![]() php_strip_whitespace
Return source with stripped comments and whitespace
(PHP 5)
Example 1361. php_strip_whitespace() example<?php The above example will output: <?php Notice the PHP comments are gone, as are the whitespace and newline after the first echo statement. Code Examples / Notes » php_strip_whitespacecosmo
With newlines stripped your HEREDOCs won't work.
This function can not be used to strip comments outside <?php ... ?> // this comment will not be removed <?php // this comment will be removed ?> natio
Notice: In my last comment for this function I failed to add some important parts of the function. So I have re-added it here. Feel free to delete my earlier comment. Thanks! --- To use php_strip_whitespace in (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0) you could try the function below. This function also helps solve the issues with php_strip_whitespace not fully removing new lines and extra whitespace's in HTML when embedded with PHP. <?php if (!defined ('T_ML_COMMENT')) { define ('T_ML_COMMENT', T_COMMENT); } if (!defined ('T_DOC_COMMENT')) { define ('T_DOC_COMMENT', T_ML_COMMENT); } function StripWhitespace($sFileName) { if ( !is_file($sFileName) ) { return false; } $sContent = implode('', file($sFileName)); $aTokens = token_get_all($sContent); $bLast = false; $sStr = ''; for ( $i = 0, $j = count($aTokens); $i < $j; $i++ ) { if ( is_string($aTokens[$i]) ) { $bLast = false; $sStr .= $aTokens[$i]; } else { switch ( $aTokens[$i][0] ) { case T_COMMENT: case T_ML_COMMENT: case T_DOC_COMMENT: break; case T_WHITESPACE: if (!$bLast) { $sStr .= ' '; $bLast = true; } break; default: $bLast = false; $sStr .= $aTokens[$i][1]; break; } } } $sStr = trim($sStr); $sStr = str_replace("\n", "", $sStr); $sStr = str_replace("\r", "", $sStr); return $sStr; } ?> amedee
Not only can this be used for JavaScript files, but also for: * Java source code * CSS (Style Sheets) * Any file with C-style comments. jouni
If you wish to just remove excess whitespace from a string, see the example "Strip whitespace" in the preg_replace documentation (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php).
zvjezdan patz
I was given a report that was separated by spaces and asked to make graphs from it. I needed to turn the report data into a csv in memory so I could manipulate it further. First needed to see the report, then need to strip out the whitespace, but leave one space between each item that I could convert to a column. There were lots of complicated ways to do this. I stumbled on something simple. Say the report looks like this: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 5 7 8 10 7 8 7 15 4 0 21 4 12 9 5 7 9 0 9 43 The report is using spaces and not tabs to separate everything. Assume it's a file called data.txt you can use the following to strip out the spaces and make it comma delimited: <?php $handle = @fopen("data.txt", "r"); if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); // this will search for 5 spaces and replace with 1, then 4, then 3, then 2 // then only one will be left. Replace that one space with a comma // then output with nl2br so you can see the line breaks print nl2br(str_replace(" ", ",",ereg_replace( ' ', ' ',ereg_replace( ' ', ' ', ereg_replace( ' ', ' ', ereg_replace( ' ',' ',$buffer )))))); } } fclose($handle); ?> Hope that helps someone else. mwwaygoo
I thought this was a nice function until I realised it wouldnt strip down html. As i'd been reading an article on compressing output to speed up delivery. So I wrote a little one to do that for me. Here its is, incase people were looking for a html version. It may need tweaking, like with existing 's. <?php function strip_html($data) { // strip unecessary comments and characters from a webpages text // all line comments, multi-line comments \\r \\n \\t multi-spaces that make a script readable. // it also safeguards enquoted values and values within textareas, as these are required $data=preg_replace_callback("/>[^<]*<\\/textarea/i", "harden_characters", $data); $data=preg_replace_callback("/\\"[^\\"<>]+\\"/", "harden_characters", $data); $data=preg_replace("/(\\/\\/.*\\n)/","",$data); // remove single line comments, like this, from // to \\n $data=preg_replace("/(\\t|\\r|\\n)/","",$data); // remove new lines \\n, tabs and \\r $data=preg_replace("/(\\/\\*.*\\*\\/)/","",$data); // remove multi-line comments /* */ $data=preg_replace("/(<![^>]*>)/","",$data); // remove multi-line comments <!-- --> $data=preg_replace('/(\\s+)/', ' ',$data); // replace multi spaces with singles $data=preg_replace('/>\\s</', '><',$data); $data=preg_replace_callback("/\\"[^\\"<>]+\\"/", "unharden_characters", $data); $data=preg_replace_callback("/>[^<]*<\\/textarea/", "unharden_characters", $data); return $data; } function harden_characters($array) { $safe=$array[0]; $safe=preg_replace('/\\n/', "%0A", $safe); $safe=preg_replace('/\\t/', "%09", $safe); $safe=preg_replace('/\\s/', " ", $safe); return $safe; } function unharden_characters($array) { $safe=$array[0]; $safe=preg_replace('/%0A/', "\\n", $safe); $safe=preg_replace('/%09/', "\\t", $safe); $safe=preg_replace('/ /', " ", $safe); return $safe; } ?> The article code was similar to this, which shouldn't work as php_strip_whitespace takes a filename as input:- <?php // ob_start(); and output here $data=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if(strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'],'gzip')) { $data=gzencode(php_strip_whitespace($data),9); header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); } echo $data; ?> nyctimus
Here's one for CSS: <?php function css_strip_whitespace($css) { $replace = array( "#/\*.*?\*/#s" => "", // Strip C style comments. "#\s\s+#" => " ", // Strip excess whitespace. ); $search = array_keys($replace); $css = preg_replace($search, $replace, $css); $replace = array( ": " => ":", "; " => ";", " {" => "{", " }" => "}", ", " => ",", "{ " => "{", ";}" => "}", // Strip optional semicolons. ",\n" => ",", // Don't wrap multiple selectors. "\n}" => "}", // Don't wrap closing braces. "} " => "}\n", // Put each rule on it's own line. ); $search = array_keys($replace); $css = str_replace($search, $replace, $css); return trim($css); } ?> A word on the first regular expression, since it took me a while. It strips C style comments. /* Like this. */ #/\*.*?\*/#s ^ ^ The pound signs at either end quote the regex. They don't match anything. #/\*.*?\*/#s ^ The s at the very end sets the PCRE_DOTALL modifier. More info here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php # /\* .*? \*/ #s 1 2 3 The expression itself consists of 3 parts: 1. the opening comment sequence, represented by /\* 2. everything in the middle, represented by .*? 3. and the closing comment sequence, represented by \*/ #/\*.*?\*/#s ^ ^ The comment asterisks are escaped. If I had used the more common / for PCRE quoting I would've had to escape those too. #/\*.*?\*/#s ^ The ? prevents the regex from being greedy. See halfway down this page: http://www.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.php flconseil
Beware that this function uses the output buffering mechanism. If you give a 'stream wrapped' path as argument, anything echoed by the stream wrapper during this call (e.g. trace messages) won't be displayed to the screen but will be inserted in php_strip_whitespace's result. If you execute this stripped code later, it will display the messages which should have been output during php_strip_whitespace's execution ! patriot
@Zvjezdan Patz Your script is quite the strain on the server. You might just want to do this (just the print line): <?php print preg_replace("/[ ]{1,}/", ",", trim($str)); ?> |