![]() mkdir
Makes directory
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Related Examples ( Source code ) » mkdir Examples ( Source code ) » Save Upload File to a new directory Code Examples / Notes » mkdirpar dot sandgren
You might want to upload files into random named dir's, just to make it harder to guess the link. But still have some ID to know whats in there. <?php $dirLength = rand(30, 40); $projectID = $_POST['pid']; // ID from database perhaps? $rndName = ""; for($i=0; $i<$dirLength; $i++) { $rnd = rand(1, 3); if($rnd == 1) $rndName = $rndName . chr(rand(97, 122)); else if($rnd == 2) $rndName = $rndName . chr(rand(65, 90)); else $rndName = $rndName . chr(rand(48, 57)); } $dirName = $projectID . "-" . $rndName; mkdir($dirname); ?> 28-jun-2003 12:00
You might notice that when you create a new directory using this code: mkdir($dir, 0777); The created folder actually has permissions of 0755, instead of the specified 0777. Why is this you ask? Because of umask(): http://www.php.net/umask The default value of umask, at least on my setup, is 18. Which is 22 octal, or 0022. This means that when you use mkdir() to CHMOD the created folder to 0777, PHP takes 0777 and substracts the current value of umask, in our case 0022, so the result is 0755 - which is not what you wanted, probably. The "fix" for this is simple, include this line: $old_umask = umask(0); Right before creating a folder with mkdir() to have the actual value you put be used as the CHMOD. If you would like to return umask to its original value when you're done, use this: umask($old_umask); john 4t idserver d0t org
Windows reserves the names PRN and CON as they are devices in DOS. Back in the day, you could easily print a document via "type filename.txt > PRN". CON is the console. To create a file from scratch under dos you do: COPY CON filename.txt It then allows you to type until you press CTRL-D. trond
While researching for this function, I have found out that - at least on my system - mkdir only works when the parent directory is the one your script is in. eg: you want to create a directory tmp mkdir ('tmp', 0775); will create /path/to/your/script/tmp but if you this mkdir ('/path/to/your/tmp', 0755); or mkdir ('../tmp', 0755); both will cause an error - permission denied. Trond ephraim
When safe_mode is enabled, and you create a directory via mkdir, you can't create a second inside the first because the first folder's user is that one of the webserver and not that one of the script. This is dumb and very annoying :(
When creating directories in Windows, trailing periods (".") are ignored. for example: <?php mkdir('c:/Buck Jr.',0755); // on Windows creates "c:/Buck Jr" mkdir('c:/Elipses...',0755); // on Windows creates "c:/Elipses" mkdir('c:/php.com',0755); // on Windows creates "c:/php.com" ?> This is a Window's quirk, not a php shortcoming--meaning that you get the same results from a Window's command prompt. v-tec vojtech.vitek
This is the way how to create all the path, if you don't know exactly what folders and sub-folders really exist. The function works with absolute or relative path of some folder or file. It works correctly. <? function mk_dir($path, $rights = 0777) { $folder_path = array( strstr($path, '.') ? dirname($path) : $path); while(!@is_dir(dirname(end($folder_path))) && dirname(end($folder_path)) != '/' && dirname(end($folder_path)) != '.' && dirname(end($folder_path)) != '') array_push($folder_path, dirname(end($folder_path))); while($parent_folder_path = array_pop($folder_path)) if(!@mkdir($parent_folder_path, $rights)) user_error("Can't create folder \"$parent_folder_path\"."); } mk_dir('example_1/relative/path/of/new-folder/file.ext'); mk_dir('example_2/relative/path/of/new-folder'); mk_dir('/example_3/absolute/path/of/new-folder/file.ext'); mk_dir('/example_4/absolute/path/of/new-folder'); ?> aulbach
