PHP : Function Reference : Miscellaneous Functions : php_check_syntax
nicolas dot grekas+php
This detects parse errors without executing the code:
function eval_syntax($code)
$b = 0;
foreach (token_get_all($code) as $token)
if ('{' == $token) ++$b;
else if ('}' == $token) --$b;
if ($b) return false; // Unbalanced braces would break the eval below
ob_start(); // Catch potential parse error messages
$code = eval('if(0){' . $code . '}'); // Put $code in a dead code sandbox to prevent its execution
return false !== $code;
PROBLEM: Your page is blank, or you can not define any functions in an include.
As mentioned below, the php_check_syntax function will include your file. So you may not be able to include it again. If you have an include later in your code, and you define any functions, you will get an error, or in some cases a blank page.
// Think about shell-command escaping if you`re using user-input
function php_check_syntax($file,&$error) {
exec("php -l $file",$error,$code);
return true;
return false;
Note: This is UNIX
Note: If your environment-variable PATH is not set correctly, you will need to insert the path to php (like /usr/local/bin/php)