![]() highlight_string
Syntax highlighting of a string
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 1359. highlight_string() example<?php The above example will output (in PHP 4): <code><font color="#000000"> The above example will output (in PHP 5): <code><span style="color: #000000"> Code Examples / Notes » highlight_stringsupport
With this function you can highlight php code with line numbers: <?php function highlight_php($string) { $Line = explode("\n",$string); for($i=1;$i<=count($Line);$i++) { $line .= " ".$i." "; } ob_start(); highlight_string($string); $Code=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $header='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%" style="border-style: solid; border-width:1px; border-color: white black black white"> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" style="border-style: solid; border-width:1px; border-color: white; background-color: #99ccff; font-family:Arial; color:white; font-weight:bold;">Php-Code:</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="3%" valign="top" style="background-color: #99ccff; border-style: solid; border-width:1px; border-color: white;"><code>'.$line.'</code></td> <td width="97%" valign="top" style="background-color: white;"><div style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: auto;"><code>'; $footer=$Code.'</div></code></td> </tr> </table>'; return $header.$footer; } ?> www.phella.net
When you quote highlighted PHP code in your website you need to escape quotes. If you quote a lot it may be annoyning. Here is tiny snippet how to make quoting tidy and clean. Write your code like this: <?code()?> $string = 'Here I put my code'; <?code()?> And somewhere else define the function: <? function code() { static $on=false; if (!$on) ob_start(); else { $buffer= "<?\n".ob_get_contents()."?>"; ob_end_clean(); highlight_string($buffer); } $on=!$on; } ?> stalker
to vouksh: I expanded your functions a bit: <?php function xhtmlHighlightString($str,$return=false) { $hlt = highlight_string(stripslashes($str), true); $fon = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $hlt); $ret = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $fon); if($return) return $ret; echo $ret; return true; } function xhtmlHighlightFile($path,$return=false) { $hlt = highlight_file($path, true); $fon = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $hlt); $ret = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $fon); if($return) return $ret; echo $ret; return true; } ?> aidan
To add line numbers to source code, with optional function linking, use the below function: http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.highlight_file_linenum.php A much more thorough and smarter, though slower version is here: http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/PHP_Highlight.php mosquito dot tyler
This is an addition to dark_messenger84's highlight script. I added a line to make the script allow blank lines in code. <?php function print_php_code($str, $type) { switch ($type) { case "text": $str = highlight_string($str, true); break; case "file": $str = highlight_file($str, true); break; } $str = explode("<br />", $str); echo "<div>"; echo "<ol>\n"; foreach ($str as $line => $syntax) { $syntax = (strlen($syntax) >1) ? $syntax : " "; echo "<li><code>" . $syntax . "</code></li>"; } echo "</ol>\n"; echo "</div>"; } ?> gaggge
This is a little function for highlighting bbcode-stylish PHP code from a mysql database. (Like this: [php]<?php echo "test"; ?>[/php]) <?php function bbcode($s) { $s = str_replace("]\n", "]", $s); $match = array('#\[php\](.*?)\[\/php\]#se'); $replace = array("'<div>'.highlight_string(stripslashes('$1'), true).'</div>'"); return preg_replace($match, $replace, $s); } ?> tyler dot reed
This is a little chunk of code that i use to show the source of a file, i took part of the idea from a example i found on another php function page. This code takes a php file and highlights it and places a line number next to it. Great for on the fly debugging. <?php // Get a file into an array $lines = file('index.php'); // Loop through our array, show HTML source as HTML source; and line numbers too. echo('<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { echo('<tr>'); echo('<td bgcolor = "#cccccc">'); echo('<code>' . ($line_num + 1) . '</code>'); echo('</td>'); echo('<td>'); highlight_string($line); echo('</td>'); echo('</tr>'); } ?> peter