This is an annotation from Stig Bakken: The mode on your directory is affected by your current umask. It will end up having (<mkdir-mode> and (not <umask>)). If you want to create one that is publicly readable, do something like this: <?php $oldumask = umask(0); mkdir('mydir', 0777); // or even 01777 so you get the sticky bit set umask($oldumask); ?> g4wx3
This is a little function I use instead of mkdir. It makes the full folder path, even if it occur that folders are missing. Easy to understand&very handy even if you are sure no folders are missing <?php function createfolder( $folder ) { $folder = explode( "/" , $folder ); $mkfolder = ''; for( $i=0 ; isset( $folder[$i] ) ; $i++ ) { $mkfolder .= $folder[$i] . '/'; if( !is_dir( $mkfolder ) ) mkdir( "$mkfolder" , 0777); } } ?> *I read that php 5.2.6 contain a bug on wamp, and there will no folder be created if the path ends on '/' So i will modify a little this function in order that the folder path doesn't end on '/'. UNTESTED <?php function createfolder( $folder ) { $folder = explode( "/" , $folder ); $mkfolder = ''; for( $i=0 ; isset( $folder[$i] ) ; $i++ ) { $mkfolder .= $folder[$i]; if( !is_dir( $mkfolder ) ) mkdir( "$mkfolder" , 0777); $mkfolder .= '/'; } } ?> aidan
This function creates a directory structure recursively. http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.mkdirr.php brendan
The only function that I could get to work for making recursive directories was kungla at gmail dot com's. That might save some people trouble. (PHP4)
v1d4l0k4 {at} gmail.com
The 'mkdir' function doesn't function correctly on Windows when the pathname contain space(s) on the final. PHP returns a warning, and the directory isn't created: Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Invalid argument in X on line Y Temporary fix: use trim() on the pathname Besides, if the pathname contain space(s) on the start, the directory is created when couldn't even so (in accordance with the behavior of Windows Explorer). ~ v1d4l0k4 roth
The 'mkdir' function doesn't function correctly on Windows when the path contains forward slashes. The part of the path with the forward slashes doesn't get created. mkdir('c:/a/b/c/d', 0775, true); You get the error message: Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory Please use backslashes under Windows or use the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. mkdir('c:\a\b\c\d', 0775, true); mkdir('c:'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'a'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'b'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'c'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'d', 0775, true); kungla
Somehow the recursive version of mkdir didn't work for me on Mac and the workaraounds listed below alsow didn't work for me, so heres my solution: <?php function mkdir_r($dirName, $rights=0777){ $dirs = explode('/', $dirName); $dir=''; foreach ($dirs as $part) { $dir.=$part.'/'; if (!is_dir($dir) && strlen($dir)>0) mkdir($dir, $rights); } } ?> Tested and works ;) alan h.
Recursive mkdir! (Actually not recursive, but iterative... same effect.) Useful to make *any* directory, such as ./foo/bar/baz, when ./foo or ./foo/bar doesn't exist. This works for me and should work on all platforms. (Thanks, g4wk3.) <?php function recursive_mkdir( $folder ) { $folder = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $folder ); $mkfolder = ''; for( $i=0 ; isset( $folder[$i] ) ; $i++ ) { $mkfolder .= $folder[$i]; if( !is_dir( $mkfolder ) ) mkdir( "$mkfolder" , 0777); $mkfolder .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } ?> greg
Recursive directory creation routine. This could be adapted to work on Windows but this code is written for use on a Linux/Unix based machine. <?php $working_directory = '/path/to/my/work'; do { $dir = $working_directory; while (!@mkdir($dir,0777)) { $dir = dirname($dir); if ($dir == '/' || is_dir($dir)) break; } } while ($dir != $working_directory); ?> ari schulman ario mail utexas edu
