![]() imagepolygon
Draws a polygon
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 1018. imagepolygon() example<?php The above example will output something similar to: ![]() Code Examples / Notes » imagepolygonglowell
Something to be aware of, ImagePolygon appears to convert the array of points passed to it from whatever format they may have been in originally into integers. This means if you pass it an array of floats (after running a rotation routine for example) the floats will be changed to integers INSIDE THE ORIGINAL ARRAY. An extreme example: if for some reason you had an unit-sized polygon pt-array ( -1<x|y<1 for easy scaling purpose for instance) and for some reason your code calls imagepolygon on it (why? it'd only be a dot anyway) the array would be unusable after that (all either 1s, 0s or -1s). Scaling a unit-sized array, drawing it and then scaling it again will also may have a different result than expected. Obviously, if the array in its original state is important to your code, it should use a copy of the original array for this call. If your code draws the same polygon multiple times but resizes it for different cases, you should have each size be created off an original template rather than adjusting a single polygon array. jsnell
Here are some handy routines for rotation and translation of polygons. Scaling could be added easily as well. function translate_point(&$x,&$y,$angle,$about_x,$about_y,$shift_x,$shift_y) { $x -= $about_x; $y -= $about_y; $angle = ($angle / 180) * M_PI; /* math: [x2,y2] = [x, * [[cos(a),-sin(a)], y] [sin(a),cos(a)]] ==> x = x * cos(a) + y*sin(a) y = x*-sin(a) + y*cos(a) */ $new_x = $x * cos($angle) - $y * sin($angle); $new_y = $x * sin($angle) + $y * cos($angle); $x = $new_x+ $about_x + $shift_x ; $y = $new_y + $about_y + $shift_y; } function translate_poly($point_array, $angle, $about_x, $about_y,$shift_x,$shift_y) { $translated_poly = Array(); while(count($point_array) > 1) { $temp_x = array_shift($point_array); $temp_y = array_shift($point_array); translate_point($temp_x, $temp_y, $angle, $about_x, $about_y,$shift_x, $shift_y); array_push($translated_poly, $temp_x); array_push($translated_poly, $temp_y); } return $translated_poly; } tatlar
Function to get 5-sided polygon (pentagon) or star (pentagram) co-ords. <?php function _makeFiveSidedStar( $x, $y, $radius, $shape='polygon', $spiky=NULL ) { $point = array() ; // new array $angle = 360 / 5 ; $point[0]['x'] = $x ; $point[0]['y'] = $y - $radius ; $point[2]['x'] = $x + ( $radius * cos( deg2rad( 90 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[2]['y'] = $y - ( $radius * sin( deg2rad( 90 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[4]['x'] = $x + ( $radius * sin( deg2rad( 180 - ( $angle*2 ) ) ) ) ; $point[4]['y'] = $y + ( $radius * cos( deg2rad( 180 - ( $angle*2 ) ) ) ) ; $point[6]['x'] = $x - ( $radius * sin( deg2rad( 180 - ( $angle*2 ) ) ) ) ; $point[6]['y'] = $y + ( $radius * cos( deg2rad( 180 - ( $angle*2 ) ) ) ) ; $point[8]['x'] = $x - ( $radius * cos( deg2rad( 90 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[8]['y'] = $y - ( $radius * sin( deg2rad( 90 - $angle ) ) ) ; if( $shape == 'star' ) { if( $spiky == NULL ) $spiky = 0.5 ; // degree of spikiness, default to 0.5 $indent = $radius * $spiky ; $point[1]['x'] = $x + ( $indent * cos( deg2rad( 90 - $angle/2 ) ) ) ; $point[1]['y'] = $y - ( $indent * sin( deg2rad( 90 - $angle/2 ) ) ) ; $point[3]['x'] = $x + ( $indent * sin( deg2rad( 180 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[3]['y'] = $y - ( $indent * cos( deg2rad( 180 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[5]['x'] = $x ; $point[5]['y'] = $y + ( $indent * sin( deg2rad( 180 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[7]['x'] = $x - ( $indent * sin( deg2rad( 180 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[7]['y'] = $y - ( $indent * cos( deg2rad( 180 - $angle ) ) ) ; $point[9]['x'] = $x - ( $indent * cos( deg2rad( 90 - $angle/2 ) ) ) ; $point[9]['y'] = $y - ( $indent * sin( deg2rad( 90 - $angle/2 ) ) ) ; } ksort( $point ) ; $coords = array() ; // new array foreach( $point as $pKey=>$pVal ) { if( is_array( $pVal ) ) { foreach( $pVal as $pSubKey=>$pSubVal ) { if( !empty( $pSubVal ) ) array_push( $coords, $pSubVal ) ; } } } return $coords ; } $values = _makeFiveSidedStar( 100, 100, 50, 'star' ) ; ?> |
Change Language![]() gd_info getimagesize image_type_to_extension image_type_to_mime_type image2wbmp imagealphablending imageantialias imagearc imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorclosestalpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolorexact imagecolorexactalpha imagecolormatch imagecolorresolve imagecolorresolvealpha imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal imagecolortransparent imageconvolution imagecopy imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray imagecopyresampled imagecopyresized imagecreate imagecreatefromgd2 imagecreatefromgd2part imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm imagecreatetruecolor imagedashedline imagedestroy imageellipse imagefill imagefilledarc imagefilledellipse imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagefilter imagefontheight imagefontwidth imageftbbox imagefttext imagegammacorrect imagegd2 imagegd imagegif imagegrabscreen imagegrabwindow imageinterlace imageistruecolor imagejpeg imagelayereffect imageline imageloadfont imagepalettecopy imagepng imagepolygon imagepsbbox imagepsencodefont imagepsextendfont imagepsfreefont imagepsloadfont imagepsslantfont imagepstext imagerectangle imagerotate imagesavealpha imagesetbrush imagesetpixel imagesetstyle imagesetthickness imagesettile imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy imagetruecolortopalette imagettfbbox imagettftext imagetypes imagewbmp imagexbm iptcembed iptcparse jpeg2wbmp png2wbmp |