PHP : Function Reference : URL Functions : rawurldecode
echo rawurldecode('foo%20bar%40baz'); // foo bar@baz
php dot net
To sum it up: the only difference of this function to the urldecode function is that the "+" character won't get translated.
This function also decodes utf8 strings so it behaves more like the javascript unscape() function.
function utf8RawUrlDecode ($source) {
$decodedStr = "";
$pos = 0;
$len = strlen ($source);
while ($pos < $len) {
$charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
if ($charAt == '%') {
$charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
if ($charAt == 'u') {
// we got a unicode character
$unicodeHexVal = substr ($source, $pos, 4);
$unicode = hexdec ($unicodeHexVal);
$entity = "&#". $unicode . ';';
$decodedStr .= utf8_encode ($entity);
$pos += 4;
else {
// we have an escaped ascii character
$hexVal = substr ($source, $pos, 2);
$decodedStr .= chr (hexdec ($hexVal));
$pos += 2;
} else {
$decodedStr .= $charAt;
return $decodedStr;
tomek perlak tomekperlak
Let's say you pass some data between the client and the server in a more or less array-like structure.
If using the [] brackets in the field names is not enough (or won't comply with the rest of the project for some reason), you might have to use a string with a number of different delimiters (rows, fields, rows inside fields and such).
To make sure that the data doesn't get mistaken for delimiters, you can use the encodeURIComponent() JavaScript function. It pairs nicely with rawurldecode().
Once the string passed to the server side finally gets exploded into an array (or set of such), you could use the following function to recursively rawurldecode the array(s):
function rawurldecode_array(&$arr)
foreach (array_keys($arr) as $key)
if (is_array($arr[$key]))
$arr[$key] = rawurldecode($arr[$key]);
$a[0] = rawurlencode("2+1:3?9");
$a["k"] = rawurlencode("@:-/");
$a[-3][0] = rawurlencode("+");
$a[-3][2] = rawurlencode("=_~");
$a[-3]["a"] = rawurlencode("this+is a%test");
echo "<pre>"; print_r($a); echo "</pre>";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($a); echo "</pre>";
The program will output:
[0] => 2%2B1%3A3%3F9
[k] => %40%3A-%2F
[-3] => Array
[0] => %2B
[2] => %3D_%7E
[a] => this%2Bis%20a%25test
[0] => 2+1:3?9
[k] => @:-/
[-3] => Array
[0] => +
[2] => =_~
[a] => this+is a%test