Re: john 4t idserver d0t org, and djneoform at gmail dot com's posts from 27 Oct 2006: On Windows systems, several keywords are reserved and cannot be used as filenames, in addition to just CON and PRN. Attempting to create a folder with one of these names using mkdir will throw the unhelpful error "Invalid argument". According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp ?url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/naming_a_file.asp : "Do not use the following reserved device names for the name of a file: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9. Also avoid these names followed by an extension, for example, NUL.tx7. Windows NT: CLOCK$ is also a reserved device name." These keywords are also case-insensitive. I don't know what problems are posed by using these keywords with extensions, but I successfully created a folder named "con_f". jamespilcher1hotmail
one small gotcha: mkdir(""), mkdir(false), and mkdir(null) give a "file exists" error. this is also true of a directory name consisting of any string that only contains space characters. (this was on php 5.1.2 on Windows 2000) fantasysportswire
One small correction on a note from Frank in June 2006 on recursive directories under Windows. First - this should be in the documentation as its the only function that I know of that php does not fix the slashes automatically. Franks note stated: <?php $mypath="testdir\subdir\test"; mkdir($mypath,0777,TRUE); ?> This doesn't work in windows: <?php $mypath="testdir/subdir/test"; mkdir($mypath,0777,TRUE); ?> ---- This will work a bit better :) <?php $mypath="testdir\\subdir\\test"; mkdir($mypath,0777,TRUE); ?> alex_web
One note about recursive dir creating. I consider it`s better to use original function instead of cycles or recursion. Smth like this: <?php mkdir(str_replace('/',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$dirname),null,true); ?> michal nazarewicz, mina86
On the other hand, splitting path on something else then a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR may give unexpected results when someone accualy wants a file name with backslash in it! Moreover, neither Alan's nor pluto's code check for errors or return any value. Also, I don't like the isset($folder[$i]) technique -- there is a count() function you know. <?php function recursive_mkdir($path, $mode = 0777) { $dirs = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $path); $count = count($dirs); $path = '.'; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirs[$i]; if (!is_dir($path) && !mkdir($path, $mode)) { return false; } } return true; } ?> It will only fail if someone specifies a mode which does not allow owner to create new entries in directory. puckje_piet
Note that, well at least in cpanel10, you will be unable to remove the folder from the folder list if you've created it with mkdir(). You will need an FTP program to remove the folder. If you that doesn't work, you can write a small script <?php /*Remove directories if all other fails*/ rmdir($_GET['rem']) ?> save as a file. You can acces it by FILENAME.php?rem=PATH_TO_FILE. I suggest you protect this with a password though -Duveaux zingus j. rinkle
Most mkpath() function I saw listed here seem long and convoluted. Here's mine: <?php function mkpath($path) { if(@mkdir($path) or file_exists($path)) return true; return (mkpath(dirname($path)) and mkdir($path)); } ?> Untested on windows, but dirname() manual says it should work. protik mukherjee
mkdir, file rw, permission related notes for Fedora 3//// If you are using Fedora 3 and are facing permission problems, better check if SElinux is enabled on ur system. It add an additional layer of security and as a result PHP cant write to the folder eventhough it has 777 permissions. It took me almost a week to deal with this! If you are not sure google for SElinux or 'disabling SELinux' and it may be the cure! Best of luck! sean
Mkdir will work on parent directories as long as file permissions are right and the openbase restriction is not on. ~Sean webmaster2007