This hasn't been mentioned, but it appears that PHP opening and closing tags are required to be part of the code snippet. <?php highlight_string("<? \$var = 15; ?>"); ?> works, while <?php highlight_string("\$var = 15;"); ?> does not. This is unforunate for those of use who want to show tiny code snippets, but there you go. Earlier versions of this function did not have this requirement, if I remember correctly. manithu
This function will return highlighted, xhtml 1.1 valid code (replaces <font> with <span> elements and color with style attributes): <?php function xhtml_highlight($str) { $str = highlight_string($str, true); //replace <code><font color=""></font></code> $str = preg_replace('#<font color="([^\']*)">([^\']*)</font>#', '<span style="color: \\1">\\2</span>', $str); //replace other <font> elements return preg_replace('#<font color="([^\']*)">([^\']*)</font>#U', '<span style="color: \\1">\\2</span>', $str); } ?> dleavitt
This function does not seem to like <script> tags in HTML strings: if there are any close tags for scripts (whatever their language/type) the syntax highlighter will poop out. The workaround is simple though: <?php $html_string = str_replace("script","piggusmaloy", $html_string); $html_string = highlight_string($html_string, true); $html_string = str_replace("piggusmaloy","script", $html_string); echo $html_string; ?> This works best if you don't have "piggusmaloy" anywhere in your string (a safe assumption?) pyerre
This fonction replaces every space with the html code (non-breaking space) this is not very good because text will not go to the line and causes a big width for example in a bordered div, text will go across the border my solution : echo str_replace(" ", " ",highlight_string("Arise, you children of the fatherland",true)); echo str_replace(" ", " ",highlight_file("test.php",true)); vanessaschissato
This class show a code formated. Allow options for to format. Options: highlight code and to show line number <?php class Code { function printCode($code, $high_light = 0, $lines_number = 0) { if (!is_array($code)) $code = explode("\n", $code); $count_lines = count($code); foreach ($code as $line => $code_line) { if ($lines_number) $r1 = "<span class=\"lines_number\">".($line + 1)." </span>"; if ($high_light) { if (ereg("<\?(php)?[^[:graph:]]", $code_line)) { $r2 = highlight_string($code_line, 1)."<br />"; } else { $r2 = ereg_replace("(<\?php )+", "", highlight_string("<?php ".$code_line, 1))."<br />"; } } else { $r2 = (!$line) ? "<pre>" : ""; $r2 .= htmlentities($code_line); $r2 .= ($line == ($count_lines - 1)) ? "<br /></pre>" : ""; } $r .= $r1.$r2; } echo "<div class=\"code\">".$r."</div>"; } } ?> thomas et luegger _dot_ de
Thanks to peter at int8 dot com, your comment saved quite some time. In my case even short tags didn't work right (PHP 5.0.5). The following function offers subversion independent highlighting for PHP5. If you want to display code snippets without tags or use css for code formating it might be a usefull starting point. It is intented for small code fragments only and does not handle sources with multiple php blocks correctly. Beware, the <code> tag is stripped off. <?php /* These classes are used for highlighting, happy css-ing: .phpdefault { color:#0000BB; font-weight: bold;} .phpkeyword { color:#007700; font-weight: bold;} .phpstring { color:#DD0000; font-weight: normal;} .phpcomment { color:#FF8000; font-weight: normal;} */ /** * Highlights PHP-source snippets with and without php-tags, inserts class definitions on request * * Strips <code> and <span color:black>, removes empty spans * * @param string $source Source to highlight * @param boolean $classes, true links source elements to classes * @return string */ function php_highlight($source, $classes = false) { if (version_compare( phpversion(), "5.0.0", "<")) return "PHP 5 required"; $r1 = $r2 = '##'; // adds required PHP tags (at least with vers. 5.0.5 this is required) if ( strpos($source,' ?