![]() pg_send_query
Sends asynchronous query
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
Example 1975. pg_send_query() example<?php The above example will output: First call to pg_get_result(): Resource id #3 Code Examples / Notes » pg_send_queryvincentdephily
Note that if you send a query without calling pg_get_result() for the previous one (supposing it has finished and the connection is not busy), the previous query will get discarded. See for yourself (tested on php4.4.0, postgres8.0.4, Linux/FreeBSD) : <? $conn = pg_connect("dbname=template1 host=localhost user=pgsql"); if ($conn === FALSE) exit("Can't connect to db"); $q = array(); // send some queries foreach (range(0, 500) as $i) stack_query($q, $conn, "SELECT 'query $i' AS str;"); // receive them while (true) { $left = stack_query($q, $conn); echo "$left left... "; $result = pg_get_result($conn); if ($left == 0 && $result === FALSE) break; $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); // depending on race conditions, you wont get all your original queries here. echo "got $row[str]\n"; } function stack_query(&$queries, $conn, $sql = FALSE) { if ($sql !== FALSE) $queries[] = $sql; while (count($queries) && !pg_connection_busy($conn)) pg_send_query($conn, array_shift($queries)); return count($queries) + (pg_connection_busy($conn) ? 1 : 0); } ?> You will have to write a higher level of abstraction if you want a "send all queries now, receive them later" behaviour. ron howard
If there is an error in one of your queries, the queries following it will not get executed, and there will *not* be an error message displayed. The only way I can think of to determine if an SQL error happened is to use pg_trace. Example: pg_send_query($connection, "SELECT id FROM users; SELECT * FROM customers; [INVALID-SQL-STATEMENT]; SELECT name FROM countries;"); while ($result = pg_get_result($connection)) $results[] = $result; The $results array will only have two items in it. mikewithme
Due to a bug, OLD API does not available with PHP 4.2.0 and 4.2.1. PHP 4.2.2 will support OLD API again and will be kept long enough. New API will be available PHP 4.2.0 to later versions. yohgaki at php dot net 19-Jun-2002 04:00 Due to a bug, PHP 4.2.0 and 4.2.1 does not support pg_lo_import() old API. It's fixed in PHP 4.2.2. BTW, new API will be always available from PHP 4.2.0 to later versions. Older API will be kept long enough, also. ceco at noxis dot net 15-May-2002 09:08 it works for me (php-4.2.1) not like this int pg_lo_import ( string pathname [, resource connection]) but int pg_lo_import ( resource connection, string pathname ) don't know the reason likeyouover others
<?php // --------- OPEN CONN --- $conn = pg_connect("host='' dbname='test' user='usertest' password='passtest'"); // --------- OPEN FILE --- $fp = fopen('logo.gif', "r"); $buffer = fread($fp, filesize('logo.gif')); fclose($fp); // --------- CREATE - INSERT OID --- pg_exec($conn, "begin"); $oid = pg_locreate($conn); $rs = pg_exec($conn,"INSERT INTO test(tipo, images) VALUES('A1', $oid);"); $handle = pg_loopen ($conn, $oid, "w"); pg_lowrite ($handle, $buffer); pg_loclose ($handle); pg_exec($conn, "commit"); // --------- OPEN - INSERT OID --- $rs = pg_exec($conn, "SELECT images FROM test WHERE tipo = 'A1';"); $row = pg_fetch_row($rs, 0); pg_exec($conn, "begin"); $loid = pg_loopen($conn, $row[0], "r"); header("Content-type: image/gif"); pg_loreadall($loid); pg_loclose($loid); pg_exec ($conn, "commit"); // --------- UNLINK OID --- pg_exec($conn, "begin"); $loid = $row[0]; pg_lounlink($conn, $loid); pg_exec ($conn, "commit"); // --------- DELETE OID --- pg_exec($conn, "DELETE FROM test WHERE tipo = 'A1';"); // --------- CLOSE CONN --- pg_close(); ?> |
Change Language![]() pg_affected_rows pg_cancel_query pg_client_encoding pg_close pg_connect pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_connection_status pg_convert pg_copy_from pg_copy_to pg_dbname pg_delete pg_end_copy pg_escape_bytea pg_escape_string pg_execute pg_fetch_all_columns pg_fetch_all pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_field_is_null pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_prtlen pg_field_size pg_field_table pg_field_type_oid pg_field_type pg_free_result pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_get_result pg_host pg_insert pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_last_oid pg_lo_close pg_lo_create pg_lo_export pg_lo_import pg_lo_open pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_read pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_write pg_meta_data pg_num_fields pg_num_rows pg_options pg_parameter_status pg_pconnect pg_ping pg_port pg_prepare pg_put_line pg_query_params pg_query pg_result_error_field pg_result_error pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_select pg_send_execute pg_send_prepare pg_send_query_params pg_send_query pg_set_client_encoding pg_set_error_verbosity pg_trace pg_transaction_status pg_tty pg_unescape_bytea pg_untrace pg_update pg_version |