![]() realpath
Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 668. realpath() example<?php The above example will output: /etc/passwd Related Examples ( Source code ) » realpath Examples ( Source code ) » realpath Examples ( Source code ) » Extracting text from Word Documents via PHP and COM Code Examples / Notes » realpathphp.netatjulian-lemburg.de
You have a realpath. Now you want a htmlpath. First Suggestion: <?php function htmlpath($relative_path) { $realpath=realpath($relative_path); $htmlpath=str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$realpath); return $htmlpath; } ?> But this does not work on some servers. Second Suggestion: <?php function htmlpath($realpath) { $i = substr_count($_ENV["SCRIPT_URL"],'/')." "; $baserealpath=realpath(str_repeat('../',$i-1)); $htmlpath=str_replace($baserealpath,'',$realpath); return $htmlpath; } ?> marc noirot
Yet another realpath replacement: function myRealPath($path) { // Check if path begins with "/". => use === with strpos if (strpos($path,"/") === 0) { $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$path; } else { // Strip slashes and convert to arrays. $currentDir = preg_split("/\//",dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])); $newDir = preg_split('/\//',$path); // Drop one directory from the array for each ".."; add one otherwise. foreach ($newDir as $dir) { if ($dir == "..") array_pop($currentDir); elseif ($dir != ".") //test for "." which represents current dir (do nothing in that case) array_push($currentDir,$dir); } // Return the slashes. $path = implode($currentDir,"/"); } return $path; } sebastian
Who ever wrote the rp()-function. First of all, your function skips filenames or directories with "0" because you use == instead of === when comparing to an "empty" value. Second, the idea of realpath() isn't fixing useless "../" etc, but to resolve the full path of a relative directory/file or a symbolic link. So that if you run the script in '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/' and exec realpath('uploads/test.txt') the output becomes '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/uploads/test.txt' (as in the example) I also wonder why the implementations aren't using the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant and expect Unix. 01-mar-2007 04:17
Tyron Madlener said "I just wonder why all the other solutions are so complex and that mine so simple". Funny. I wonder why yours is so complex (26 lines, 2 functions) when it can be done in half that (13 lines, 1 function): function rp($p) { $p=explode('/', $p); $o=array(); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($p); $i++) { if (''==$p[$i] || '.'==$p[$i]) continue; if ('..'==$p[$i] && $i>0 && '..'!=$o[sizeof($o)-1]) { array_pop($o); continue; } array_push($o, $p[$i]); } return implode('/', $o); } With that, this: print rp("../../xyz.txt")."\n"; print rp("a/b/c/d/../../xyz.txt")."\n"; print rp("a/b/c/d/../..//xyz.txt")."\n"; Prints: ../../xyz.txt a/b/xyz.txt a/b/xyz.txt As expected. richpageau
This is my attempt at writing a realpath replacement. I needed to to run some Adobe code on a server with realpath disabled and this seemed to do the job. It is written for a unix server, I suppose it could be made cross platform using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. (With thanks to Marc Noirot for his code). function myRealPath($path) { // check if path begins with "/" ie. is absolute // if it isnt concat with script path if (strpos($path,"/") !== 0) { $base=dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $path=$base."/".$path; } // canonicalize $path=explode('/', $path); $newpath=array(); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($path); $i++) { if ($path[$i]==='' || $path[$i]==='.') continue; if ($path[$i]==='..') { array_pop($newpath); continue; } array_push($newpath, $path[$i]); } $finalpath="/".implode('/', $newpath); // check then return valid path or filename if (file_exists($finalpath)) { return ($finalpath); } else return FALSE; } lars scheithauer
This function is also nice to test for security-breaches. You can forbid the script to access files below a certain directory to prevent "../../../etc/shadow" and similar attacks: <?php // declare the basic directory for security reasons // Please do NOT attach a "/"-suffix ! $basedir = '/var/www/cgi-bin/scriptfolder'; // compare the entered path with the basedir $path_parts = pathinfo($_REQUEST['file_to_get']); if (realpath($path_parts['dirname']) != $basedir) { /* appropriate action against crack-attempt*/ die ('coding good - h4x1ng bad!'); } ?> The url "script.php?file_to_get=../../../etc/shadow" will now result in an error. berglov1