>') === false ) // xml is not THAT important ;-) { $source = "<?php ".$source." ?>"; $r1 = '#<\?.*?(php)?.*? #s'; $r2 = '#\?>#s'; } elseif (strpos($source,'<? ') !== false) { $r1 = '--'; $source = str_replace('<? ','<?php ',$source); } $source = highlight_string($source,true); if ($r1 =='--') $source = preg_replace('#(<\?.*?)(php)?(.*? )#s','\\1\\3',$source); $source = preg_replace (array ( '/.*<code>\s*<span style="color: #000000">/', // '#</span>\s*</code>#', // <code><span black> $r1, $r2, // php tags '/<span[^>]*><\/span>/' // empty spans ),'',$source); if ($classes) $source = str_replace( array('style="color: #0000BB"','style="color: #007700"', 'style="color: #DD0000"','style="color: #FF8000"'), array('class="phpdefault"','class="phpkeyword"', 'class="phpstring"','class="phpcomment"',),$source); return $source; } echo ' Some tests: '; echo php_highlight('<?php $test = new func("Text"); /* regular tags, use classes */ ?>',true),'<br />'; echo 'Inline code: ',php_highlight('<? $test = new func("Text"); /* short tags */ ?>'), ' works without or ',php_highlight('define (\'WITH_CLASSES\',\' too\'); /* no tags */',true),'<br />'; echo php_highlight('$test = new func("Text"); /* no tags, no classes */'),'<br />'; echo ' You are running PHP: '.phpversion().''; ?> hope it saves someones time, Tom m dot lebkowski+phpnet
stalker, I`m afraid your function has a bug. Whenever a input string will contain a substring: 'color="foo.bar"' it will be replaced by your function, whitch is of course incorrect. Try this: <?php function xhtmlHighlightString( $str, $return=false ) { $hlt = highlight_string( $str, true ); $ret = str_replace( array( '<font color="', '</font>' ), array( '<span style="color: ', '</span>' ), $hlt ); if($return) return $ret; echo $ret; return true; } function xhtmlHilightFile( $path, $return = false ) { return xhtmlHighlightString( file_get_contents( $path ), $return ); } ?> webmaster
Some BB-codes width preg_replace: <?php function bb_url($str){ return preg_replace('#[URL=([^\']*)]([^\']*)[/URL]#', '<a href="\\1" target=_blank>\\2</a>', $str); } function bb_php($str){ $str = str_replace("]\n", "]", $str); $match = array('#\[php\](.*?)\[\/php\]#se'); $replace = array("'<div>'.highlight_string(stripslashes('$1'), true).'</div>'"); return preg_replace($match, $replace, $str); } function bb_img($str){ return preg_replace('#[IMG]([^\']*)[/IMG]#', '<img src="\\1" />', $str); } function bb_b{$str){ return preg_replace('#[B]([^\']*)[/B]', '<strong>\\1</strong>', $str); } function bb_i{$str){ return preg_replace('#[I]([^\']*)[/I]', '<em>\\1</em>', $str); } function bb_parse{$str){ $str = bb_url($str); $str = bb_php($str); $str = bb_img($str); $str = bb_b($str); $str = bb_i($str); return $str } ?> phpnotes dot 20 dot zsh
peter at int8 dot com > "This hasn't been mentioned, but it appears that PHP opening and closing tags are required to be part of the code snippet." It does also require enabled open/close tags. For example: <?php highlight_string('<? echo "Hello world!";?>'); ?> Won't work with short_open_tag = Off. Compare example 10.2 on: Main mirror (http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.php#id2530407) US mirror (http://us.php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.php#id2530407) IN mirror (http://in.php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.php#id2530407) bpgordon
On dleavitt AT ucsc DOT edu's comment: You might want to use md5($html_string) instead of "piggusmaloy" as a generally good programming practice. Just in case "piggusmaloy" is actually in $html_string. sam wilson
manithu at fahr-zur-hoelle dot org forgot only one thing: to fix the break tags. The addidtion of the following should do it. <?php $str = str_replace(" ", "<br />", $str); ?> zero
