![]() getdate
Get date/time information
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 449. getdate() example<?php The above example will output something similar to: Array Related Examples ( Source code ) » getdate Examples ( Source code ) » Cookie based login form and get last login time Examples ( Source code ) » Save result of getdate() to an array Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Seconds past the minutes Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Minutes past the hour Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Hours of theday Examples ( Source code ) » Day of the month getdate() Examples ( Source code ) » Day of the week getdate() Examples ( Source code ) » Month of the year getdate() Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Year 4digits Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Day of year Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Day of the week name Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Month of the year name Examples ( Source code ) » getdate() Timestamp Examples ( Source code ) » Acquiring Date Information with getdate() Examples ( Source code ) » Simple Calendar Applications Code Examples / Notes » getdateintronis
When adding a timestamp to a database from php, be carefule because if your DB Server is a different computer than your webserver, the NOW() function in the SQL will use the DB Server's time, and not the web server's. You can use NTP to synch the times on both computers.
To do comparisons on dates stored in mysql db against 7 days ago, 1 month ago etc use the following: $last_week = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0,0,0, date(m), date(d)-7,date(Y))); if($date > $last_week) { etc. This allows for intelligent looping i.e. works at start/end of month/year I have noticed other postings re this and they have not worked for me.Hope this helps. logan dot hall
It seems that 'yday' (the day of the year) that php produces is one less than what the unix 'date +%j' produces. Not sure why this is, but I would guess that php uses 0-365 rather than 1-366 like unix does. Just something to be careful of. john sherwood
In response to the "Simple routine for determining whether a date in mySQL format has gone past": function pastdate($t) { if (strtotime($t) < time()) return false; return true; } or you could use mysql_select("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fieldname) FROM tablename"), which would give you the date in seconds since unix epoch, and which you could compare to time(). yura pylypenko plyrvt
In addition to canby23 at ms19 post: It's a very bad idea to consider day having 24 hours (86400 secs), because some days have 23, some - 25 hours due to daylight saving changes. Using of mkdate() and strtotime() is always preferred. strtotime() also has a very nice behaviour of datetime manipulations: <?php echo strtotime ("+1 day"), "\n"; echo strtotime ("+1 week"), "\n"; echo strtotime ("+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds"), "\n"; echo strtotime ("next Thursday"), "\n"; echo strtotime ("last Monday"), "\n"; ?> andre
I thought best to show a posseble way to go about bypassing the end month issue where the first day in a new month will have the monday of the week that it falls in - in the old month. Use the numbering of days as the constant and work you way from there. Example: <?php //----------------------------- $now = time(); $num = date("w"); if ($num == 0) { $sub = 6; } else { $sub = ($num-1); } $WeekMon = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $now) , date("d", $now)-$sub, date("Y", $now)); //monday week begin calculation $todayh = getdate($WeekMon); //monday week begin reconvert $d = $todayh[mday]; $m = $todayh[mon]; $y = $todayh[year]; echo "$d-$m-$y"; //getdate converted day ?> Allot less code makes everyone happy.. leo25in
getting weekday(actual date) from any give date. function cal_date($wday,$tstamp) { return $tstamp-($wday*(24*3600)); } function getweekday($m,$d,$y) { $tstamp=mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$y); $Tdate = getdate($tstamp); $wday=$Tdate["wday"]; switch($wday) { case 0; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; case 1; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; case 2; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; case 3; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; case 4; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; case 5; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; case 6; $wstamp=cal_date($wday,$tstamp); //echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp); break; } $w["day"]=date("d",$wstamp); $w["month"]=date("m",$wstamp); $w["year"]=date("Y",$wstamp); return $w; } getisomonday $year, $week
getdate does not convert week numbers. this function relies on strftime to find a timestamp that falls on the monday of specified year and ISO week: <?php function getisomonday($year, $week) { # check input $year = min ($year, 2038); $year = max ($year, 1970); $week = min ($week, 53); $week = max ($week, 1); # make a guess $monday = mktime (1,1,1,1,7*$week,$year); # count down to week while (strftime('%V', $monday) != $week) $monday -= 60*60*24*7; # count down to monday while (strftime('%u', $monday) != 1) $monday -= 60*60*24; # got it return $monday; } ?> liis make
function win2unix($date_string,$date_timestamp) { $epoch_diff = 11644473600; // difference 1601<>1970 in seconds. see reference URL $date_timestamp = $date_timestamp * 0.0000001; $unix_timestamp = $date_timestamp - $epoch_diff; echo date($date_string,$unix_timestamp); } nick reale
