![]() get_defined_constants
Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)
Example 1834. get_defined_constants() Example<?php The above example will output something similar to: Array Code Examples / Notes » get_defined_constants05-jan-2006 07:29
If you want to filter through and return only the prefix for your constants (i.e. you have constants with a naming scheme), then you can use this quick little function. It comes in handy for debugging. <?php function returnConstants ($prefix) { foreach (get_defined_constants() as $key=>$value) if (substr($key,0,strlen($prefix))==$prefix) $dump[$key] = $value; if(empty($dump)) { return "Error: No Constants found with prefix '".$prefix."'"; } else { return $dump; } } ?> Example: <?php define("SITENAME_OPTION_ONE",true); define("SITENAME_OPTION_TWO",false); define("SITENAME_URL","foo"); print_r(returnConstants("SITENAME_OPTION")); ?> Will return: Array ( [SITENAME_OPTIONONE] => 1 [SITENAME_OPTIONTWO] => ) eslindsey
If you need to use the values of your defined constants in strings or for example in HEREDOC syntax, use this function: <?php //PHP5+ only $constarray = get_defined_constants(true); foreach($constarray['user'] as $key => $val) eval(sprintf('$_CONSTANTS[\'%s\'] = \'%s\';', addslashes($key), addslashes($val))); //PHP4+ ...this is less efficient since it defines hundreds of constants foreach(get_defined_constants() as $key => $val) eval(sprintf('$_CONSTANTS[\'%s\'] = \'%s\';', addslashes($key), addslashes($val))); ?> Once you run that you can use $_CONSTANTS['constantname'] to get the value of a constant. You'll need to erase the array and rerun the code if you define any new constants. But I found it handy when I wanted to use a couple of my defined constants in HEREDOC syntax. Don't forget: because this is not really a superglobal you'll need to globalize it if you want to use it from within a different scope, for example: <?php //hopefully you ran the snippet out here so that $_CONSTANTS is in global scope. $mv = $_CONSTANTS['foo']; //works function my_function() { global $_CONSTANTS; //without this line it won't work in here! $mv = $_CONSTANTS['bar']; //works thanks to previous line } ?> peter p.
Does not return class constants in PHP 5.
<?php /** * Convert constant value into string name. * * @param mixed Constant value. * @return string Constant name. * @access public */ function sch_get_consant($value) { $constants = get_defined_constants(); $name = array_search($value, $constants, TRUE); return $name; } ?> |
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