There might be other solutions like mine in here, but here is one more. This function converts Virtual Paths into Relative Paths. I needed that at one time, and I did'nt have much luck finding a solution amongst the PHP Functions in the manual. <?php function GetPath($RedPath) { if(substr($RedPath, 0, 1) == "/") { $SysPath = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if(substr($RedPath, -1) == "/") $RedPath = substr($RedPath, 0, -1); if(strlen($SysPath) == 1) return ".".$RedPath; elseif(strcmp($SysPath,$RedPath) == 0) return "./"; else { $s_tmp = split("/", $SysPath); $r_tmp = split("/", $RedPath); while(($r_tmp[$i] == $s_tmp[$i]) && $i < 10) $i++; $t_RedPath = end(split("/", $RedPath, ($i+1))); if($i == count($s_tmp)) return "./".$t_RedPath; else return str_repeat("../", count($s_tmp)-$i).$t_RedPath; } } else return $RedPath; } ?> patrice vanneufville
the precedent function does not work all the time : servers sometimes put a slash '/' at the end of $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] // transforme un chemin d'image relatif en chemin html absolu function htmlpath($relative_path) { $realpath = str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($relative_path)); $root = preg_replace(',/$,', '', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); if (strlen($root) && strpos($realpath, $root)===0) return substr($realpath, strlen($root)); $dir = dirname(!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : str_replace('\\','/',__FILE__) ))); return canonicalize($dir.'/'.$relative_path); } // retourne un chemin canonique a partir d'un chemin contenant des ../ function canonicalize($address) { $address = str_replace("//", "/", $address); $address = explode('/', $address); $keys = array_keys($address, '..'); foreach($keys as $keypos => $key) array_splice($address, $key - ($keypos * 2 + 1), 2); $address = implode('/', $address); return preg_replace(',([^.])\./,', '\1', $address); } fornous
The function seems to work only with real path - it also checks whether given file or path exists on windows platform (not sure what it does on Linux). In case the path is not real the function returns FALSE. I expected the function only convert path into canonical form and lets user decide whether the path exists in filesystem. I would expect the notice at least. pulstar
Sometimes you may need to refer to the absolute path of a file in your website instead of a relative path, but the realpath() function returns the path relative to the server's filesystem, not a path relative to your website root directory. For example, realpath() may return something like this: /home/yoursite/public_html/dir1/file.ext You can't use this in an HTML document, because the web server will not find the file. To do so, you can use: <?php function htmlpath($relative_path) { $realpath=realpath($relative_path); $htmlpath=str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$realpath); return $htmlpath; } echo '<img src="',htmlpath('../../relative/path/to/file.ext'),'" border=1>'; ?> It will return something like: <img src="/dir1/relative/path/to/file.ext" border=1> alex
Sometimes it is helpful to check for the existance of a file which might be found by using the include_path like in include("file_from_include_path.php"); A simple function iterates the include_path and tries all possibilites, returns translated_local_path on success or false if not found. function mappath($path_to_translate){ $IncludePath=explode(PATH_SEPARATOR,get_include_path()); foreach($IncludePath as $prefix){ if(substr($prefix,-1)==DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $prefix=substr($prefix,0,-1); $try_path=sprintf("%s%s%s" ,$prefix,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$path_to_translate); if(file_exists($try_path))return($try_path); } return false; } ash
sarizmendi is right, and this is very frustrating. I'm trying to use a script with a different virtual root, which process folders/contents. This works perfectly with asp's server.mappath() but realpath() fails, because it's mapping to the same doc root (C:\inetpub\wwwroot) when it should be from a different virtual path (i.e. D:\content). Although I could force this to the static path, I'm trying to use it with a $_GET, and this could point to any of a number of virtual roots.
