![]() socket_set_option
Sets socket options for the socket
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
Example 2303. socket_set_option() example<?php Code Examples / Notes » socket_set_optiontim
To set a socket timeout value (assuming you've set it blocking) use: socket_set_option( $socket, SOL_SOCKET, // socket level SO_SNDTIMEO, // timeout option array( "sec"=>10, // Timeout in seconds "usec"=>0 // I assume timeout in microseconds ) ); drenintell
To expand a bit more on what "tim at e2-media dot co dot nz" started. SO_SNDTIMEO is one of the many constants you can use with socket_set_option. See http://ca.php.net/manual/en/ref.sockets.php for the available Predefind Constants and visit http://man.he.net/man2/setsockopt for the meaning of the ones relevant. Tim's example might seem at first a bit non-intuitive since he is using the SO_SNDTIMEO constant. Which means, if the socket has to send out data, it must do it within the limit specified - in his case 10 seconds. Usually you won't set a timeout for sending out data. Nevertheless, the example is valid, and there are situations where you need to do so. A more intuitive use of socket_set_option would be to set a time out for a blocking socket (a socket that waits for data to be receive when read from). You would do this like so: socket_set_option($socket,SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array("sec"=>0, "usec"=>100)); Notice that sec= 0 and usec= 100; Depending on how long you want your program to wait to recieve data, you might want to change these values. Regards, drenintell ludvig dot ericson
I would like to comment on the previous note regarding blocking sockets. There is more to blocking sockets than waiting for data to be received when trying to be read upon, just to make example, a listening blocking socket will wait for a client to try to connect before it returns when you socket_accept() it. 19-jun-2002 06:35
Example: I am not sure if the fourth argument (optval) is used in SO_REUSEADDR ... I don't think it is... In that case, this is how you set your socket re-usable: socket_set_option($socket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1); |
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