![]() str_repeat
Repeat a string
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Example 2445. str_repeat() example<?php The above example will output: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Related Examples ( Source code ) » str_repeat Examples ( Source code ) » String Repeat Demo Code Examples / Notes » str_repeat21-jul-2003 06:45
str_repeat does not repeat symbol with code 0 on some (maybe all?) systems (tested on PHP Version 4.3.2 , FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE i386 ). Use <pre> while(strlen($str) < $desired) $str .= chr(0); </pre> to have string filled with zero-symbols. dakota
Note that the first argument is parsed only once, so it's impossible to do things like this: echo str_repeat(++$i, 10); The example will produce 10 times the value of $i+1, and will not do a cycle from $i to $i+10. 15-sep-2005 03:32
In reply to what Roland Knall wrote: It is much simpler to use printf() or sprintf() for leading zeros. <?php printf("%05d \n", 1); // Will echo 00001 sprintf("%05d \n", 1); // Will return 00001 ?> alper kaya
If you want to hide a part of your password, you can use this code. It's very simple and might be required in your user management panel. <?php $password = "12345abcdef"; $visibleLength = 4; // 4 chars from the beginning echo substr($password,0,4).str_repeat("*", (strlen($password)-$visibleLength)); ?> bryantspamw
(For the benefit of those searching the website:) This is the equivalent of Perl's "x" (repetition) operator, for eg. str_repeat("blah", 8) in PHP does the same thing as "blah" x 8 in Perl. |
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