In some cases, I found that it's useful to have highlight_string format <code>...</code> inline as part of a paragraph, and other times, as a block for demonstrating multiple lines of code. I made this function to help out. <?php function highlight_code($code, $inline=false, $return=false) // Pre php 4 support for capturing highlight { (string) $highlight = ""; if ( version_compare(phpversion(), "4.2.0", "<") === 1 ) { ob_start(); // start output buffering to capture contents of highlight highlight_string($code); $highlight = ob_get_contents(); // capture output ob_end_clean(); // clear buffer cleanly } else { $highlight=highlight_string($data, true); } ## The classes below need to correspond to a stylesheet! if ( $inline === true ) $highlight=str_ireplace("<code>","<code class=\"inline\">",$highlight); else $highlight=str_ireplace("<code>","<code class=\"block\">",$highlight); if ( $return === true ) { return $highlight; } else { echo $highlight; } } ?> mastah_br
If you're looking for a more generic syntax highlighter, then you should see GeSHi Project, at http://qbnz.com/highlighter/
I've been working on a good replacement for the highlight_string() function; and here is what I've come up with so far: <? function get_sourcecode_string($str, $return = false, $counting = true, $first_line_num = '1', $font_color = '#666'){ $str = highlight_string($str, TRUE); $replace = array( '<font' => '<span', 'color="' => 'style="color: ', '</font>' => '</span>', '<code>' => '', '</code>' => '', '<span style="color: #FF8000">' => '<span style="color: '.$font_color.'">' ); foreach ($replace as $html => $xhtml){ $str = str_replace($html, $xhtml, $str); } // delete the first <span style="color:#000000;"> and the corresponding </span> $str = substr($str, 30, -9); $arr_html = explode('<br />', $str); $total_lines = count($arr_html); $out = ''; $line_counter = 0; $last_line_num = $first_line_num + $total_lines; foreach ($arr_html as $line){ $line = str_replace(chr(13), '', $line); $current_line = $first_line_num + $line_counter; if ($counting){ $out .= '<span style="color:'.$font_color.'">' . str_repeat(' ', strlen($last_line_num) - strlen($current_line)) . $current_line . ': </span>'; } $out .= $line . '<br />'."\n"; $line_counter++; } $out = '<code>'."\n".$out.'</code>."\n"'; if ($return){return $out;} else {echo $out;} } ?> This function outputs valid XHTML 1.1 code by replacing font tags with span tags. You can also specify whether you want it to return or echo, output a line-count, the color of the line-count, and the starting line-count number. Usage: <? // $str = string with php // $return = true (return) / false (echo) // default of false // $counting = true (count) / false (don't count) // default of true // $start = starting count number // default of '1' // $color = count color with preceding # // defalut of '#666' get_sourcecode_string($str, $return, $counting, $start, $color); ?> sujithfem
I have enclosed the simple function for Text [array] Highlight without changing the own case, <?php function ShowPowerHighlight($Text,$Needle) { for($j=0; $j< count($Needle); $j++){ if ($Needle[$j] != "") { $TextTemp = ""; $i=0; while($i<strlen($Text)){ if((($i + strlen($Needle[$j])) <= strlen($Text)) && (strcasecmp($Needle[$j], substr($Text, $i, strlen($Needle[$j]))) == 0)) { $TextTemp .= '<font style="background-color:#FFFF00">' . substr($Text, $i , strlen($Needle[$j])) . '</font>'; $i += strlen($Needle[$j]); }else { $TextTemp .= $Text{$i}; $i++; } } $Text = $TextTemp; $TextTemp=""; } } return $Text; } $Text= "The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases,sample web site http://www.sujithfem.byethost32.com" ; $Needle= array ("0" =>"PHP","1"=>"web","2"=>"to","3"=>"byet"); echo ShowPowerHighlight($Text,$Needle); ?> $Text= "The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases,sample web site http://www.sujithfem.byethost32.com" ; $Needle= array ("0" =>"PHP","1"=>"web","2"=>"to","3"=>"byet"); admin
I didn't get the expected results from the other XHTML_highlight function, so I developed my own and it is much more efficient. The older one uses a preg_replace to replace the contents of the tag to within a span tag. The only preg_replace in my function pulls the color attribute, and puts it within a str_replace'd span tag. <?php function xhtml_highlight($str) { $str = highlight_string($str, true); $str = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $str); return preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $str); } ?> dark_messenger84
