![]() reset
Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 320. reset() example<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » reset Examples ( Source code ) » Form value validation Examples ( Source code ) » Form Data Validation With Error Count Examples ( Source code ) » A Dynamic Bar Chart Examples ( Source code ) » Design Patterns Decorator Examples ( Source code ) » Iterating an Array with foreach and while/list/each Examples ( Source code ) » Animated Talking Captcha php class Examples ( Source code ) » E-mail address validation class Examples ( Source code ) » Query the Google API using SOAP and PHP. Code Examples / Notes » resetkk
When used on a scalar or unset value, reset() spews warning messages. This is often a problem when accessing arrays generated from HTML form input data: these are scalar or unset if the user didn't enter sufficient information. You can silence these error messages by prefixing an @ (at sign) to reset(), but it is better style to protect your reset() and the following array traversal with an if (isset()). Example code: if (isset($form_array)) { reset($form_array); while (list($k, $v) = each($form_array) { do_something($k, $v); } } steffen schomberg
The following method resets every array contained in a multi-dimensional array recursively. It takes the multi-dimensional array as parameter. function Array_Dimensional_Reset(&$arrRef) { foreach ($arrRef as $key=>$val) { if (is_array($val)) { $this->Array_Dimensional_Reset($val); reset($arrRef[$key]); } } } tac
Related to resetting an array is resetting a result set back to the beginning, so you can loop through it again. To do that, use mysql_data_seek($result, 0) I use this often when debugging -- do a query, print it out, then loop through it a second time to process. I'm adding this here under Reset because that's where I originally looked for this functionality. leaetherstrip
Note that reset() will not affect sub-arrays of multidimensional array. For example, <?php $arr = array( 1 => array(2,3,4,5,6), 2 => array(6,7,8,9,10) ); while(list($i,) = each($arr)) { echo "IN \$arr[$i] "; while(list($sub_i,$entry) = each($arr[$i])) { echo "\$arr[$i][$sub_i] = $entry "; } } reset($arr); // Do the same again while(list($i,) = each($arr)) { echo "IN \$arr[$i] "; while(list($sub_i,$entry) = each($arr[$i])) { echo "\$arr[$i][$sub_i] = $entry "; } } ?> will print IN $arr[1] $arr[1][0] = 2 $arr[1][1] = 3 $arr[1][2] = 4 $arr[1][3] = 5 $arr[1][4] = 6 IN $arr[2] $arr[2][0] = 6 $arr[2][1] = 7 $arr[2][2] = 8 $arr[2][3] = 9 $arr[2][4] = 10 IN $arr[1] IN $arr[2] 27-feb-2006 09:20
I wrote a nice function, which rotates values of array. Very useful for table rows where you have to rotate colors <?php function rotate(&$array) { $item = current($array); if (!next($array)) reset($array); return $item; } ?> colin
I had a problem with PHP 5.0.5 somehow resetting a sub-array of an array with no apparent reason. The problem was in doing a foreach() on the parent array PHP was making a copy of the subarrays and in doing so it was resetting the internal pointers of the original array. The following code demonstrates the resetting of a subarray: <? $a = array( 'a' => array( 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', ), 'b' => array( 'AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD', ), ); // Set the pointer of $a to 'b' and the pointer of 'b' to 'CC' reset($a); next($a); next($a['b']); next($a['b']); next($a['b']); var_dump(key($a['b'])); foreach($a as $k => $d) { } var_dump(key($a['b'])); ?> The result of the two var dumps are 3 and 0, respectively. Clearly the internal pointer of $a['b'] was reset by doing the foreach loop over $a. Each time the foreach loop iterated over the 'a' and 'b' keys of $a it made a copy of $a['a'] and $a['b'] into $d which resetted the internal pointers of $a['a'] and $a['b'] despite making no obvious changes. The solution is instead to iterate over the keys of $a. <? foreach(array_keys($a) as $k) { } ?