Maybe you can use this: <?php function open_dir($dir, $newdir){ //The function that will copy the files if(file_exists($dir) && file_exists($newdir)){ $open_dir=opendir($dir); while (false !== ($file = readdir($open_dir))) { if($file != "." && $file != ".."){ if(file_exists($newdir."/".$file) && filetype($newdir."/".$file."/") != "dir"){ unlink($newdir."/".$file); } if(filetype($dir."/".$file."/") == "dir"){ if(!file_exists($newdir."/".$file."/")){ mkdir($newdir."/".$file."/"); open_dir($dir."/".$file."/", $newdir."/".$file."/"); } } else { copy($dir."/".$file."/", $newdir."/".$file); } } } } } open_dir("Your source map", "Your destination map"); //Here you can fill in your source en destination map ?> slawek petrykowski
Kevin Cook wrote: "I could not get the sticky bit set properly using the octal mode: 2775 (rwxrwsr-x)" Try 02775 instead, Kevin. lars pätzold
Just a small addition to Han Van den Hoof's ftp script which is really useful for scripts on shared servers. I added a chmod command. This is necessary if you want to access the directory later via script. I also fixed the small bug with the 2 variables connection & conn_id ;) And last not least ftp connection is closed even if ftp commands fail. Sometimes ftp login will fail due to bad luck. Therefore one should add a loop for retrying. <?php // create directory through FTP connection function FtpMkdir($path, $newDir) { $server='ftp.yourserver.com'; // ftp server $connection = ftp_connect($server); // connection // login to ftp server $user = "me"; $pass = "password"; $result = ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass); // check if connection was made if ((!$connection) || (!$result)) { return false; exit(); } else { if (!ftp_chdir($connection, $path)) { // go to destination dir $r = false; } else if (!ftp_mkdir($connection,$newDir)) { // create directory $r = false; } else if (!ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD 0777 $newDir") { // change attributes $r = false; } else { $r = $newDir; } } ftp_close($connection); // close connection return $r; } ?> funke
Ive onlybeen coding in PHP for a couple of months so i Don't have all the syntax tricks down yet. I wrote this function to create all the dirs in a path if they don't exist. its not actually recursive but i was to lazy to change the name :) theoretically i want it to work for both win and nix. As soon my project manager gets me a win box i'm gonna test it out. anyrevisions to the function below would be appreciated. <?php // \ function recur_mkdirs($path, $mode = 0777) //creates directory tree recursively { //$GLOBALS["dirseparator"] $dirs = explode($GLOBALS["dirseparator"],$path); $pos = strrpos($path, "."); if ($pos === false) { // note: three equal signs // not found, means path ends in a dir not file $subamount=0; } else { $subamount=1; } for ($c=0;$c < count($dirs) - $subamount; $c++) { $thispath=""; for ($cc=0; $cc <= $c; $cc++) { $thispath.=$dirs[$cc].$GLOBALS["dirseparator"]; } if (!file_exists($thispath)) { //print "$thispath "; mkdir($thispath,$mode); } } } ?> sean
It should be noted that although the documentation says that the default permissions for mkdir are 0777, this is not always the case. I'm running LAMP and without explicitly setting the permissions, the directories created had permissions of 0755. php_removethis_
In response to kidlunch, you should note, if you read the manual carefully, that the recursive option has been implemented in PHP 5.0.0. So it *could* be (and certainly has been) useful for those using older versions of PHP...
han van den hoof
If you're on a shared *nix server, a directory created through mkdir() will not be assigned to you, but to the user that your host's server or php process is running under, usually 'nobody', 'apache' or 'httpd'. In practice, this means that you can create directories, even add files to them, but you can't delete the directory or its contents nor change permissions. It is therefore advised to create directories through PHP's FTP API. Here's a function I wrote: <?php // create directory through FTP connection function FtpMkdir($path, $newDir) { $server='ftp.yourserver.com'; // ftp server $connection = ftp_connect($server); // connection // login to ftp server $user = "me"; $pass = "password"; $result = ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass); // check if connection was made if ((!$connection) || (!$result)) { return false; exit(); } else { ftp_chdir($connection, $path); // go to destination dir if(ftp_mkdir($connection,$newDir)) { // create directory return $newDir; } else { return false; } ftp_close($conn_id); // close connection } } ?> Hope this comes in handy for someone. glenn
