![]() is_object
Finds whether a variable is an object
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
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You can use is_object($this) to detect if the function is being called via instance or procedure. Example: <?php class mrClass { function test( ) { if( is_object($this) ) { // do something for instance method echo 'this is an instance call <br />' . "\n"; } else { // do something different for procedural method echo 'this is a procedure call <br />' . "\n"; } } } $inst = new mrClass(); $inst->test(); mrClass::test(); ?> This would output: this is an instance call <br /> this is a procedure call <br /> :-) Happy coding! peter
Optimizing the is_obj() from corychristison, and with the "return false" suggested by xixulon. function is_obj( &$object, $check=null, $strict=true ) { if (is_object($object)) { if ($check == null) { return true; } else { $object_name = get_class($object); return ($strict === true)? ( $object_name == $check ): ( strtolower($object_name) == strtolower($check) ); } } else { return false; } } lbjay can be emailed
I'm not even sure how to articulate this, so I'm going to just include test code. Maybe someone else will someday wonder the same thing. <? error_reporting(E_ALL); class testParent { var $child; function testParent() { $this->child = new testChild(); } } class testChild { function testChild() { } } $parent = new testParent(); $parent2 = 'foobar'; print join(',', Array( is_object($parent) ? 'yes' : 'no', is_object($parent->child) ? 'yes' : 'no', is_object($parent2) ? 'yes' : 'no', is_object($parent2->child) ? 'yes' : 'no' )); ?> This prints "yes,yes,no,no". Basically this shows that you can use is_object to test if the child object is an object without worrying about an error if the parent object isn't an object either. victor
er, I don't think that's right, especially if calling from another object instance: <? function test_this() { $c2 = new C2(); $c2->func(); $c1 = new C1(); $c1->func(); C1::func(); } class C2 { function func() { C1::func(); } } class C1 { function func() { if( isset($this) ) { if( strtolower(get_class($this)) != 'c1' ) print("oops\n"); else print("this is ok\n" ); } else { print("static call\n"); } } } test_this(); ?> yields: ---------- run-php ---------- oops this is ok static call xixulon
(addendum to function below: for clarity, don't forget to return false;)
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