![]() php_uname
Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)
Example 1850. Some php_uname() examples<?php Example 1851. A few OS related constant examples<?php Code Examples / Notes » php_unametac
In php 4.1.2, php_uname('n') returns a warning about an invalid parameter count. Change it to @php_uname to hide this warning.
michiel1978 /*at*/ hotmail /*dot*/ com
Example 1 in this article is a little bit misleading. The comment on the last block of code says it will output the server's operating system, but in reality (and according to this same article), it will output the operating system on which PHP was built, because it uses the constant PHP_OS.
Contrary to the last note, PHP_OS does display the OS PHP runs on currently, whereas php_uname() displays the Operating system version via uname. This has nothing to do with the system PHP was built on. |
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