I've discovered that since my (shared) hosting provider upgraded to PHP 5.1.6 , a script containing this mkdir doesn't work: <?php mkdir('/home/benge/photos/gallery1/extra_large/', 0777); ?> but this does work: <?php mkdir('/home/benge/photos/gallery1/extra_large', 0777); ?> the difference being, the trailing slash "/" after "extra_large. There were three ways to fix the problem: 1. remove the trailing slash from the script code 2. downgrade to < PHP 5.1.6 3. turn safe mode off I went with option 1. phgn
I've been wrestling with mkdir on a server with safe mode turned on (I think, I kept getting barmy permissions on the new dirs). In the end the solution was to use: exec (mkdir ... exec (chmod ... For this to work I had to use the setuid bit on the script itself. I tried this with the mkdir() function, but to no avail. (To do the setuid bit I ran chmod 4775 on the script file from the command line.) malmsteenforce
I have trouble with recursively of mk_dir function ,with slashes and backslashes, so I`ve solved this below : <? function mkpath($path) { $dirs=array(); $path=preg_replace('/(\/){2,}|(\\\){1,}/','/',$path); //only forward-slash $dirs=explode("/",$path); $path=""; foreach ($dirs as $element) { $path.=$element."/"; if(!is_dir($path)) { if(!mkdir($path)){ echo "something was wrong at : ".$path; return 0; } } } echo("<B>".$path."</B> successfully created"); } mkpath("./dir1\dir2/dir3\\\dir4////dir5"); //this works without errors ?> steven ng
I had to remove the $path in the CHMOD command before the function worked for me. The function was at the $path directory prior to initiating the CHMOD command, so it tried to go down the $path directory again. // create directory through FTP connection function FtpMkdir($path, $newDir) { $server='ftp.server.com'; // ftp server $connection = ftp_connect($server); // connection // login to ftp server $user = "me"; $pass = "pass"; $result = ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass); // check if connection was made if ((!$connection) || (!$result)) { return false; exit(); } else { ftp_chdir($connection, $path); // go to destination dir if(ftp_mkdir($connection, $newDir)) { // create directory ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD 777 $newDir") or die("FTP SITE CMD failed."); return $newDir; } else { return false; } ftp_close($connection); // close connection } } FtpMkdir("path","dir"); dude % patabugen ^ co " uk
I had some problems creating directories and then not being able to access them because of permissions. The only way i have found to get around the problem was to create them with 0777 then chmod them to 4755. <?PHP mkdir($gallery."/".$name, 0755); chmod($gallery."/".$name, 4755); ?> borislav
I found that code provided by Alan H. is not very useful when you mixed \ and / path separator (commonly done in Windows environment). So find here revised version of the code: <code> <?php function recursive_mkdir( $folder ) { $folder = preg_split( "/[\\\\\/]/" , $folder ); $mkfolder = ''; for( $i=0 ; isset( $folder[$i] ) ; $i++ ) { if(!strlen(trim($folder[$i])))continue; $mkfolder .= $folder[$i]; if( !is_dir( $mkfolder ) ){ mkdir( "$mkfolder" , 0777); } $mkfolder .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } recursive_mkdir('c:/new_orders\\1/2\\3\\'); ?> </code> kevin cook