Anyone Interested in Generating dates for week, last week, month, last month, quarter, last quarter, YTD, Last YTD, Last Year can use this simple code. It defaults to the date format YYYY-MM-DD but you can adjust it in the script. <? $t=getdate(); $today=date('Y-m-d',$t[0]); //This Week// $start=$t[0]-(86400*$t[wday]); $twstart=date('Y-m-d',$start); //Last Week// $lwstart=$start-604800; $lwend=$lwstart+518400; $lwstart=date('Y-m-d',$lwstart); $lwend=date('Y-m-d',$lwend); //This Month// $tmstart="$t[year]-$t[mon]-01"; //Last Month// if($t[mon]=="1"){ $lmstart="2007-12-01"; } else { $lmstart="$t[year]-".($t[mon]-1)."-01"; } $lmmonth=($t[mon]-1); if($lmmonth=="4" OR $lmmonth=="5" OR $lmmonth=="9" OR $lmmonth=="11"){ $lmend="$t[year]-$lmmonth-30"; } elseif($t[mon]=="2"){ $lmend="$t[year]-$lmmonth-28"; } else { $lmend="$t[year]-$lmmonth-31"; } //This Quarter// if($t[mon]=="1" OR $t[mon]=="2" OR $t[mon]=="3"){ $tqstart="$t[year]-01-01"; $tqend="$t[year]-03-31"; } elseif($t[mon]=="4" OR $t[mon]=="5" OR $t[mon]=="6"){ $tqstart="$t[year]-04-01"; $tqend="$t[year]-06-30"; } elseif($t[mon]=="7" OR $t[mon]=="8" OR $t[mon]=="9"){ $tqstart="$t[year]-07-01"; $tqend="$t[year]-09-30"; } else { $tqstart="$t[year]-10-01"; $tqend="$t[year]-12-31"; } //Last Quarter// if($t[mon]=="1" OR $t[mon]=="2" OR $t[mon]=="3"){ $lwstart=($t[year]-1)."-10-01"; $lwend=($t[year]-1)."-12-31"; } elseif($t[mon]=="4" OR $t[mon]=="5" OR $t[mon]=="6") { $lqstart="$t[year]-01-01"; $lqend="$t[year]-03-31"; } elseif($t[mon]=="7" OR $t[mon]=="8" OR $t[mon]=="9"){ $lqstart="$t[year]-04-01"; $lqend="$t[year]-06-30"; } else { $lqstart="$t[year]-07-01"; $lqend="$t[year]-09-30"; } //Year To Date// $ystart="$t[year]-01-01"; //Last Year To Same Date// $lystart=($t[year]-1)."-01-01"; $lytend=($t[0]-31536000); $lytend=date('Y-m-d',$lytend); //Last Year// $lyend=($t[year]-1)."-12-31"; echo "This Week Start $twstart Finish $today "; echo "Last Week Start $lwstart Finish $lwend "; echo "This Month Start $tmstart Finish $today "; echo "Last Month Start $lmstart Finish $lmend "; echo "This Quarter Start $tqstart Finish $today "; echo "Last Quarter Start $lqstart Finish $lqend "; echo "Year To Date Start $ystart Finish $today "; echo "Last Year To Date Start $lystart Finish $lytend "; echo "Last Year Start $lystart Finish $lyend "; ?> jared armstrong
A nice little function I wrote to determine what number occurrence weekday it is of the month for a given timestamp. (I.e. 2nd Friday, or the 3rd Thursday) Eg: print_r(getWeekdayOccurrence(mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 2006))); Outputs: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => Friday ) [The first friday] Eg. print_r(getWeekdayOccurrence(mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 17, 2009))); Outputs: Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => Monday ) [The third Monday] function getWeekdayOccurrence($time) { $month = intval(date("m", $time)); $day = intval(date("d", $time)); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $days[] = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, ($i+1), date("Y", $time))); } $posd = array_search(date("l", $time), $days); $posdm = array_search($days[0], $days) - $posd; / return array((($day+$posdm+6)/7), $days[$posd]); } cas_at_nuy_dot_info
// This functions calculates the next date only using business days // 2 parameters, the startdate and the number of businessdays to add function calcduedate($datecalc,$duedays) { $i = 1; while ($i <= $duedays) { $datecalc += 86400; // Add a day. $date_info = getdate( $datecalc ); if (($date_info["wday"] == 0) or ($date_info["wday"] == 6) ) { $datecalc += 86400; // Add a day. continue; } $i++; } return $datecalc ; } cesar
<?php /** * This function is similar to getdate() but it returns * the month information. * * Returns an associative array containing the month * information of the parameters, or the current month * if no parameters are given. * */ function getmonth ($month = null, $year = null) { // The current month is used if none is supplied. if (is_null($month)) $month = date('n'); // The current year is used if none is supplied. if (is_null($year)) $year = date('Y'); // Verifying if the month exist if (!checkdate($month, 1, $year)) return null; // Calculating the days of the month $first_of_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $days_in_month = date('t', $first_of_month); $last_of_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $days_in_month, $year); $m = array(); $m['first_mday'] = 1; $m['first_wday'] = date('w', $first_of_month); $m['first_weekday'] = strftime('%A', $first_of_month); $m['first_yday'] = date('z', $first_of_month); $m['first_week'] = date('W', $first_of_month); $m['last_mday'] = $days_in_month; $m['last_wday'] = date('w', $last_of_month); $m['last_weekday'] = strftime('%A', $last_of_month); $m['last_yday'] = date('z', $last_of_month); $m['last_week'] = date('W', $last_of_month); $m['mon'] = $month; $m['month'] = strftime('%B', $first_of_month); $m['year'] = $year; return $m; } // Output print_r(getmonth(11, 1978)); print_r(getmonth()); ?> |
Change Language![]() checkdate date_create date_date_set date_default_timezone_get date_default_timezone_set date_format date_isodate_set date_modify date_offset_get date_parse date_sun_info date_sunrise date_sunset date_time_set date_timezone_get date_timezone_set date getdate gettimeofday gmdate gmmktime gmstrftime idate localtime microtime mktime strftime strptime strtotime time timezone_abbreviations_list timezone_identifiers_list timezone_name_from_abbr timezone_name_get timezone_offset_get timezone_open timezone_transitions_get |