]); } return $args[0]; } var_dump(dynamicArgs('a',array('b','c'),'d',1); ?> This should output like: array(5) { [0]=> string(1) "a" [1]=> string(1) "b" [2]=> string(1) "c" [3]=> string(1) "d" [4]=> int(1) } t.m.
Simple function to calculate average value using dynamic arguments: <?php function average(){ return array_sum(func_get_args())/func_num_args(); } print average(10, 15, 20, 25); // 17.5 ?> 01-nov-2006 06:26
Same idea as below, but this: foreach( $args as $k => $v ){ switch($k){ case 'a': $this->a= $v; break; case 'b': $this->b= $v; break; case 'c': $this->c= $v; break; } } can be shortened to this (as long as all public variables have default values set in their declarations): foreach( $args as $k=>$v) if(isset($this->$k)) $this->$k = $v; sinured
It may seem obvious, but if you want your variadic function to at least require one parameter, you can do this instead of checking func_num_args() == 0, which I've seen often: <?php function variadic($dummy) { $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($args as $arg) { echo "$arg<br />\n"; } } ?> func_get_args() fetches ALL passed parameters, not only those that weren't copied to a local variable. tristan dot colombo
In order to use the function 'func_get_args()' to instanciate differents type of objects, you must use the Reflection API. By example, we have two different classes and we want to have an unique function (using an unfixed number of parameters) to create the objects. We create two classes 'a' and 'b' where constructors accept different numbers of arguments. Class a (class/a.class.php): <?php include_once 'a.class.php'; class b extends a { private $param3; public function __construct($a, $b, $c) { $this->param1 = $a; $this->param2 = $b; $this->param3 = $c; } public function display() { echo $this->param1 . ', ' . $this->param2 . ' and ' . $this->param3 . '!<br />'; } } ?> Class b (class/b.class.php): <?php class a { private $param1; private $param2; public function __construct($a, $b) { $this->param1 = $a; $this->param2 = $b; } public function display() { echo $this->param1 . ' and ' . $this->param2 . '<br />'; } } ?> Main program : <?php function classFactory() { // Retrieve arguments list $_args = func_get_args(); // Delete the first argument which is the class name $_className = array_shift($_args); // Include the requested class include_once 'class/' . $_className . '.class.php'; // Create Reflection object // See : http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.reflection.php $_reflection = new ReflectionClass($_className); // Use the Reflection API return $_reflection->newInstanceArgs($_args); } $a = classFactory('a', 'hello', 'world'); $b = classFactory('b', 'that\'s', 'all', 'folks'); $a->display(); $b->display(); ?> nathan ostgard
If you're using PHP5, the variable number of argument functions all return the objects by reference - and not a copy of the object, as this leads you to believe.
If you were having trouble understanding the func_get_default_args() function below, this example should make things more clear. The author of the function could have written it like func_get_expected_default_args() but that doesn't account for args which were passed but not specified in the param list. example: <?php function func_get_expected_default_args($a) { // Grab the list of expected arguments. return func_get_args(); } function func_get_default_args($a) { // Grab the list of expected arguments. $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); // Append any unexpected agruments that may have been also passed // to the function, but were not in the param list. return array_merge($args, array_slice($a, count($args))); } function foo($bar=5, $foobar=3){ $args = func_get_expected_default_args2($bar, $foobar); echo 'expected args: '. print_r($args, true); $args = func_get_default_args(func_get_args(), $bar, $foobar); echo 'all args: '. print_r($args, true); } foo(20); foo(20, 95, 'unexpected', 'variables'); /* Output: expected args: Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 3 ) all args: Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 3 ) expected args: Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 95 ) all args: Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 95 [2] => unexpected [3] => variables ) */ ?> jmcguire81