zach bernal zbernal
Santosh Patnaik's method worked in most cases, but when I gave it funky input with different directory separators it returned the wrong path. I liked julabz at laposte dot net the best, and modified it to use a similar signiture signature to Patnaik's function: <?php function unrealpath($start_dir, $final_dir, $dirsep = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR){ //Directory separator consistency $start_dir = str_replace('/',$dirsep,$start_dir); $final_dir = str_replace('/',$dirsep,$final_dir); $start_dir = str_replace('\\',$dirsep,$start_dir); $final_dir = str_replace('\\',$dirsep,$final_dir); //'Splode! $firstPathParts = explode($dirsep, $start_dir); $secondPathParts = explode($dirsep, $final_dir); //Get the number of parts that are the same. $sameCounter = 0; for($i = 0; $i < min( count($firstPathParts), count($secondPathParts) ); $i++) { if( strtolower($firstPathParts[$i]) !== strtolower($secondPathParts[$i]) ) { break; } $sameCounter++; } //If they do not share any common directories/roots, just return 2nd path. if( $sameCounter == 0 ) { return $final_dir; } //init newpath. $newPath = ''; //Go up the directory structure count(firstpathparts)-sameCounter times (so, go up number of non-matching parts in the first path.) for($i = $sameCounter; $i < count($firstPathParts); $i++) { if( $i > $sameCounter ) { $newPath .= $dirsep; } $newPath .= ".."; } //if we did not have to go up at all, we're still in start_dir. if( strlen($newPath) == 0 ) { $newPath = "."; } //now we go down as much as needed to get to final_dir. for($i = $sameCounter; $i < count($secondPathParts); $i++) { $newPath .= $dirsep; $newPath .= $secondPathParts[$i]; } // return $newPath; } ?> The only error I found in julabz's function was that count is always 1 for any string, but strlen does what he intended in this case. jemptyg
realpath() seems to be equivalent to ASP's Server.MapPath. On my Win2k box I have successfully used realpath() to give me the full path for a file outside of the document_root. This will be very useful in conjunction with is_dir and/or is_file, which require a full path.
matthias fostel
Popular htmlpath function found below with str_replace to fix issues with PHP on Windows. function htmlpath($relative_path) { $realpath=str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($relative_path)); $htmlpathURL=str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$realpath); return $htmlpathURL; } eric
note that realpath() will chop any trailing delimiter like \ or / ...don't forget to add it back on if you need it. Eric Mueller - themepark.com tyron madlener
None of the functions provided here worked for me. All of them somehow had the problem with pathes like '../../downloads/bar/../foo/..' or didn't provide relative paths. So I coded my one that justs removes '.'-dirs from the paths and simplifies stuff like 'dir/..' function SimplifyPath($path) { $dirs = explode('/',$path); for($i=0; $i<count($dirs);$i++) { if($dirs[$i]=="." || $dirs[$i]=="") { array_splice($dirs,$i,1); $i--; } if($dirs[$i]=="..") { $cnt = count($dirs); $dirs=Simplify($dirs, $i); $i-= $cnt-count($dirs); } } return implode('/',$dirs); } function Simplify($dirs, $idx) { if($idx==0) return $dirs; if($dirs[$idx-1]=="..") Simplify($dirs, $idx-1); else array_splice($dirs,$idx-1,2); return $dirs; } I just wonder why all the other solutions are so complex and that mine so simple, because in general the problem of simplifieng isn't that hard to solve. Well, I hope that there aren't any cases on which my solution fails. Otherwise, feel free to improve :D jerome
mkdir (and realpath) did not work because i'd used virtual() function to replace server side include in my file. And i've just seen that virtual() function changes the current directory ... that's why ! jerome ;) carlosreche