> and using $a[$k] (or creating an alias of $a[$k] as $d and dealing with the consequences of using aliases). For the curious, I was implementing the Iterator interface on a dummy object and calling a global object to do the actual iteration (also to cope with PHP's lack of C-style pointers which when doing a $a = $b on objects would cause the data in $a to be inconsistent with the data in $b when modified). Being that I had many dummy objects representing different data sets I chose to store each data set as a subarray contained within the global object. To make this work each dummy object has to store a key (which can freely be duplicated without problems) that it passes to the global object when rewind, key, current, next, and valid were called on the dummy object. Unfortunately for me, my key required to be more than just a simple string or number (if it was then it could be used to directly index the subarray of data for that object and problem avoided) but was an array of strings. Instead, I had to iterate over (with a foreach loop) each subarray and compare the key to a variable stored within the subarray. So by using a foreach loop in this manner and with PHP resetting the pointer of subarrays it ended up causing an infinite loop. Really, this could be solved by PHP maintaining internal pointers on arrays even after copying. kevin
Here is a simple example on how to combine 2 arrays. Here we use array_combine() to create list of months and there respective month number. The same result could just as easily be achieved with array('1'=>'January') etc. <?php // make it or break it error_reporting(E_ALL); // create and array of keys $keys = range(1,12); // create an array of months $months = array( 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ); // combine the arrays $combined_array = array_combine($keys, $months); // echo out the results foreach($combined_array as $k=>$v){ echo $k.' -> '.$v.'<br />'; } ?> m dot lebkowski+php
Colin, there`s a better (IMO) way to solve your problem. <? // ... foreach($a as $k => &$d){} // notice the "&" // ... ?> It`s a new feature in PHP5 to use references in foreach loop. This way PHP isn`t making a copy of the array, so the internal pointer won`t be reset. s_p_a_mcatcher
Be aware that when using reset() to clear an element and key from an array, if auto-incrementing, the new array keys will not reset a key previously set: $temparray[] = "0"; $temparray[] = "1"; $temparray[] = "2"; unset($temparray[2]); $temparray[] = "2"; $temparray[] = "3"; print_r($temparray); The above will return: Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [3] => 2 [4] => 3 ) When attempting something like this, its better to use array_pop(). hope it helped jules
Be aware that if you give an empty array to reset(), what you'll get back is a boolean. consider... $myarray = array(); $ret = reset($myarray); echo 'reset has type '. gettype($ret) .' and val * '. $ret; if( $ret ) { echo '*. But it evaluates true'; } else { echo '*. It evaluates false'; } if( is_null($ret) ) { echo ', and appears null'; } { echo ', and appears not null'; } echo '.'; <output> reset has type boolean and val * *. It evaluates false, and appears not null. </output> <bleaugh/> alexandre koriakine
Also it's good to reset this way the multidimentional arrays: reset($voo2['moder']); while (list($key, $value) = each ($voo2['moder'])) { reset($voo2['moder'][$key]); while (list($key1, $value1) = each ($voo2['moder'][$key])) { #do what u want } } 02-jul-2001 03:30
A cleaner (better?) way would be to use is_array() instead: if (is_array($form_array)) { [array stuff here] } |
Change Language![]() array_change_key_case array_chunk array_combine array_count_values array_diff_assoc array_diff_key array_diff_uassoc array_diff_ukey array_diff array_fill_keys array_fill array_filter array_flip array_intersect_assoc array_intersect_key array_intersect_uassoc array_intersect_ukey array_intersect array_key_exists array_keys array_map array_merge_recursive array_merge array_multisort array_pad array_pop array_product array_push array_rand array_reduce array_reverse array_search array_shift array_slice array_splice array_sum array_udiff_assoc array_udiff_uassoc array_udiff array_uintersect_assoc array_uintersect_uassoc array_uintersect array_unique array_unshift array_values array_walk_recursive array_walk array arsort asort compact count current each end extract in_array key krsort ksort list natcasesort natsort next pos prev range reset rsort shuffle sizeof sort uasort uksort usort |