Here is another variation on accepting a variable number of arguments. This allows for a variable number of arguments to be passed to a Class constructor, as well as a customized class version to be used dynamically. Syntax in code is: $mail = Generator("MailClassName", $db_ref); function Generator() { $numargs = func_num_args(); $classname = func_get_arg(0); $argstring=''; if ($numargs > 1) { $arg_list = func_get_args(); for ($x=1; $x<$numargs; $x++) { $argstring .= '$arg_list['.$x.']'; if ($x != $numargs-1) $argstring .= ','; } } if (class_exists("Custom{$classname}")) { $classname = "Custom{$classname}"; if ($argstring) return eval("return new $classname($argstring);"); return new $classname; } if ($argstring) return eval("return new $classname($argstring);"); return new $classname; } Hope this is of use to someone. volte6
For those who have a use for a C style enum() function: //******************************************* // void enum(); // enumerates constants for unique values guarenteed. function enum() { $i=0; $ARG_ARR = func_get_args(); if (is_array($ARG_ARR)) { foreach ($ARG_ARR as $CONSTANT) { define ($CONSTANT, ++$i); } } } // USAGE: enum(ERR_USER_EXISTS, ERR_OLD_POST); // etc. etc. //******************************************* this can be used for error codes etc. I deliberately skipped the 0 (zero) define, which could be useful for error checking. fbeyer
Another way of passing references with a dynamic number of arguments: (This example is limited to 10 arguments) <?php define('NULL_ARG', 'DUMMY_ARGUMENT'); function refArg($arg0 = NULL_ARG, $arg1 = NULL_ARG, $arg2 = NULL_ARG, $arg3 = NULL_ARG, $arg4 = NULL_ARG, $arg5 = NULL_ARG, $arg6 = NULL_ARG, $arg7 = NULL_ARG, $arg8 = NULL_ARG, $arg9 = NULL_ARG) { for ($args=array(), $i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { $name = 'arg' . $i; if ($i < func_num_args()) { $args[$i] = &$$name; } unset($$name, $name); } $args[0] = 'Modified.'; } $test = 'Not modified. '; refArg(&$test); echo $test; // Prints 'Modified' ?> bew
A more concise way of expressing my idea from the previous post (I'd forgotten about array_slice()): <?php function func_get_default_args($a) { $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); return array_merge($args, array_slice($a, sizeof($args))); } function foo($a = 1, $b = 2, $c = 3) { print_r(func_get_default_args(func_get_args(), $a, $b, $c)); } // prints: Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => 3 ) foo('a', 'b'); ?> daveno
<?php // How to simulate named parameters in PHP. // By Dave Benjamin <dave@ovumdesign.com> // Turns the array returned by func_get_args() into an array of name/value // pairs that can be processed by extract(). function varargs($args) { $count = count($args); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i += 2) { $result[$args[$i]] = $args[$i + 1]; } return $result; } // Example function test(&$ref1, &$ref2) { // Default arguments go here. $foo = "oof"; // Do some magic. extract(varargs(func_get_args())); echo nl2br("\n\$var1 = $var1"); echo nl2br("\n\$var2 = $var2"); echo nl2br("\n\$foo = $foo\n\n"); // Modify some variables that were passed by reference. // Note that func_get_args() doesn't pass references, so they // need to be explicitly declared in the function definition. $ref1 = 42; $ref2 = 84; } $a = 5; $b = 6; echo nl2br("Before calling test(): \$a = $a\n"); echo nl2br("Before calling test(): \$b = $b\n"); // Try removing the 'foo, "bar"' from the following line. test($a, $b, var1, "abc", var2, "def", foo, "bar"); echo nl2br("After calling test(): \$a = $a\n"); echo nl2br("After calling test(): \$b = $b\n"); ?> robert
# Another attempt at named args (perl-inspired): # list_to_assoc('key', 'value', 'key', 'value', ...) => # pairs[] function list_to_assoc() { $list = func_get_args(); $assoc = array(); while ($list and count($list) > 1) { $assoc[array_shift($list)] = array_shift($list); } if ($list) { $assoc[] = $list[0]; } return $assoc; } # Usage: function example($required) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); # drop 'required' $rest = list_to_assoc($args); echo "$required\n" . $rest['comment']; } example("This is required...", 'comment', 'this is not.'); # this is like 'comment' => 'this is not' ario a mail dot utexas dot edu
"Because this function depends on the current scope to determine parameter details, it cannot be used as a function parameter. If you must pass this value, assign the results to a variable, and pass the variable." This means that the following code generates an error: <?php function foo($list) { echo implode(', ', $list); } function foo2() { foo(func_get_args()); } foo2(1, 2, 3); ?> However, you can easily get around this by doing the following: <?php function foo($list) { echo implode(', ', $list); } function foo2() { foo($args = func_get_args()); } foo2(1, 2, 3); ?> This captures the context from foo2(), making this legal. You get the expected output: "1, 2, 3" |