In my last function, it will always discard "../" if there are no more parent dirs to go back. But it's a mistake! For example, relative paths like "../../downloads" returns "downloads/", and it should return exactly the same entry (because parent directories for "downloads" may exist in this case). Well, I've corrected this bug. Now: "C:/downloads/../../../" returns "C:/" "downloads/../../../" returns "../../" <?php function real_path($path) { if ($path == "") { return false; } $path = trim(preg_replace("/\\\\/", "/", (string)$path)); if (!preg_match("/(\.\w{1,4})$/", $path) && !preg_match("/\?[^\\/]+$/", $path) && !preg_match("/\\/$/", $path)) { $path .= '/'; } $pattern = "/^(\\/|\w:\\/|https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+\\/)?(.*)$/i"; preg_match_all($pattern, $path, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $path_tok_1 = $matches[0][1]; $path_tok_2 = $matches[0][2]; $path_tok_2 = preg_replace( array("/^\\/+/", "/\\/+/"), array("", "/"), $path_tok_2); $path_parts = explode("/", $path_tok_2); $real_path_parts = array(); for ($i = 0, $real_path_parts = array(); $i < count($path_parts); $i++) { if ($path_parts[$i] == '.') { continue; } else if ($path_parts[$i] == '..') { if ( (isset($real_path_parts[0]) && $real_path_parts[0] != '..') || ($path_tok_1 != "") ) { array_pop($real_path_parts); continue; } } array_push($real_path_parts, $path_parts[$i]); } return $path_tok_1 . implode('/', $real_path_parts); } ?> ilgarm -at- azeronline.com
I've tested several examples given by other ppls but none were working, at least on windows. so I spent time and wrote my own function for realpath( ) replacement that will work with non-existing paths also. Here it is. Please, check it, if you have time and let me know about the results. Thanks. <?php define( "_PL_OS_SEP", "/" ); define( "_CUR_OS", substr( php_uname( ), 0, 7 ) == "Windows" ? "Win" : "_Nix" ); function checkCurrentOS( $_OS ) { if ( strcmp( $_OS, _CUR_OS ) == 0 ) { return true; } return false; } function isRelative( $_dir ) { if ( checkCurrentOS( "Win" ) ) { return ( preg_match( "/^\w+:/", $_dir ) <= 0 ); } else { return ( preg_match( "/^\//", $_dir ) <= 0 ); } } function unifyPath( $_path ) { if ( checkCurrentOS( "Win" ) ) { return str_replace( "\\", _PL_OS_SEP, $_path ); } return $_path; } function getRealpath( $_path ) { /* * This is the starting point of the system root. * Left empty for UNIX based and Mac. * For Windows this is drive letter and semicolon. */ $__path = $_path; if ( isRelative( $_path ) ) { $__curdir = unifyPath( realpath( "." ) . _PL_OS_SEP ); $__path = $__curdir . $__path; } $__startPoint = ""; if ( checkCurrentOS( "Win" ) ) { list( $__startPoint, $__path ) = explode( ":", $__path, 2 ); $__startPoint .= ":"; } # From now processing is the same for WIndows and Unix, and hopefully for others. $__realparts = array( ); $__parts = explode( _PL_OS_SEP, $__path ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $__parts ); $i++ ) { if ( strlen( $__parts[ $i ] ) == 0 || $__parts[ $i ] == "." ) { continue; } if ( $__parts[ $i ] == ".." ) { if ( count( $__realparts ) > 0 ) { array_pop( $__realparts ); } } else { array_push( $__realparts, $__parts[ $i ] ); } } return $__startPoint . _PL_OS_SEP . implode( _PL_OS_SEP, $__realparts ); } echo "getRealpath ../../x: ". getRealpath( "../../x" ) . " \n"; echo "getRealpath ./../x: ". getRealpath( "./../x" ) . " \n"; echo "getRealpath x: ". getRealpath( "x" ) . " \n"; echo "getRealpath /../x: ". getRealpath( "/../x" ) . " \n"; echo "getRealpath d:/../../x: ". getRealpath( "d:/../../x" ) . " \n"; echo "getRealpath ./../xx/xxx/.////../yyy: ". getRealpath( "./../xx/xxx/.////../yyy" ) . " \n"; ?> phpnote
