![]() set_magic_quotes_runtime
Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Examples ( Source code ) » set_magic_quotes_runtime
Code Examples / Notes » set_magic_quotes_runtimetilman dot schroeder
To php at nospam-qualystem dot com: For your purposes it's easier to open the file in binary mode (fopen("file.txt","wb")) than setting magic_quotes_runtime to off ;) yanshuldg
set_magic_quote_runtime(1) is very userful for copying data from one table to another table in mysql when there are many columns need addslashes
I think the post below is useless here.. magic_quotes_runtime is not magic_quotes_gpc.. when magic_quotes_runtime is enabled (on, =1, true), then every function call working with some kind of database will return strings with slashes (like addslashes everytime you call such a function). magic_quotes_gpc instead is what is meant in the post below - and in fact, magic_quotes_runtime does not do anything to it. but if there existed some function like set_magic_quotes_gpc it would not do anything too, the reason is mentioned below.. so if you're searchin' for a way to turn off quotes_gpc than set the directive in the INI-File or with the help of the php_value-flag of mod_php, when php is compiled as an apache module, inside of an .htaccess-file (PERDIR-configuration). otherwise you really have to check wether quotes_gpc is enabled or not and than add addslashes or stripslashes as you need on the input-variables. and as mentioned in the post below that one belows this one ( -.- ) magic_quotes_runtime is mostrly useless too.. php
get_magic_quotes runtime and set_magic_quotes_runtime are useful when you want to read some data in a binary file using fread() and some bytes in such file may be interpreted as \ (backslash), " (double quotes), ' (simple quote) or any "special" character that has a meaning for string processing.
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