![]() set_include_path
Sets the include_path configuration option
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
Example 1859. set_include_path() example<?php Example 1860. Adding to the include path
Making use of the
In this example we add <?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » set_include_path Examples ( Source code ) » get_include_path Code Examples / Notes » set_include_pathkoenig
You can also add several paths in one set_include_path separating them by ':'. ex : set_include_path('/home/mysite/includes1:/home/mysite/includes2') junya
When you use .htaccess to set the include path, don't forget Apache directive 'AllowOverride Options' or 'AllowOverride All' is also needed.
marc dot jaeger
Not shure if it is possible to use wildchars when setting include_path in php.ini [for example include_path=.:/usr/lib/php:/home/*/includes ].
Just a note on koenig at electronova dot net's post: to be OS independent you'd use '.PATH_SEPARATOR.' in place of : df a t dougfelton d o t c o m
In order to use .htaccess files to set the include path, PHP must be installed as an Apache module. If PHP is compiled as a CGI binary, you can set the include path in a custom php.ini file (if, for example, you're being hosted somewhere and don't have access to the main php.ini file. Note that custom php.ini files don't affect subdirectories in the way that .htaccess files do, so you'll need to put your custom php.ini file in any subdirectories as well.
r dot s dot goldsmith
If you want to set the paths php uses to find included files on a directory by directory level, you can do so in Apache's .htaccess file. Add the line: php_value include_path "<first path to look>:<second path>:<etc>:." to the .htaccess file. This will replace any paths set in your environment or the php.ini file so remember to include the path to php's own libraries as, usually, the first option! V.useful tip given to me by the 'php guy' at Edinburgh Uni's Computing Support. chris-r3i
Can be useful to check the value of the constant PATH_SEPARATOR. if ( ! defined( "PATH_SEPARATOR" ) ) { if ( strpos( $_ENV[ "OS" ], "Win" ) !== false ) define( "PATH_SEPARATOR", ";" ); else define( "PATH_SEPARATOR", ":" ); } For older versions of php, PATH_SEPARATOR is not defined. If it is so, we must check what kind of OS is on the web-server and define PATH_SEPARATOR properly |
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