PHP : Function Reference : Miscellaneous Functions : ignore_user_abort
The script should output something to the browser in order to abort. If there is no output the script keeps on running.
Note that the function name and description seem to be contradictory:
- ignore_user_abort (TRUE, I want to ignore the user's abort request)
- Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution (TRUE, I want to set this behavior)
The function name is the authoritative one: a value of TRUE will ignore the user's abort.
In the last example the call to ignore_user_abort() is used incorrectly. The manual clearly states that is the first parameter is not given, only the value is returned!
Specify a boolean value like this,
If you want to simulate a crontask you must call this script once and it will keep running forever (during server uptime) in the background while "doing something" every specified seconds (= $interval):
ignore_user_abort(); // run script in background
set_time_limit(0); // run script forever
$interval=60*15; // do every 15 minutes...
// add the script that has to be ran every 15 minutes here
// ...
sleep($interval); // wait 15 minutes
I wrote a simple function that can "spawn" another thread within the webserver by making async http request. The page that is being spawned can call ignore_user_abort() and do whatever it wants in the background...
function http_spawn($page)
$basepath=ereg_replace('[^/]*$', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$cbSock=fsockopen('localhost', $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
if ($cbSock)
fwrite($cbSock, "GET {$basepath}{$page} HTTP/1.0\r\n"
."Host: {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}\r\n\r\n");
if ($search_initialized)
15-dec-2005 08:44
"It will return the previous setting" -- not quite. It returns an int, not a bool (as per the syntax description)