![]() jdtojewish
Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 370. jdtojewish() Example<?php Code Examples / Notes » jdtojewishasphp
This function outputs in ISO-8859-8-l. To convert to unicode UTF-8 do this: <? echo mb_convert_encoding( jdtojewish( unixtojd(), true ), "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-8"); ?> dave_at_mitzvahweb.com
There's probably a simpler way to do this, but I needed to convert a Gregorian date to a Hebrew one and display it with the Hebrew month name (not the number). Perhaps it can help somebody... <? //enter your Gregorian date with the variables $gregorianMonth, $gregorianDay, and $gregorianYear using the numerical representation of the month $jdDate = gregoriantojd ( $gregorianMonth, $gregorianDay, $gregorianYear); $gregorianMonthName = jdmonthname ( $jdDate, 1 ); $hebrewDate = jdtojewish ($jdDate); list ($hebrewMonth, $hebrewDay, $hebrewYear) = split ('/', $hebrewDate); $hebrewMonthName = jdmonthname ( $jdDate, 4); echo "Your date in Hebrew would read: $hebrewDay $hebrewMonthName $hebrewYear"; ?> gr8g0thamguy
Based on the code already posted by Dave, I've modified it to display the *current* date on a page: <?php $gregorianMonth = date(n); $gregorianDay = date(j); $gregorianYear = date(Y); $jdDate = gregoriantojd($gregorianMonth,$gregorianDay,$gregorianYear); $hebrewMonthName = jdmonthname($jdDate,4); $hebrewDate = jdtojewish($jdDate); list($hebrewMonth, $hebrewDay, $hebrewYear) = split('/',$hebrewDate); echo "$hebrewDay $hebrewMonthName $hebrewYear"; ?> |