I could not get the sticky bit set properly using the octal mode: 2775 (rwxrwsr-x) $foo='my_directory'; $old_umask = umask(0); mkdir($foo,2775); umask($old_umask); using the above lines renders a directory with permissions: d-wx-wSrwt 2 www www 4096 Nov 2 11:43 my_directory Not exactly what I was looking for. This gets closer to the mark: $foo='my_directory'; $old_umask = umask(0); mkdir($foo,0777); // the default chmod umask($old_umask); drwxrwsrwx 2 www www 4096 Nov 2 11:46 my_directory killroy /at/ gmail
Here's a 3 line version, only superficially tested on win: <?php function mkdir_recursive($dirName){ foreach(split('/',dirname($dirName)) as $dirPart)mkdir($newDir="$newDir$dirPart/"); } ?> reddeath
Guys, you forgot about .DIRECTORY_SAPARATOR. constant
ali baba
Greg, your code does not work for me; maybe it has a bug or we have configuration changes. Anyway, this one works to create recursively the directory DIRECTORY. <? define ("DIRECTORY", "/tmp/mydir/mysubdir"); do { $dir = DIRECTORY; while (!is_dir($dir)) { $basedir = dirname($dir); if ($basedir == '/' || is_dir($basedir)) mkdir($dir,0777); else $dir=$basedir; } } while ($dir != DIRECTORY); ?> 18-jan-2006 05:48
function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777, $recursive = true) { if( is_null($dir) || $dir === "" ){ return FALSE; } if( is_dir($dir) || $dir === "/" ){ return TRUE; } if( mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode, $recursive) ){ return mkdir($dir, $mode); } return FALSE; } aleks peshkov
function makeDirs($strPath, $mode = 0777) //creates directory tree recursively { return is_dir($strPath) or ( makeDirs(dirname($strPath), $mode) and mkdir($strPath, $mode) ); } The simpler is the better. djneoform
Forewarning to windows users. If you try to create a directory called "prn" or "con" windows will reject the name and cause an error. apparently (i found this out the hard way) windows simply cannot have directories by those names, who knows why.. baldurien
For those wandering about the $recursive flag of mkdir in php5, this function will do what you want (à la java) in php 4: <?php /** * Create a new directory, and the whole path. * * If the parent directory does not exists, we will create it, * etc. * * @param string the directory to create * @param int the mode to apply on the directory * @return bool return true on success, false else */ function mkdirs($dir, $mode = FS_RIGHTS_D) { $stack = array(basename($dir)); $path = null; while ( ($d = dirname($dir) ) ) { if ( !is_dir($d) ) { $stack[] = basename($d); $dir = $d; } else { $path = $d; break; } } if ( ( $path = realpath($path) ) === false ) return false; $created = array(); for ( $n = count($stack) - 1; $n >= 0; $n-- ) { $s = $path . '/'. $stack[$n]; if ( !mkdir($s, $mode) ) { for ( $m = count($created) - 1; $m >= 0; $m-- ) rmdir($created[$m]); return false; } $created[] = $s; $path = $s; } return true; } ?> The main idea here is to use a stack to store the invalid dirname (using basename/dirname), and then pop each item on the stack to create directory from a valid path (here: $path = realpath($path). If we fails creating one directory, we must remove them in the reverse order of creation (stackes :)). This works on Windows XP, and it should work on Linux (actually, I did not tested it). Note that this code is a part of one of my classes (named FileSystem), and that you should use your own basename/realpath/dirname/mkdir/rmdir function instead of php one (even if you use them behind). This will allow you to separate the item of a FileSystem from what is it really (FTP? Local ? Telnet? Teletubbies?) pluton dot home
for php-unix users that needs to create a recursive path for php releases < 5.0.0 here is a 1-line function using system mkdir call function mk_recurse_dir($dir,$mode = 0775) { passthru("mkdir -m ".$mode." -p ".$dir); } mroy
fixed bug with the previous script: else if (!ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD 0777 $newDir"){ // change attributes is missing an ")" so it should read: else if (!ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD 0777 $newDir")) { // change attributes michal nazarewicz, mina86
dude at patabugen, try <?php umask(0); ?> before <?php mkdir($gallery."/".$name, 0755); ?>.
