![]() session_cache_expire
Return current cache expire
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
Example 2222. session_cache_expire() example<?php Code Examples / Notes » session_cache_expireinfo
you can change the max lifetime for a session with the function ini_set(). <?php ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", "18000"); ?> This will set the max lifetime of the script to 5 hours. You have to use this in every script that you want to change the default lifetime for. if you want to know the lifetime of your current script, you can use: <?php echo ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime"); ?> lance_rushing
I've encountered the same problem of loosing focus when using IE and a javascript window.location.refresh/replace(). After fusing around I found that a <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600"> works without move the focus on the parent frame's form. The down side is loading up the browser history and an annoying 'click' in IE on the page load. lukasz
I had a problem with session expiration time on a server where I didn't have access to php.ini. My solution was to use session_save_path with my own dir.
bermi·ferrer· ·at· ·akelos· no·spam ·com
Hello, Some of my customers asked me for a solution form their session not to expire when filling large forms. Sometimes it takes them more than 2 hours to submit (phone, desk customers...). I know I could have forced an ilayer to be refreshed dynamically and then include PHP code using session_cache_expire() function, but this refreshing a page changes the form focus. So I found this the only solution for them not to loose focus over their form element. You can make a session not to expire by using this code. Its a mixture of PHP and JavaScript and can be used on the same page were your code goes or it can be called using an ilayer/iframe from your page. I know this is not the best practice, but in some cases were user has no control over server globals and security is not important this can help. Here is the code. <? //First of all we prevent browsers from caching the image header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); //This piece of code returns a blank gif if($_GET[img] > 0){ header('Content-Type: image/gif'); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".time().".gif"); echo base64_decode(str_replace("\n",""," R0lGODlhAQABAPcAAAAAAAAAQAAAgAAA/ wAgAAAgQAAggAAg/wBAAABAQABAgABA/ wBgAABgQABggABg/wCAAACAQACAgACA/ wCgAACgQACggACg/wDAAADAQADAgADA/ wD/AAD/QAD/gAD//yAAACAAQCAAgCAA/ yAgACAgQCAggCAg/yBAACBAQCBAgCBA/ yBgACBgQCBggCBg/yCAACCAQCCAgCCA/ yCgACCgQCCggCCg/yDAACDAQCDAgCDA/ yD/ACD/QCD/gCD//0AAAEAAQEAAgEAA/ 0AgAEAgQEAggEAg/0BAAEBAQEBAgEBA/ 0BgAEBgQEBggEBg/0CAAECAQECAgECA/ 0CgAECgQECggECg/0DAAEDAQEDAgEDA/ 0D/AED/QED/gED//2AAAGAAQGAAgGAA/ 2AgAGAgQGAggGAg/2BAAGBAQGBAgGBA/ 2BgAGBgQGBggGBg/2CAAGCAQGCAgGCA/ 2CgAGCgQGCggGCg/2DAAGDAQGDAgGDA/ 2D/AGD/QGD/gGD//4AAAIAAQIAAgIAA/ 4AgAIAgQIAggIAg/4BAAIBAQIBAgIBA/ 4BgAIBgQIBggIBg/4CAAICAQICAgICA/ 4CgAICgQICggICg/4DAAIDAQIDAgIDA/ 4D/AID/QID/gID//6AAAKAAQKAAgKAA/ 6AgAKAgQKAggKAg/6BAAKBAQKBAgKBA/ 6BgAKBgQKBggKBg/6CAAKCAQKCAgKCA/ 6CgAKCgQKCggKCg/6DAAKDAQKDAgKDA/ 6D/AKD/QKD/gKD//8AAAMAAQMAAgMAA/ 8AgAMAgQMAggMAg/8BAAMBAQMBAgMBA/ 8BgAMBgQMBggMBg/8CAAMCAQMCAgMCA/ 8CgAMCgQMCggMCg/8DAAMDAQMDAgMDA/ 8D/AMD/QMD/gMD///8AAP8AQP8AgP8A/ /8gAP8gQP8ggP8g//9AAP9AQP9AgP9A/ /9gAP9gQP9ggP9g//+AAP+AQP+AgP+A/ /+gAP+gQP+ggP+g///AAP/AQP/AgP/A/ ///AP//QP//gP///yH5BAEAAP8ALAAAA AABAAEAAAgEAP8FBAA7")); exit; } ?> <!-- HERE YOU CAN INSERT THE HTML OR PHP CODE --> <img name="keepUpdated" src="<?=$_SELF?>?img=999"> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- var updateEvery = 30;//Seconds function keepUpdated() { timer=setTimeout("updateImage()",1000*updateEvery) } function updateImage() { var randNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*999); document.images.keepUpdated.src ="<?=$_SELF?>?img="+randNum; keepUpdated(); } keepUpdated(); //--> </script> I hope this can be helpful for someone. Bermi Ferrer djmaze
After recieving a "bogus" mark on a bug report i've tried to find out the differences between cache_expire and what was causing a session delete after 24 minutes. cache_expire is used for cached session pages and has nothing to do with the session data The garbage collector controls the session data and destroys sessions which are older then 1440 seconds (24 minutes) by default. So to keep a session alive longer then 24 minutes (for example when a visitor tries to POST a huge message that took him 1 hour to type), you must modify the session.gc_maxlifetime thru ini_set() Somehow i couldn't find anything in the PHP documentation regarding this and due to that me (and i think many others) got the wrong ideas regarding PHP sessions. A few examples to fix session timeout are already posted below but in my opinion they all missed session.gc_maxlifetime |
Change Language![]() session_cache_expire session_cache_limiter session_commit session_decode session_destroy session_encode session_get_cookie_params session_id session_is_registered session_module_name session_name session_regenerate_id session_register session_save_path session_set_cookie_params session_set_save_handler session_start session_unregister session_unset session_write_close |