I have written this function so that it does not matter whether the folder exists on the system. It simply traverses the given path moving up directories at every "/.." that it encounters. Though this can be used with a file at the end I would be cautious about using it with a query attached as any "/.." in the query will remove the text proir until the previous "/". <?php function htmlpath($relative_path) { $realpath = ''; $q = 0; // Remove any ./ $relative_path = str_replace('/./', '/', $relative_path); // Remove trailing / if ($relative_path[strlen($relative_path)-1] == '/') { $relative_path = substr($relative_path, 0, -1); } $p = strpos($relative_path, '/..', $q); while ($p !== false) { // Get the next part of the path if ($p != $q) $realpath .= substr($relative_path, $q, $p); // Find the edge of the previous directory $i = strrpos($realpath, '/'); if ($i === false) { return false; // Not enough directories to go up any further. } // Remove the directory $realpath = substr($realpath, 0, $i); // Take out the "/.." $relative_path = substr($relative_path, 0, $p) . substr($relative_path, $p+3); // Find the next "/.." $q = $p; $p = strpos($relative_path, '/..', $q); } // Get the rest of the relative path. $realpath .= substr($relative_path, $q); return $realpath; } ?> adyballa
I have also a short solution. But Im not sure, if it is performant. Explode-Array solution seems to work very fast. function buildRelativePath($path){ $oldP = ""; $newP = $path; while($newP!=$oldP){ $oldP = $newP; $newP = preg_replace("/([^\/]+\/)([^\/]+\/)(\.\.\/)/ms","$1",$newP); } return str_replace("//","",str_replace("./","",$newP)); } bart
Here's another function that resolves references to '/./', '/../' and extra '/' characters in the input path and returns the canonicalized pathname. <?php function cleanPath($path) { $result = array(); // $pathA = preg_split('/[\/\\\]/', $path); $pathA = explode('/', $path); if (!$pathA[0]) $result[] = ''; foreach ($pathA AS $key => $dir) { if ($dir == '..') { if (end($result) == '..') { $result[] = '..'; } elseif (!array_pop($result)) { $result[] = '..'; } } elseif ($dir && $dir != '.') { $result[] = $dir; } } if (!end($pathA)) $result[] = ''; return implode('/', $result); } echo 'input: ', $path = '..//./../dir4//./dir5/dir6/..//dir7/', '<br />'; echo 'output: ', cleanPath($path), '<br />'; ?> Will return: input: ..//./../dir4//./dir5/dir6/..//dir7/ output: ../../dir4/dir5/dir7/ alban dot lopez+php dot net
Here's a little function to return the shortest relative path between dest folder and current folder (you can be replace $_SERVER['PHP_SEFL'] by your variable folder) : <?php // if you run in /var/www/ echo UnRealPath ('./'); // return "./" echo UnRealPath ('./ajax-browser/AJAX-B/scripts/'); // return "./ajax-browser/AJAX-B/scripts/" echo UnRealPath ('/var/'); // return "./../" echo UnRealPath ('/opt/picasa/wine/'); // return "./../../opt/picasa/wine/" function UnRealPath ($dest) { $Ahere = explode ('/', realpath($_SERVER['PHP_SEFL'])); $Adest = explode ('/', realpath($dest)); $result = '.'; // le chemin retouné dois forcement commancé par ./ c'est le but while (implode ('/', $Adest) != implode ('/', $Ahere))// && count ($Adest)>0 && count($Ahere)>0 ) { if (count($Ahere)>count($Adest)) { array_pop($Ahere); $result .= '/..'; } else { array_pop($Adest); } } return str_replace('//', '/', $result.str_replace(implode ('/', $Adest), '', realpath($dest)).(@is_dir(realpath($dest))?'/':'')); } ?> julabz
Here's a little function to return the relative path between two urls: <?php function get_relative_path($start_dir, $final_dir){ // $firstPathParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $start_dir); $secondPathParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $final_dir); // $sameCounter = 0; for($i = 0; $i < min( count($firstPathParts), count($secondPathParts) ); $i++) { if( strtolower($firstPathParts[$i]) !== strtolower($secondPathParts[$i]) ) { break; } $sameCounter++; } if( $sameCounter == 0 ) { return $final_dir; } // $newPath = ''; for($i = $sameCounter; $i < count($firstPathParts); $i++) { if( $i > $sameCounter ) { $newPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $newPath .= ".."; } if( count($newPath) == 0 ) { $newPath = "."; } for($i = $sameCounter; $i < count($secondPathParts); $i++) { $newPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $newPath .= $secondPathParts[$i]; } // return $newPath; } ?> david beck
