![]() inet_pton
Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Example 1605. inet_pton() Example<?php Code Examples / Notes » inet_ptoneric
Not so easy in the function below... It is not handling the case of '::' which can happen in an IPv6 and represents any number of 0, addresses could be as simple as ff05::1
If you want to use the above function you should test for ':' character before '.'. Meaning, you should check if it's an ipv6 address before checking for ipv4. Why? IPv6 allows this type of notation: :: If you check for '.' character you will think this is an ipv4 address and it will fail. djmaze
If you need the functionality but your PHP version doesn't have the functionality (like on windows) the following might help <?php function inet_pton($ip) { # ipv4 if (strpos($ip, '.') !== FALSE) { $ip = pack('N',ip2long($ip)); } # ipv6 elseif (strpos($ip, ':') !== FALSE) { $ip = explode(':', $ip); $res = str_pad('', (4*(8-count($ip))), '0000', STR_PAD_LEFT); foreach ($ip as $seg) { $res .= str_pad($seg, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $ip = pack('H'.strlen($res), $res); } return $ip; } ?> |
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