Here's an improved version of supremacy2k at gmail dot com's code. It's a small function that accepts either PHP syntax in plain text or from another script, and then parses it into an ordered list with syntax highlighting. <?php function print_php_code($str, $type) { switch ($type) { case "text": $str = highlight_string($str, true); break; case "file": $str = highlight_file($str, true); break; } $str = explode("<br />", $str); echo "<div>"; echo "<ol>\n"; foreach ($str as $line => $syntax) { echo "<li><code>" . $syntax . "</code></li>"; } echo "</ol>\n"; echo "</div>"; } ?> growlingoctopus
Here's a trick I use when I want to show people the source to one of my scripts, but don't feel like uploading phps files or the host doesn't support them. <?php if (!empty($_GET['source'])) { $f = implode(file(substr(__FILE__,strrpos(__FILE__,'/')+1))); highlight_string(trim(substr($f,strpos($f,'?'.'>')+2))); exit(); } ?> By adding that to the top of the script, you can then call the script with ?source=1 and it will show the source for the file ... it should work with any script (as long as you aren't using $_GET['source'] for something else, you can always change that if you do). 05-nov-2005 07:05
growling octopus's code didn't work under Windows, so I made this and it worked: <?php if (!empty($_GET['source'])) { $f = file_get_contents($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); highlight_string($f); exit(); } ?> vouksh
Fully working, XHTML 1.1 ready xhtml_highlight function. I included the stripslashes, because of some problems I had with out it. It should be safe to leave it in there, but if you experience problems, feel free to take it out. <? function xhtml_highlight($str) { $hlt = highlight_string(stripslashes($str), true); $fon = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $hlt); $ret = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $fon); echo $ret; return true; } ?> zer0
Concerning my code below: I'm sorry, I completely forgot about str_ireplace being for PHP 5 for some reason. Also, there was another error I missed (too many late nights ;)). Here's the corrected code: <?php function highlight_code($code, $inline=false, $return=false) // Pre php 4 support for capturing highlight { (string) $highlight = ""; if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "4.2.0", "<") === 1 ) { ob_start(); // start output buffering to capture contents of highlight highlight_string($code); $highlight = ob_get_contents(); // capture output ob_end_clean(); // clear buffer cleanly } else { $highlight=highlight_string($code, true); } # Using preg_replace will allow PHP 4 in on the fun if ( $inline === true ) $highlight=preg_replace("/<code>/i","<code class=\"inline\">",$highlight); else $highlight=preg_replace("/<code>/i","<code class=\"block\">",$highlight); if ( $return === true ) { return $highlight; } else { echo $highlight; } } ?> supremacy2k
A simplification of functions vanessaschissato at gmail dot com at 17-Oct-2006 05:04. Since it had trouble keeping the code intact. (It removed /* ) function showCode($code) { $code = highlight_string($code, true); $code = explode("<br />", $code); $i = "1"; foreach ($code as $line => $syntax) { echo "<font color='black'>".$i."</font> ".$syntax." "; $i++; } } trixsey
A neat function I made. Syntax coloring, row numbers, varying background colors per row in the table. <? function showCode($code) { $html = highlight_string($code, true); $html = str_replace("\n", "", $html); $rows = explode("<br />", $html); $row_num = array(); $i = 1; foreach($rows as $row) { if($i < 10) { $i = "0".$i; } if($i==1) { $row_num[] = "<tr><td><code><font color=\"#000000\"><code>$i</code></font>\t$row</code></td></tr>"; } if($i!=1) { if(is_int($i/2)) { $row_num[] = "<tr bgcolor=\"#F9F9F9\"><td><code><font color=\"#000000\">$i</font>\t$row</code></td></tr>"; } else { $row_num[] = "<tr><td><code><font color=\"#000000\">$i</font>\t$row</code></td></tr>"; } } $i++; } return "<pre>\nFilename: <b>$_GET[file]</b>\n<table style=\"border:1px #000000 solid\">".implode($row_num)."</table></pre>"; } ?> |