Here's a function to canonicalize a URL containing relative paths. Ran into the problem when pulling links from a remote page. <?php function canonicalize($address) { $address = explode('/', $address); $keys = array_keys($address, '..'); foreach($keys AS $keypos => $key) { array_splice($address, $key - ($keypos * 2 + 1), 2); } $address = implode('/', $address); $address = str_replace('./', '', $address); } $url = 'http://www.example.com/something/../else'; echo canonicalize($url); //http://www.example.com/else ?> jonny rylands
Having problems with includes within include files, particularly when the include files are in different directories? This syntax allows: * relative paths to be used in include strings. * include files to include other files in different directories. without getting file not found errors. <? include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/relative/path/to/include.inc.php"); ?> santosh patnaik
Given real paths of two files, this function finds the relative path of one ($dest) with respect to the other ($root). echo rel_path('a/b/c', 'd/e'); // './../../a/b/c' echo rel_path('a/b/c', 'a/b/c/d/e'); // './../..' echo rel_path('a/b/c/d/e', 'a/b/c'); // './d/e' function rel_path($dest, $root = '', $dir_sep = '/') { $root = explode($dir_sep, $root); $dest = explode($dir_sep, $dest); $path = '.'; $fix = ''; $diff = 0; for($i = -1; ++$i < max(($rC = count($root)), ($dC = count($dest)));) { if(isset($root[$i]) and isset($dest[$i])) { if($diff) { $path .= $dir_sep. '..'; $fix .= $dir_sep. $dest[$i]; continue; } if($root[$i] != $dest[$i]) { $diff = 1; $path .= $dir_sep. '..'; $fix .= $dir_sep. $dest[$i]; continue; } } elseif(!isset($root[$i]) and isset($dest[$i])) { for($j = $i-1; ++$j < $dC;) { $fix .= $dir_sep. $dest[$j]; } break; } elseif(isset($root[$i]) and !isset($dest[$i])) { for($j = $i-1; ++$j < $rC;) { $fix = $dir_sep. '..'. $fix; } break; } } return $path. $fix; } cjunge
eric at themepark dot com noted that realpath() strips off the trailing directory separator. This is only correct for PHP4! PHP5 seems to have silently "corrected" this behaviour, now leaving the trailing separator. This can result in incorrect behaviour if your path isn't meant to contain a trailing separator. eg: PHP4: realpath("some/path/with/a/trailing/slash/") => "[root]/some/path/with/a/trailing/slash" PHP5: realpath("some/path/with/a/trailing/slash/") => "[root]/some/path/with/a/trailing/slash/" viaujoc
Beware that the use of a NULL value for the $path argument will give different results depending on the platform: On Windows, realpath(null) will return the current path (same as realpath(".")). On Linux (tested on Kernel 2.6) it will return FALSE. |
Change Language![]() basename chgrp chmod chown clearstatcache copy delete dirname disk_free_space disk_total_space diskfreespace fclose feof fflush fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss file_exists file_get_contents file_put_contents file fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype flock fnmatch fopen fpassthru fputcsv fputs fread fscanf fseek fstat ftell ftruncate fwrite glob is_dir is_executable is_file is_link is_readable is_uploaded_file is_writable is_writeable lchgrp lchown link linkinfo lstat mkdir move_uploaded_file parse_ini_file pathinfo pclose popen readfile readlink realpath rename rewind rmdir set_file_buffer stat symlink tempnam tmpfile touch umask unlink |