cost me an hour to get recursive switch to work in windows with php 5.2.0, so share it here. The key is backward slash in windows , this php version doesn't recognize forward slash as valid path separator for mkdir(), though other functions support forward-slashed paths just fine. The following example works in Windows: <?php $mypath="testdir\subdir\test"; mkdir($mypath,0777,TRUE); ?> This doesn't work in windows: <?php $mypath="testdir/subdir/test"; mkdir($mypath,0777,TRUE); ?> mdap
at this example (from mkdir) : <?php // create directory through FTP connection function FtpMkdir($path, $newDir) { $server='ftp.yourserver.com'; // ftp server $connection = ftp_connect($server); // connection // login to ftp server $user = "me"; $pass = "password"; $result = ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass); // check if connection was made if ((!$connection) || (!$result)) { return false; exit(); } else { ftp_chdir($connection, $path); // go to destination dir if(ftp_mkdir($connection,$newDir)) { // create directory return $newDir; } else { return false; } ftp_close($conn_id); // close connection } } ?> i found a mistake at the last line before } : ftp_close($conn_id); // close connection is not $conn_id is $connection dev
Another simple recursive mkdir function: function Rmkdir($path){ $exp=explode("/",$path); $way=''; foreach($exp as $n){ $way.=$n.'/'; if(!file_exists($way)) mkdir($way); } } yknot7
Add permission using CHMOD in the above mentioned // create directory through FTP connection function FtpMkdir($path, $newDir) { $server='ftp.server.com'; // ftp server $connection = ftp_connect($server); // connection // login to ftp server $user = "me"; $pass = "pass"; $result = ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass); // check if connection was made if ((!$connection) || (!$result)) { return false; exit(); } else { ftp_chdir($connection, $path); // go to destination dir if(ftp_mkdir($connection, $newDir)) { // create directory ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD 777 $path/$newDir") or die("FTP SITE CMD failed."); return $newDir; } else { return false; } ftp_close($connection); // close connection } } FtpMkdir("path","dir"); david pullen
A simple recursive mkdir function: <?php function RecursiveMkdir($path) { // This function creates the specified directory using mkdir(). Note // that the recursive feature on mkdir() is broken with PHP 5.0.4 for // Windows, so I have to do the recursion myself. if (!file_exists($path)) { // The directory doesn't exist. Recurse, passing in the parent // directory so that it gets created. RecursiveMkdir(dirname($path)); mkdir($path, 0777); } } if (!file_exists("/path/to/my/file")) { // Call the recursive mkdir function since the "recursive" feature // built in to mkdir() is broken. RecursiveMkdir("/path/to/my/file"); } ?> bat
A little understanding of LISPlike programming makes this sort of task (recursive mkdir()ing in PHP4) much simpler. This version works nicely: <?php function MakeDirectory($dir, $mode = 0755) { if (is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir,$mode)) return TRUE; if (!MakeDirectory(dirname($dir),$mode)) return FALSE; return @mkdir($dir,$mode); } ?> How it works: line one attempts to make the directory, and returns TRUE if it works or if it already exists. That's the easy case if the parent directories all exist. Line two trims off the last directory name using dirname(), and calls MakeDirectory recursively on that shorter directory. If that fails, it returns FALSE, but otherwise we come out of it knowing that the parent directory definitely exists. Finally, presuming the recursive call worked, once we get to line three we can create the requested directory. Note the use of @ to suppress warning messages from mkdir. The beauty of this is that if, say, the great-grandparent directory exists but the grandparent and parent directories don't, the function will simply call itself recursively until it gets high enough up the tree to do some work, then carry on unwinding back until all the new directories have been created. This is pretty bog-standard recursive programming. Anyone who can't wrap their head around it after a few minutes of concentration should probably try a career in sales. |
Change Language![]() basename chgrp chmod chown clearstatcache copy delete dirname disk_free_space disk_total_space diskfreespace fclose feof fflush fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss file_exists file_get_contents file_put_contents file fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype flock fnmatch fopen fpassthru fputcsv fputs fread fscanf fseek fstat ftell ftruncate fwrite glob is_dir is_executable is_file is_link is_readable is_uploaded_file is_writable is_writeable lchgrp lchown link linkinfo lstat mkdir move_uploaded_file parse_ini_file pathinfo pclose popen readfile readlink realpath rename rewind rmdir set_file_buffer stat symlink tempnam tmpfile touch umask unlink |